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View Full Version : Tips for online mode for a offline player

Sep 12, 2006, 03:48 PM
ok i have always been interested in PSO ever since the Dreamcast days.... and when i got it for gamecube i only played offline with the exesptions of at my friends house and it rocked online
now that PSU is coming out im extremally excited. So i decided to download PSOBB but when i found out you need a credit card to get the free trial i was disipointed cause i couldnt play.
Can any one give this PSO fantic some helpful online tips????

Sep 12, 2006, 03:59 PM
There really isn't a whole lot of difference in practice between online and off. It's more of a blast, I suppose, getting together with randoml folk.

PSU will be a bit different, of course, with the fixed character Story Mode. But taking from your experiences with PSO there really isn't a whole lot to say in the realm of tips.

Sep 12, 2006, 05:08 PM
The main difference between PSO, and even PSU offline and PSU online is that leveling is going to be slower, buying stuff is going to be slower, and monsters are going to be overall harder to kill by yourself. Of course, thats the point of it being online right? Having people to help you.