View Full Version : color issues with my monitor.

Sep 11, 2006, 06:28 PM
first look at this picture


now on my pc the newmans outfit looks light blue instead of red. i think it's an issue with my rgb. saners avatar looks blue,the firefox back and forward arrows look almost yellow. blue seems ti be fine just red and green are messed up. =/

Sep 11, 2006, 06:33 PM
What type of monitor are you using? Also, how old is it?

Sep 11, 2006, 09:24 PM
compaq monitor MV520 on the back it says it was manufactured in 1999 XD

your avatar looks like it's in gryscale for me heh.

Sep 11, 2006, 10:13 PM
Sometimes it can be an issue with the cable and if you can, try a different one. However if the cable is not able to be removed without getting inside the monitor case, then obviously thats a no go. It's possible it could also be the videocard. It would be nice to get your system specs and possibly a brand and model for your pc. Honestly though, it's probably just time to replace the monitor.

Do you have another monitor you could hook up? That would help determine if the videocard is causing it or not. Also, obviously lol, if the other monitor displays correctly then you know for sure where the problem is.

Sep 20, 2006, 04:16 PM
If all else fails, delete your monitor drivers and find some free ones on the internet. Same thing can be applied to your graphics card.