View Full Version : PC Version problems

Sep 6, 2006, 05:56 PM
My PSU PC copy arrived yesterday at night and I couldn't wait to see how good it looked compared to the PS2 version. I was glad to find out the game looks and plays amazingly well on my computer:

Athlon 64 2.4Ghz
1024 Ram 333mhz
Ati Radeon x800 pro 256mb

Runs smooth in max settings... now as for my sister's PC:

Athlon XP 1.7 GHz
1024 Ram 400mhz
Nvidia geforce 5200 128mb

It runs pretty bad on that PC. I have to take post effects off and lower all the sliders to the left for it to move smooth [and it moves slow in certain areas and situations.]

What mainly annoys me is the fact that the CG movies move incredibly slow, or should I say, tilty. Like a scratched disk. I don't really get why would that affect so much.

Any thoughts on this?

Sep 6, 2006, 06:03 PM
bah I have lesser computer then that and a geforce 5500 I'M SCREWED!

Sep 6, 2006, 06:04 PM
What version of the ForceWare drivers are you using on your sisters computer? Since the difference in the processors don't really matter since the game isn't opened for 64bit, it would only be running the game in 32bit mode and it looks like you have the same ram unless you have the timing setting different on each.

I think you should download a couple different versions of older drivers and see which runs better with the game. Sometimes you have to play around, I can remember that every game would run flawless for me on the 81.76 driviers except for FIFA06 and then I installed some older drivers and that game ran perfect.

Guru3d.com has some really nice hacked Starstorm drivers that you can get ahold of, but it's all a matter of if you want to install unsigned drivers. I haven't had an issue with them in a long time, but then I only use the Starstorm 81.56 drivers from that site and they've since come out with tons more of them.

Sep 6, 2006, 06:06 PM
Nvidia 5200 and higher models will run this game with no issues. I have a friend that imported this game and he is using a Radeon X300 which isn't much more powerful than a GeForce 5700.

Sep 6, 2006, 11:31 PM
Thanks for the answers ^__^ I'll try the suggestions on the driver.