View Full Version : FanFic: Chronicle of Eternia

Sep 3, 2006, 10:23 PM
The only reason you should be reading this is if I have parished or transended.

This document contains the last week of my known existance. I hope these words will help to shine light on the injustice that has befallen my siblings and myself.

This, is my story.

160 UTU

"Brother, how many pieces are you going to eat?" I growl with growing impatience at the disappearing food.

I am Kyle Osataka, also known as Kryelxe or K.

"As much as I want bro, do you have a problem?" replies a snide voice with intent on conquer.

He, is my younger brother, Drew. Also known as Dre_o, or D, as some call him.

"Yes I do!"
"Well do something about it!"

Withdrawing our Photon Blades, the clash creates a wave of sparks that flies around the room.

I hate him. I hate him for everything he is. I hate him for everything he did. Yet, he is the only one.

"Guys, calm down. I'm trying to eat here" mumbles a figure in the corner.

The first voice, is the youngest brother Doug, also known to some as G. He is the most foolish, self absorbed, careless being I know. Yet, he is the only one.

"Boys Boys, the house is a no fighting zone! Take it outside!" speaks a monotone voice.

That is PUG, the Partner Machine given to us before our parents vanished. The only remaining piece of their memory.

"Oh PUG, can't I finish him off here?"
"Ha! Even if you got the chance, I'm the oldest, I'd win."

Unfortuanetly, back then, I was unaware of the inpending future that was looming so close on the horizon. If I had only known.
End First Transmission

Hoorah for the randomness of work.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Dre_o on 2006-09-09 19:56 ]</font>

Sep 4, 2006, 07:57 AM
It seems like a good start; quite the cliff-hanger, if anything. You might think about extending the length of your posts, though. Your first post here has very little action to make readers want to come back.

It does have a nice bit of character development; makes me wonder why he hates his brother quite so much.

Sep 9, 2006, 10:51 PM
Next Transmission

280 UTU, Next Sun Cycle

Awoken by a familiar sound, I arose to the glow of my bed side Personal Computer Terminal. On screen lies a message:

[Mission: Exterminate enemies on Parum. Personal Request. Reward 60,000 Meseta]

Our family, the three of us, were always in problems with money. We didn't live mission to mission, but it was close. This mission peaked my interest, 60K seemed like a dream. With a simple extermination, no protection. A piece of cake.

"Guys!" I screamed through the pale darkness.

".....wha.....?" emmulated a groaning voice.

"We've got an extermination!"


As a common routine, I flickered my eyes back to the screen in search of the date. Only now do I realize the ignorance of that maneuver. Had I looked closer, I most likely would've noticed the one piece of data missing.

"It starts at 100 today! We in?"

"....sure, whatever."

Promptly, and with equal speed as the glance, I send a reply in the affirmative, and quickly fell back to sleep.

Perhaps this would be an adequate time to elaborate myself. My brothers and myself were part of a trio of Guardians. We worked as a team in order to produce the highest quality of success possible. Though our problems with each other would often impede our work, we always got the job done on time.

Because of this, we were always the first to be called on in a moment of crisis. Yet also because of this, we obtained unknown enemies.

300 UTU Same Sun Cycle

" Boys! Boys! We've recieved another message from your current employer! " bellowed an excited P.U.G.

"What's it say?" Drew shouted from his isolated room.

" Time: 280 UTU Subject: Mission "

"P.U.G!!!! Condense it please!" I shrieked from my restroom.

Another critical mistake which I would most likely have saved us from such a horrible quagmire of lies. Without that, we would've seen the error again.

" Very well. It appears that you three will be the only Guardians on this Mission. Is that acceptable?

"Cool cool! We'll be fine."

"We'll be better than fine! We won't get scartched" jested Douglas from in front of the Television.

"Indeed!" Drew bursted from his doorway.

"Ok then, it's settled! We go exterminating!"

With that sentence, we sealed our fate.

End of second transmission.

Sep 20, 2006, 10:02 PM
Begin third transmission
110 UTU Planet surface: Parum

From the insertion point, we began the "routine" extermination mission. There were less enemies than we expected. Another fault of the mission. Any extermination mission always has more enemies than this. Always.

"Guys! Lets get a move on. This mission is just about done." I hollered as I finish off a Distoba.

"Hey hey! Calm down! We can take our time!" chuckled Drew in front of his own opponent. Dammit, I hate him. Carefree and fun. Damn it to hell.

The area cleared out leaving us in the middle of an open field. Grassy, flowered, beautiful. It almost permiates an aura of serenity. Soon to be the shattered.

"Guys....." seethes Doug....

"I know, I feel it too."

"What is it?"

No sooner did the area fall siege to a hail of fire. Smoldering boulders and pieces of shrapnel obliderated the area. Only by mere luck did we escape the barrage. We might have been luckier to get killed in the attack.

"Ugh," as I climbed out of a pile of cinders," You guys ok?"

"Well, I'm alive, that's good enough." Drew groaned as he evicted himself.

"Yea, I'm ok." grumbled Doug

Our reunion was cut short as a blast of wind slamms into the area. From beyond sight, a figure approaced in the air. Huge, grotesque, and angry, the De Ragan headed straight for us. In my heart, an emotion arose that I was not used to. Fear.

"Oh shit." hissed Drew.

The impact from the landing knocked us off our feet. Impact followed by a blood thinning roar. Fear was now all I knew.

"Well..guys.." I began to studder.

"How will we fight it..?"

"I have no idea.."

Yet we had no time to think. Without hessitation, the Ragan began spewing fire. Without a second to react, we dove behind cover.

"We're in trouble!" Doug screamed.

As if his cry had been answered, the area opened up with the light of multiple mobile teleporters. From every portal, emerged a heavily armed Cast Ranger.

" Primary objective: Subdue De Ragan "

"Perfect!" jingles Doug.

Damn him. With everything he says, something always goes wrong. But once I think about it.

We were startled by the sound of multiple metalic steps behind us. Turning, we found ourselves face to face with an array of military androids.

" Kyle, Drew, Douglas Osataka? "

"Yes, that would be us."

" You are under arrest by the Guardian Directorate. "

End third transmission

Sep 22, 2006, 01:44 AM
Good fic; the writing style prevents it from getting too tedious in a block-of-text style. You also manage to keep up some good suspense without going too far over the top.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: RubyEclipse on 2006-09-21 23:45 ]</font>

Oct 8, 2006, 12:44 AM
Begin fourth transmission
UTU Unknown, Guardian Colony.

The trial, if you could call it that, was over within an hour. All three of us where bound and shoved into a dark room. One after another, witnesses appeared before us, pleaded their one sided stories and then dissappeared. Eventually, the verdict was passed.

"I, Lieutenant Colonal Vas Bradly, hereby sentence the Osataka family to imprisonment for life under Code 134.56.645 of the Guardian Directorate."

I found this judgement to be strangely entertaining which explained why I was still laughing by the time I had been placed in my cell.

"Kyle.....what is so funny?" mumbled Drew from the cell adjacent to mine.

"Heh heh heh......wow......I don't know.." a corse smile crawls across my face, "I just think I've realized we've been set up."

"Jeeze...you didn't realize that before?" slathers Doug's sarcastic voice.

"Pshh maybe....but then again...."


"But then again....I didn't think we were going to need a way out."

The smile turned vicious.

End fourth transmission

Oct 17, 2006, 05:12 PM
Begin fifth transmission
UTU Still Unknown Guardian Detention Area

Perhaps I should explain myself for that previous demonstration.

From the time of our arrest to a time of which I don't have any clue about, our "Leaders" put me through multiple interrogations. Usually the classic small room, one talker treatment. Questions about why we were on Parum during a lockdown, why we incited the De Regan to attack, most of which were answered before I had a chance.

"True, we were on Parum during the time of the lockdown, but we meant absolutely no harm." I retorted with my arms and legs crossed.

"Lies! We know damn good and well you were trying a deliborate act of terrorism against the Colony!" blasted my Beast opponent.

"Really? And how would you know this?"

"We have documented proof that you took a job from the Black Hand with full intent to execute that mission."

"Oh really? I would like to see this so called 'documentation.' "

"That is none of your concern. Take him away."

Two casts appear from the shadows and excorted me back to my cell. I let silence filter through the entire area before sharing my information.

"Guys.....Are we alone."

"Affirmative." seethes Drew from his cell floor.

"What'd you find out?" mumbles Doug.

"Yea we've definetly been set up. Worse, it's by the Black Hand."

"What? We've done nothing to them!"

"That's what I thought, but now, we've been branded mercenaries of the Black Hand."

"Pshhh....That's it, I've had enough of this."

Seconds later, the sound of metal hitting the floor rings out like a bell at midnight.

"It's time to get out of here." Drew says as his shackals settle onto the dull gray floor

End Fifth Transmission

Nov 27, 2006, 10:04 PM
Sixth Transmission
UTU Unknown Guardian Detention Area

"It's time to get out of here." Dre hisses as he fiddles with the lock system on his cell.

"Ok, well how do you suggest we do that?" I chuckle with sarcastic humor.

"Like this." He was already fiddling with my door, his cell no longer guarded by a photon shield. "Done." as my door's shield faded.

Looking back I should've anticipated his prowess in the situation, he always was the fastest thinker.

"What about Doug?"

"Already done!" he huffed as the other shield dropped.

"Ok, what now?" I shuffled around nervously.

"No clue." Dre said, short of breath.


"I didn't play THAT far ahead."

Well then, come to think of it, I really should've expected THAT as well...

"Shhh...Someone's coming!" Doug whispered from in front of the closed doorway.

"Damnit! What now??"
Sixth Transmission Interrupted

Well, now that my mother has freaked out and Kind of grounded me (VERY long story), I should be finishing this soon as well of working in some kind of postable artwork (right now I'm experimenting with random mediums I have around my room including pastels, charcoal and a couple other things.

Nov 28, 2006, 12:05 AM

Dec 1, 2006, 10:37 PM
Resume Sixth Transmission
We had no clue whether those footsteps were coming for us or passing by, but we had no option but to dissappear.

Echoing steps slowed to a halt and let the final rings fade away.The cell block door slid open and in stepped an android. A very small android. A very customized android. P.U.G.

"Boys! Boys? Are you in here? " the confused android did the best it could to whisper.

"PUG?" Drew said from a dark cell, "That's you right PUG?"

"Affirmative. Protocall 134 allows me to leave our housing if you do not make contact for an extended period of time. " the little CAST recited as if it had practiced.

"Ok, I understand PUG thank you, but how did you get in here?" I asked with complete amazement.

" As a Partner Machine, I have full access to all databases and security areas under control of the Guardians. Locating your location was not difficult. But unlike other Machines of my design, " said the proud android,"I am not limited to the protocall installed during my creation."

P.U.G, a gift from our late mother and father, is a fully customized, GR 505 model Partner Machine, the only one in existance. Modified down the the very programming of it's CPU, P.U.G isn't bound by the many laws and ideals set by the original creators of Partner Machines.

" I also come with startling news. " PUG started, rigid at attention. " On the planet Parum, an armed malitia calling itself the Black Hand has begun an open revolt against the Parum government and is advancing in Holtes City as we speak. "

End Sixth Transmission

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Dre_o on 2006-12-01 19:38 ]</font>

Dec 8, 2006, 04:33 PM
awesome story dude... i wish i could think of sumtn like this

Dec 17, 2006, 09:22 PM
Begin Seventh Transmission

Escaping from the detention area was easy enough. We simply put the shackals back on and were led out by P.U.G. The only problem occurred as we exited the Detainment area.

"Hold on! Where are you taking them? Those are arrested men!" shouted the standing guard.

" I am under authorty to remove these men from this compound " our PM said with little more than a glance.

"Under whose authority?"

" Human! Are you begging me to have you removed from your position? I am under command of the Central of Parum to bring these men to justice! Do you understand?"

"Uh....er...yes, I understand, I'm sorry sir." the man studdered, obviously caught off guard, "Would you like me to call a transport?"

" No. I am instructed to take them personally on foot. Understood? "

"Yes, yes sir."

Earlier I, I mentioned that PUG fully customized. That is what I meant. Though he is not combat capable, he has 'other talents.'

The streets of the colony were deserted in respect of the curfew. Covering ground quickly, we turn down a access tunnel.

"Well done PUG. Just like we taught you." chucked Dre setting his shackals on the floor.

" Thank you Dre, I've been practicing."

"What do you mean you've practiced?"

"That's enough" I snapped, "This is no time to play games, we need to get to Parum and fast."

"Ok then, how do you suppose we do that?" Asks Doug from against a wall.

Again, none of us had thought that far ahead. Every one of us is like that. Focused on the moment, regardless of the past or future. In that sense, one could consider that the element that, despite our major differences, that binds us as brothers.

"Wait a second!" bursted Doug as the twisted smile crawles to his face,"haha.....I've got this one."

End Seventh Transmission.

Jan 6, 2007, 07:32 PM
Eigth Transmission Begin
260 UTU Clyez City, Back street Districts.

We crept through the streets like men with blood on our hands. The shadows of the early morning lingered everywhere, concealing our movement. Yet the sun was rising and our chances of escape to Parum were falling.

Our shadows fell lightly on the exit of an alley way.

"Where are we going?" I inquired with Doug at a whisper.

"We're almost there." He returned, completely focused on the outside. I didn't trust him. I couldn't trust him. After all, he's just like me. Drew and I exchanged the same leerish glance.

"Bingo." Bursted Doug as someone came into view, "Hey Dominic! How you doin?" he shouted as he strode away from the shadows.

"G! Hey man! What's goin down man! It's been forever!" responded the young black man.

"Nothin special dude, nothin special. But hey man, I need a favor."

"Hmm? Whatcha need?....wait, I remember seeing something about you becoming a Rogue or somethin, that true?"

My heart stopped. My worst fears had been realized, the Colony's government had already started discrediting us and erasing our existance. Luckaly, I was wrong about Doug. He had planned ahead.

"Pshhhh, pretty much. But you know that's just the President flexing his muscles ya know." he said almost casually.

"Yea man, I know how it goes. You wouldn't be the first Guardian to be declared against the law haha......anyways, you said you needed a favor?"

"Yea, well me and my brothers were framed for somethin we didn't do, and we need a ride to Parum to put things right. Think you could hook us up?"

I was sweating like all hell as the man shuffled through his pockets. He could've pulled anything. Yet nothing came but the glare of the rising sun on full metal key as it landed in Doug's hands.

"Space Port 3, Docking bay 11." the man whispered," I just need two things in return. One, you have to bring it back in one piece. Two," he smiled as he turned to walk away, "I need you guys to kick some ass."

The young man walked into the shadows and dissappeared without a trace.

Consider it done.

End Eigth Transmission.

Jan 24, 2007, 11:26 PM
90 UTU Far ourskirts of Holtes City, destroyed residential area.

Our arrival on Parum was a cold and quiet one. We landed the craft we borrowed from our ally on the Colony and Drew, Doug, and myself proceeded on foot to catch up with the armed forces approaching the city.

" But boys! Why shall I not accompany you?" questioned the estatic P.U.G.

"Because we can't leave the ship here. It needs to be docked at it's usual location in the Holtes City space port in order to make sure that no suspicion is arised." I attemted to rationalize with the machine.

" But!"

"No. No questions. We have to do this, and we have to do it alone. Someone has something against us. We didn't start it, but we will finish it." Dre interjected with a startling vehemence

"And anyways, if mom and dad EVER found out that we let something happen to you, they'd kill us!" Doug chuckled.

Silence drifted through the air as the little CAST realized it had nothing it could do.

"....So be it.....Just...don't get hurt, alright boys?"

"Hmph..no problem."

The surrounding dust and debris was whipped into the air as the ship lifted from the decrepit ground and, ascending in altitude, blasted across the dark pre-morning sky. From there we had a 10 mile treck to reach the now stationary invading army. Those 10 miles would've passed much easier had it not been through the entire abandoned city that thus surrounded Holtes City.

Through the wreckage we walked for what seemed like an eternity, and it might just have been, because when we arrived at the top floor of a high rise building, the only thing we could see was fragmented buildings and the cold, cool morning sun.

"What.....what's going on?" Dre mumbled through the damp air, "I swear we could see Holtes City from the air."

"We could." I replied bluntly.

"But then what....."

"We don't have time to sit and ask questions. We need to move."

Leaping out of a window onto a sizemal piece of cement that was propped against our observatorial building, I decended without another word, followed shortly there after by the others.

I didn't know what was happening. I didn't know completely. But I had an strange, almost fearful feeling about the situation. I thought....maybe.....father.....

Feb 10, 2007, 08:53 PM
110 UTU

Our little journey continued through the rising morning light. Crushed rubble and dust of the fallen city was our only view for miles around. We walked on in silence until we reached a shallow opening in the destruction.

"Damnit! What's going on?" growled Dre. He stood on the outer perimeter of the clearing hoping for a better view.

"I dunno." Doug replied, in the same perimeter, "Do you think the city was.."

"No chance." I sharply cut in.


"Think about it. There is almost no possible way that they could destroy an entire city like Holtes in that amount of time. No smoke. No explosions. No nothing. It's here. Something is just wrong."

That's the moment that I felt it. A feeling unlike anything I've ever experienced. Something to the effect of sharp steel scraping the concrete of my spine.

"Guys....do you"

"Yea....I feel it. But what is..."

"I don't know! But now's not the time to question what it is! Lets go!" I screamed as I flew over the rubble. Nothing in my mind was able to analyze what drove me, but I knew we needed to find......something....whatever it was, we needed to discover it and fast.

UTU 115

The sharp feeling dissappeared just as fast as arrived. Clueless of our direction, we continued moving in fear of what would happen if that feeling, that pain.....came again. That's when we found the barrier.

"What...(breath)...what is that?" gasped Doug with a finger extended into the open space.

Not realizing what he meant at first, it came to me shortly after. About 5 meters ahead of us, there was a sort of...distortion. Like light reflecting off of water, it undulated in a constant motion, just colorless enough not to be seen without looking hard.

"I.....don't know..." and that was the truth.

"....Hmm....I think...." Dre said in a muffled tone, he being already next to the phanomanon, "I think...it's some sort of barrier."



"Any way to know if it's harmful? Like an electric defense or something?"

"Well....there is one way," he the picked up a sizemal rock and heaved it into the barrier.

It then desintigrated, completely. No trace was left on the opposite side the barrier. That's when the fear struck.

No way we're getting past that thing.

"Right then, well no more going this way." Doug chuckled without another thought and I was quite on his side.

"Hold up." Dre commanded, still facing the barrier.


Another second later, he was in the air.

Feb 23, 2007, 11:51 PM
UTU 116

The city was completely barren. No people, no vehicles, and no life. Dre took a brief glance around when he realized something was at his feet.

We stood on the outside of the barrier, extremely alarmed. Nothing gave us any indication that Dre was still alive. Nothing that is, until an arm flew through the barrier and grabbed Doug's shirt.

He didn't have the time to shout before he was pulled through the shield. Instinct launched me after him.

"Hey, hey, calm down, calm down." Dre's voice ushered through my closed eyes.

Realizing my closed optics, I made the adjustment and am flooded with the sight of the empty city. My mind struggled to take all the data in and Dre, seeing my discomfort, lended a hand.

"It was a camoflage and blockade barrier. Nothing harmful. Just ment to disorientate anyone coming into the city."

".....alright then. But why?" I inquired, still confused.

"Dunno," Dre sighs with his eyes rapidly traveling, "But there's only one way to find out."

Under his foot, rested the rock.

UTU 118

The barrier was enough to raise our suspicion enough for us to travel in covert style. We traveled from shadow to shadow in the vacant streets.

Our infiltration continued until the crack of radio static launched us into a panic. The static issued from our comms device.

"..(static)Boys....(static)...Boys come in"

"PUG? PUG are you there?" Drew hissed back into the static void.

" Boys! If anyone of you is there, please respond!"

With that the connection was lost. An eerie silence fell upon us as we stared into the abyss, lost in dark thoughts.

"Well then." I muttered, almost angry at the malevolent silence, "One thing's for certain now, more than ever before." My voice trailed off as I turned to the core of the city,just visible over the buildings, "There is most definitely something wrong here."

"Pshhh...ya think?"

Mar 11, 2007, 10:40 AM
UTU 119

Our advance on the core of the city continued while we assumed we'd find answers there. Those answers came faster than we thought as we rounded a corner and were stopped by the sight of a CAST. A well armed CAST. He held an Assassin tightly in his metal fingers.

"Well, that's not good," I whispered as we drew around the corner out of sight,"Now what?"

"Do you think he's just a civilian?" Dre shot, his pistol already drawn.

"With an emblem like that? No way." I was referring the emblem on the CAST's shoulder plate. An emblem of a black snake with massive fangs, surrounded by fire. "He's probably from that "Black Hand" we've been hearing about."

"Alright then, what are our options?"

"Well, we can't go back. And he is our only way forward, so.....should try and take him by force?" none of those options sounded good to me.

"No...we can't do that, it'd make too much noise." Dre seethed though clenched teeth.

"....well...I've got an idea...." Doug started. I had almost forgotten he was there.

"Well, let's hear it."

Routine patrol: Active

Warning: Live sign approaching. Direction 180

Life Sign analysis: Human. Male.

Protocol: Vocal Warning: Stop. Black Hand lock down is in effect. Return to your dwelling immediately.

Incoming Response: I am sorry, but I seem to have lost my way. Can you help?

Analysis: Navigation Error. Correct Error: Affirmative

Outgoing Response: Affirmative, proceed with me.


Those words were some of the data we extracted from the CAST as he lay on the floor, missing his limbs.

That last exerp was just for kicks.

What we did find is data relating to the terrorist attack on Holtes city. Genocide. Reconstruction. Assimilation. All of these were mentioned. What disturbed us most, was one name. Dr. Osataka.

Mar 26, 2007, 09:36 PM
The data extracted led us towards the city's core. Past the central government building and all other targets that would seem to be a target. No, we were pushed further. We were pushed, into the underground.

We crept deeper and deeper, encountering more patrols the farther we went. Cameras, detection devices, and more than just a few close calls. Eventually, we came upon a large door, the type that is thoroughly locked.

"Hmm...well that's no good," I grumbled after a few solid hits to the solid steel exterior, "Completely solid, 3 inch deadbolts in...4..maybe 5 locations."

"No good on my end either," Drew sputtered, his hands half way into the control panal, "Level 3 security. Not even I can crack this one."

"Well, I might have a way." Doug flaunted, holding the ventilation cover in his hands.

We didn't hear anything understandable from him for a few minutes. Just the grunts and annoyed growls of a boy who's not as thin as he used to be. But, just as the sun will rise again, we heard the sound of bouncing metal, footsteps and the door unbolted and slid open.

"Good as done."

We secured the room and, examining it's contents, we were disappointed to find we had nothing more than what appeared to be an arms storage area. Wouldn't it be convenient if that was always the case?

"Guys! I think we've got something here!" I called as my hands pried at an unusual depression in the wall.

"Hidden door?" Doug inquired, a newly acquired Assassin resting on his back.

"Think so," I confirmed as my temper began to heat up at the resilient little lever, "Drew, you take a crack."

He's temper lasted about half the time mine did. It wasn't two minutes before he had his new Death Dancer, almost welding it's way through the door.

"GUYS! Help me push this thing through!" He screamed, his muscles pumping against the wall.

Our combined weight crashed down onto the sparking Saber and it released a bone grinding tone as it fell through the opening door, with us crashing in behind it.

It took what seemed like forever for the pretty little stars and sparkles to fade from my view, just to be replaced by the dark stillness of a huge room, just dimly lighted by some form of Photon energy on the other side of the room and our own weapons, glimmering in the dark.

The darkness was then shattered by immense spot lights. Enough to damage the retina if you stare at them. With my eyes covered, I searched randomly around and found Doug and Dre in the same state.

My spine was chilled, my eyes widened, my jaw dropped, by the voice that pierced through the pandemonium of mixing light and darkness. A voice that was never yet always heard.

"Welcome boys, I've been expecting you."

Apr 14, 2007, 08:52 PM
My next memory remains in a blur. The room was spinning with the haze of unfocused vision. What seemed like hours elapsed until my eyes recover from the shock and I could see. Unfortunately, that first vision is of my own reflection.

"A mirror...oh great, I'm reminded of how I haven't showered..." I rasped as I force what seems to be a smile.

That's the moment the pain hits. Back, shoulders, head, all throb as if I was thrown against a wall.

"Just as I expected, you did take a beating from that impact with the wall." stated an emotionless voice. The silhouette is just visible in the mirror.

"And who, might I ask are you?"

"You..may call me father."

The blood in my mouth caused me to spit. "Like hell I will."

"Oh Kyle, why are you going to be difficult? Oh well, one way or another, you will do as I say."

"Hmph, you won't be saying that once I get loose." Quite a bluff. Whatever bound me to the room's pillar was very strong.

"So be it. Have it your way." hissed the person as he withdrew into the shadows.

A second later, I black out.

Do you know who I am?


I am your father.

Yea..you've said that before.

Do you know what you were created for?

What?....What the hell are you talking about?

Your Purpose. You are the Key


You were created for one purpose. You live for one purpose. To destroy. To destroy all that is in existence and to rebuild it. The way I envision it.


You Are Alone. Nothing else matters. Your brothers, your friends. Nothing. Your existence carries but one purpose. To Destroy.


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Dre_o on 2007-04-17 21:18 ]</font>

Apr 17, 2007, 11:28 PM
What....what the...what's going on.....

Now that you've been brought to me, you can learn the Truth.


Your entire existence was planned by me. Your brothers. Your training. Everything. It was one elaborate script.

....What? That...that doesn't make any sense. You bastard....

How do you think everything went so right? Why do you think none of your missions ended in failure? It was my doing. All to get you ready for your Purpose.

...But...No. We fought so hard, there's no way.

There isn't? Hahaha....Quite to the contrary. I planned EVERYTHING. Including your "fateful" mission on Parum that broke you from the rest of society. All a plan. You were under my control the entire way.

...But....You couldn't....

Oh, but I can, and I did. You are nothing but the Key and your protection meant more than anything. Even your freedom.

....dammit....we played right into your hands....

Yes. Yes you did. Just as I had planned.


Now you see. You only have one purpose. You are the Key

..... I ......