View Full Version : Who's Offline?

Nov 3, 2002, 01:36 AM
Abdur. Myself (until I find out where I can get a modem). You?

Nov 3, 2002, 01:38 AM
i just picked the game up today...

dont ask me why : P

but, im actually thinking this game might be pretty nice once i get going...now...

can i hook a broadband up to my router? im curious about that...info people ^_^

Nov 3, 2002, 01:39 AM
Yeah, still offline. I'm too lazy to do the setup to get online... tomorrow's the day. And tonight I finish Hard ruins.

Ian D
Nov 3, 2002, 01:50 AM
I want to be online but when I went to EB to get my BBA they were sold out... hopefully I'll be on sometime later in the week.

Nov 3, 2002, 02:09 AM
im offline. i got friends to play with here so maybe i wont ever go online..

Nov 3, 2002, 02:23 AM
Good lord people, ONLINE is in the title so that you can play ONLINE. I mean, offline is there for some less fortunate, but I cant stand playing offline if my cable is working. (By the way, hooking up the BBA takes about 30 seconds and the GC does all the configuring for you).

Nov 3, 2002, 03:33 AM
Only if you don't have a router.

Surprisingly I've been having a lot of fun offline. With DC v1 I NEVER played offline, but I've found a helluva lot more stuff in the past few days playing alone.

Plus, what's the point? We can't really talk to each other without KB's anyway.

Nov 3, 2002, 06:58 AM
Let me share this, I run a cheap router between my PC and my GC, I didnt touch the install disc my router came with, i just plugged and played. omg, how easy is it to play with BBA. I prepurchased the bba, like most of you should have done. No sympathy for the foolz off-line. =P j/k Now it seems now I'm waiting for a back-order of the keyboard, seems i didnt do everything right in advance, in the meantime I use shortcut phrases like, "I have no keyboard, how are you doing?!" **Waiting patiently for my IMPORTED key board** Dumm dumm dumm.

Nov 3, 2002, 08:29 AM
I picked up the game yesterday and had a blast playing split screen with my old pso friends.

Online is starting to look more and more of an anoyance then a benefit; I get to pay money to play a game i already own....with ppl who will be stealing, and acting like idiots. Hmmmm sounds tempting.

I find it funny that Im having these feelings since I never played V2 offline, ever.

eh....maybe I'm just getting old, and my tolerance for 'young whipper-snappers' is going down. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Nov 3, 2002, 09:38 AM
I'm offline, until the XBox version anyways. I just can't paying for all the stuff to put the GameCube online, and just for one game. XBL would get a lot more use from me.

Nov 3, 2002, 10:53 AM
On 2002-11-03 05:29, Ayu wrote:
I picked up the game yesterday and had a blast playing split screen with my old pso friends.

I play split screen with my 12 year old nephew. It's fun, but I think I have a bit more fun by myself. Hopefully he'll get used to the controls and play mechanics. Right now I have to hold his hand x_X

Online is starting to look more and more of an anoyance then a benefit; I get to pay money to play a game i already own....with ppl who will be stealing, and acting like idiots. Hmmmm sounds tempting.

With the new release, there's a trade window for items. And offline, items never drop, I beleive it's the same for multiplayer. If you die with meseta on your character, it gets lost. But thats fine, I'll take lost meseta over a swiped rare, right? =)

Nov 3, 2002, 11:16 AM
On 2002-11-03 06:38, hagakura wrote:
I'm offline, until the XBox version anyways. I just can't paying for all the stuff to put the GameCube online, and just for one game. XBL would get a lot more use from me.

Me 2, waiting for XBl. got the game the 30th, I play it offline but I'll try to find a friend who got bba so I could borrow his.

Nov 3, 2002, 09:51 PM
I just got my game today, and the only prob is i have no more money for a modem , so i gotta play w/ my lil bro for awile.

Nov 3, 2002, 10:44 PM
Heck, the only time I played offline was to try it out and to see if I could get an Addslot in Forest (instead, I just killed the boss). Other than that, I've gotten my other 24 levels from online.

Nov 5, 2002, 02:22 AM
I'm used to playing offline, myself...I never had a dialup account until recently with my DC, and now I've gotta wait until I can afford to get the GC adaptor. And I have to decide which type to get, since both could be useful to me. And I have to have enough cash for an HL, to make it worth the money for the adaptor...considering I'm so used to offline, I think I might hold out for a while.

'specially since I have a nice large pile of friends to splitscreen with, what with living in a dorm and all. Even when I have been online, I've mostly been playing with people I can shout at to save typing.

'course, the trouble with staying offline is that with no new quests to fiddle with, it could get pretty lonely pretty quick. I'll have to see...

Nov 5, 2002, 03:23 AM
Still offline. Actually, I'm completely off the GC PSO.... After realizing that unfixed importers are screwed over the head for a big time and that domestic had some wierd launch, (lack of copies, lack of modems and bba, too much for HL) thus I ended up unable to find a domestic copy. Doh.... And I bought BBA on the day EB recieved it.... Well, I sold my import to the import & used game store, (suckas unaware of doomed version) now I patiently wait for either domestics to restock OR domestic X-Box version.

Yeah, last time on v.2, non-importers got screwed over, because it was pretty much corrupted before domestic even arrived..... Now on GC, importers are screwed due to that stupid duping bug..... Just great..... =(

Bah, can't cry over spilled milk.....

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sedric on 2002-11-05 00:24 ]</font>

Nov 5, 2002, 10:16 AM
Thx god for the election, no school, lv up day....Hey am getting my bba in 3 days!