View Full Version : Mines!

Sep 6, 2006, 08:09 PM
In ultimate, are there any good strategies for Hunter's? And I mean all variations, from humar to hucaseal. When I was a humar in Ult. Mines, I just spammed Rafoie and prayed they fell. I'm gonna have some trouble w/ my 'caseal.

Sep 6, 2006, 08:16 PM
mechguns....diska......nuff said

Sep 6, 2006, 08:28 PM
Stick to long range weapons or traps. Certain specials such as confuse and freeze can be very helpful throughout these stages when you are a lower level.

Once you get to a higher level and have a good amount of DFP, you won't get knocked down nearly as much. Oh, and a Cure/Slow will also be very helpful.

Sep 6, 2006, 08:34 PM
The wussy equip a handgun, take two steps into the room shoot a lot and run away into the hall usually works.

But if you want to actually be a Hunter, learn that you don't always need to do a full 3-hit combo. A 2-hit and sometimes just a single hit and step back/side works wonders.

Multi hit weapons for the packs; Partisans and Swords work best. If you know how to use them Slicers rock.

Mechguns are a must for Sinows. A properly timed Mechgun combo and a Sinow won't even be able to swing at you.

A Handgun for Canadine things. Unless you're good at hitting them when they zip with your mechs.

HUcaseal and HUcast should abuse confuse traps, along with damage and freeze traps.

HUmars and HUnewearls cast Jellen/Zalure at the first sign of a Sinow Red.

Oh and for Baranz, use the run into the hall trick, run around them trick. Spam Resta or mates after every missle hit. If you know how to do it get the Baranz to back you against a wall and laugh at it.

Leaving a telepipe in every room saves on walking time when you die.
<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: WiLDFiRe on 2006-09-06 18:34 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: WiLDFiRe on 2006-09-06 18:38 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: WiLDFiRe on 2006-09-06 18:38 ]</font>

Sep 6, 2006, 11:09 PM
On 2006-09-06 18:34, WiLDFiRe wrote:
The wussy equip a handgun, take two steps into the room shoot a lot and run away into the hall usually works.

But if you want to actually be a Hunter, learn that you don't always need to do a full 3-hit combo. A 2-hit and sometimes just a single hit and step back/side works wonders.

Multi hit weapons for the packs; Partisans and Swords work best. If you know how to use them Slicers rock.

Leaving a telepipe in every room saves on walking time when you die.

On the contrary, it's better safe than sorry if you attack and hide tactic. According to what you say, leaving a telepipe every now and then to "prevent" you from going far makes you a wussy also.

2 hit's and then a back-up is a fail in Mines. They do not follow the step of getting knocked back so you can run away, especially with the Gilchichs and Dubchichs. They don't fall or go back on contact. They just keep attacking you.

Twin Swords/Twin Sabers are a must in Mines. Demo Comet works wonders in Mines.

Swords and partisans are only good if they have hit. Otherwise, with terrible accuracy, you would probably get hit more than you would actually hit.

HUney's have an extra Shifta/Deband. Spam those also.

Sinows use on Jellen/Zalure immediately. They take a lot of damage without. Make sure you do that first immediately.

Canabins are easy, just like Canadines only a different weakness and more HP. Very easy to kill.

Baranzs are like killers. Their rockets can sickle you down to a few HP in such a low level.

Sep 7, 2006, 12:21 AM
Splash is pretty dead on. I would add, however, since you asked specifically about 'caseals, spam your traps. The additional damage from Fire Traps is underrated, IMHO. Confusing Gillchich's and watching Rock 'Em, Sock 'Em Robots is also great... plus it gives you an opportunity to attack them with near impunity. and, like Fire Traps, adds damage (from "friendly fire") to suppliment your own. And, of course, Freeze Traps allow for free attacks.

Splash named one of the biggest challenges in mines for a HU of any sort -- Gillchich's and Dubchich's don't fall down on every attack and don't suffer the knock-back on Heavy attacks like other monsters. Additionally, Sinows and Baranzs do tremendous damage, and take a lot of punishment before they go down. Sinows are also really quick. All in all, the major monsters in Ult. Mines can be very tough to fight toe-to-toe without some of the rare and/or more powerful Hunter weapons.

Freeze and Range will be two of your best friends. I've had moderate success using Slicers, but have found my Justice to be invaluable (for dealing good damage at survivable range -- without Hit%, though, it's Freeze special is not very effective). A good Freeze/Blizzard Raygun with Hit% may also be effective for supplimenting 'caseal's Freeze Traps.

Also, a 'caseal will take some serious pounding. I'd recommend carrying a good Gush Raygun to stretch your mates and Stars.

Sep 7, 2006, 12:46 AM
Get yourself a Red Sword for help with the larger groups of enemies. Also you need a good handgun to take care of enemies like Canabins. Use a handgun until the enemies close in. It can be difficult without Resta but make sure you keep yourself fully healed since Baranz can kill in one hit at a low level. If you are patient you can run into and out of the room but that could take forever.

Sep 7, 2006, 02:15 AM
Sange and Yasha, RedSword, Ln'K14Combat. That should work.

Sep 7, 2006, 03:23 AM
Good mechs are any hunter's friend in Mines.
For the Canabins and Canune, My caseal uses a slicer. (Killing the Canune first and using a partisan or sword would work too.

The Baranzes aren't the monsters many would want you to believe, when you are at a relatively low level. Those never OHKO me. Just be prepared to get up an awful lot, cause one hit means a dive to the floor http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

For me, the biggest threat in the mines (when at a low level), is the Gilchich's laser attack. A slicer can be helpful when dealing with large groups of Gilchichs at once. Keeps them occupied, and interrupts the laser attack animation.
Swords and partisans don't work for me in this case, cause very often there are some Gilchichs that you can't hit. Besides, without a freeze trap, meleeing up close means another dive http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif

Sep 7, 2006, 07:39 AM
About the Sinows...

Jellen depends on what happens when one hits you. If you get knocked over by a Sinow that hasn't been hit with Jellen, DO NOT Jellen it. That may cause the hits to cause no knockdown, and get you beaten up fast. (Of course, on GC/XB offline, enemies are lame anyway, so this doesn't even apply- this is for BB one-player and online).

If the Sinow doesn't knock you over with an unjellened hit, then Jellen it to reduce the damage.

As for general Mines tactics- guns, Twin Sabers, Twin Swords, Slicers.

For droids:
-Confuse trap large Gillchich spawns
-Freeze or Confuse Sinows (I usually Freeze)
-Freeze Baranz- if there are more than one, confuse and run out the room.

Sep 7, 2006, 10:58 PM
Thank you all for your awesome suggestions, and I look forward to seeing two Baranzes nail the s**t out of each other. One last thing: Is Chain Sawd a good weapon to have in mines? One with 25 Machine and 5 hit? My 'caseal is 93, with 139 in POW and 60 in DEX mag, D-Parts2.01, and a devil/battle. Currently hunting god/ in FOS.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: WrathOfMegid on 2006-09-07 21:01 ]</font>

Sep 7, 2006, 11:14 PM
I used my Shield of Delsaber and Delsaber's Buster, plus more freeze mines than you can count. Really, use anything with a high attack and then freeze them. The key is immobilization.

Sep 8, 2006, 12:25 AM
Chain Sawd is a nice weapon, just get one with high hit%. In addition, use those Traps, it's a must. For non-androids, techs is almost a must also for support.

I still recommend a Demo Comet though. I'm serious, it will help you out majorly. Just prepare to be taken a lot of damage and fall down like 95% of the time. Bring along a lot of mates, a Gush Raygun with hit%, a good 4 slot armor with God/Arm, God/Battle, and two God/Powers. If you aren't in a rush, hunt for the God/Battle first.

That should be okay.

Sep 8, 2006, 01:22 AM
A chain sawd is good although I prefer a Red Sword since its more powerful.I would bring a strong weapon that hits only one enemy too like the Demo. Comet incase you can't hide from the Baranz. If you run out of confuse traps hide behind one Baranz and the other will shoot it.If you have trouble with the boss run between two of the sections and you might be able to hide there only getting hit by the rockets