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View Full Version : IMPORTANT: World for Importers

Sep 13, 2006, 03:52 PM
EDIT: The results of the poll are:

1) Which world would you prefer to play on? 19 said World 1. 2 said World 2.

2) Which world would you prefer to play on if ST announces that we will be able to transfer our pre-existing characters? 6 said World 1. 17 said World 2.

So this means that you should stay on World 1. When you log on you will be asked to chose from world 1 and world 2. Chose world 1 because it's the world that your characters are on.


As you all know, in a few days there will be two worlds to chose from, and characters from one world will not be able to play on the other one. Everyone has been giving reasons to play on both worlds. So I think we need to have a poll to decide which world us importers should play on, since there are so few of us and we can't afford to be split up.

When we first learned that there were going to be two worlds, we thought that we would be allowed to transfer our world 1 character (this is the current world that we are on) to world 2 if we wanted, but now we've found out that ST has not announced that option yet. Still, it is possible that ST will announce that we can transfer our character any time in the next few days.

For that reason, I'm going to ask two questions in this thread:

1) Which world would you prefer to play on?
2) Which world would you ,prefer to play on if ST announces that we will be able to transfer our pre-existing characters?

You can answer these by posting in this topic, PMing me, telling me on irc, or mailing me ingame. I can't use this forum's poll system because then non-importers would be able to vote. I will be mailing people ingame too about this thread if I don't think that they will see it otherwise. It's important that every importer knows which world we decide to play on, and not all of them visit these forums.

A few hours before the servers go back up at 2am est on friday, with two worlds, I'll update this post with the results, so make sure you come here and check it before you go online and chose a world to play on.

If you are replying to this post or PMing me your vote, then please use the following format:

1) Preffered World:
2) Preffered World w/ Transfer:

My main character's name is is ********.

Replace the *s with your preffered world and main character's name. The character name is important so that I don't accidentally count your vote twice by accident if I don't know who your character is and you mail me an answer as well. If you are IMing it to me or mailing me, then you don't need to follow that format but you still need to tell me your two choices. Ingame mails don't need character name though, obviously.

The most common argument for world 1 right now is that we will get to keep our characters on it, and you should keep that in midn for your first answer. You should also consider that if not enough people move to server 2, ST may forcefully move some people, and some of us may get seperated.

There are many of you I'm sure that have no preference and will go to either world. If you don't have an answer, you don't need to vote. If you only have an opinion for one of the questions, please tell me that one, but you don't have to respond to both if you don't want to.

Remember, the servers are going to be back up friday morning at 2am est. (3pm in Japan) so make sure your choices are in a few hours before that so that I can update the thread with the results.

My nick on irc is normally mech259 or something similar, and my character's name is Namira, which I also switch to on irc sometimes.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: mech259_ on 2006-09-14 15:59 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: mech259_ on 2006-09-25 12:31 ]</font>

Sep 13, 2006, 03:54 PM
1) Preferred World: 1
2) Preferred World with Transfer: Don't really care, but I'll say 2

My main character's name is... oh take a guess.

Sep 13, 2006, 03:56 PM
1) Preferred World: 2
2) Preferred World with Transfer: 2

My main character's name is "warai" (Human Female Ranger), though I have an alternate character named "tatsumaki no kami" (Tornado of God, Cast Male Force).

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: watashiwa on 2006-09-13 13:57 ]</font>

Sep 13, 2006, 03:58 PM
On 2006-09-13 13:54, Mewn wrote:
1) Preferred World: 1
2) Preferred World with Transfer: Don't really care, but I'll say 2

My main character's name is... oh take a guess.

She-Ra? http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Sep 13, 2006, 03:59 PM
1) Preferred World: 1

Obviously this preference is here if we have to restart by going to 2.

2) Preferred World with Transfer: 2

If we CAN transfer, I'd rather move to 2 ASAP before Sega start having to forcibly move people to 2. Being split from my frends right now would mean I'd have to buy another copy of the game and start again on their server.

Edit: Current main character is Argus.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: -Shimarisu- on 2006-09-13 14:00 ]</font>

Sep 13, 2006, 04:03 PM
1) Preffered World: [1]
2) Preffered World w/ Transfer: [1]

My character is called: Kris.

Sep 13, 2006, 04:29 PM
1) Preferred World: [1]
2) Preferred World (Transfers allowed) [1]
Character name: Endjoy

I don't want to restart after putting a fairy sizable chunk of time into getting the low-level portions of the game out of the way, and putting quite a lot of time and money into crafting. I don't think I'd be willing to start right from scratch again, just to have the privilege of starting again a month and a half later when the US version gets released.
Even if we can switch our characters over to World 2, I'd rather stay on World 1. Working under the assumption that World 2 is going to alleviate problems with excessive server slowness and other problems, World 1 is still going to have the higher population, and more important, definitely the higher population of higher leveled characters. That means that there are going to be more Player Shops, and less of a fevered demand for crafting materials since a lot of players will already have the items they need. I'd definitely prefer the more established economy, between the two servers.

If there are transfers, I'd be willing to go to World 2 if everybody else is, but I don't really want to. If we have to start over to play on World 2, I just don't think I'd be interested.

Sep 13, 2006, 04:31 PM
Preferred World: 1
With transfer: 2

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Kamica on 2006-09-13 14:34 ]</font>

Sep 13, 2006, 04:35 PM
1) Preffered World: [1]
2) Preffered World w/ Transfer: [1]

My main character's name is is Shard.
As those who have met me know, I do not have much time to play. Even getting to Level 10 has taken me this long, I don't fancy moving to a new world and doing even that minimum leveling all over again.

Once this character moves up to a higher level. I may consider a new character on a new world. For now I will only stick to World 1.

Sep 13, 2006, 05:00 PM
Preferred: 1
Preferred w/ xfer: 2

I'd have to convince a couple other cohorts of mine to xfer as well though.

Sep 13, 2006, 05:21 PM
Preferred: 1
Preferred w/ xfer: 2

Sep 13, 2006, 05:31 PM
Preferred: 1
Preferred w/ xfer: depends on import community

Preferably I'd like *EVERYONE* to be on one world or another. Just so that people don't get separated and we lose contact permanently, you know.

Sep 13, 2006, 06:45 PM
1) Preffered World: [1]
2) Preffered World w/ Transfer: [1]

My main character's name is is ShiningHero.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: LightBreaker on 2006-09-13 16:47 ]</font>

Sep 13, 2006, 06:58 PM
Well, maybe when the worlds do come out, they'll have like a little server queue right next to it or something, showing how many people are in the server. If I were you guys, I would try finding the one that isn't as busy as the other ones.

Sep 13, 2006, 07:04 PM
Add two more to the vote for 2, Lovebot and Joker will switch servers with me if I switch to 2.

Guys if we stay on 1 and NOBODY moves there's a distinct chance they'll start moving us!

Sep 13, 2006, 07:11 PM
1) Preffered World: [1]
2) Preffered World w/ Transfer: [2]

Sep 13, 2006, 07:11 PM
1) Preferred World: [1]
2) Preferred World w/ Transfer: [2]

My main character's name is Hatori.

Sep 13, 2006, 07:19 PM
1) Preffered World: [1]
2) Preffered World w/ Transfer: [2]

My main character's name is is Harima Kenji.

Sep 13, 2006, 11:52 PM
1) Preferred World: [1]
2) Preferred World w/ Transfer: [1]

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: kyori on 2006-09-13 21:52 ]</font>

Sep 13, 2006, 11:59 PM
why are they breaking it in half like that? to help with server congestion?

Sep 14, 2006, 12:06 AM
1) Preffered World: [1]
2) Preffered World w/ Transfer: [2]

My main character's name is Violy.

Sep 14, 2006, 01:28 AM
1) Preffered World: [1]
2) Preffered World w/ Transfer: Depends on what the other people are doing.... My main character's name is Bradda.

we(importers) should stick together. Its hard enough finding each other in the game. We have to decide on which world to reside in together

Sep 14, 2006, 01:42 AM
Well, I'm torn. Seeing as this is speculative, I'm not sure I should entertain the idea.

However, out of around 24 players represented, about 12 would opt for the World 2 transfer. Which would cut my potential list of partners in half. On the other hand, if there's a mass exodus to World 2, there's a chance of running into the same problems that are faced by many right now. Still, if these numbers were to hold then that may indicate a fairly even split which is I think what SEGA is aiming for.

Though I'm still not sure if this would work, I'd have to throw my lot in with whatever World most of my comrades were in favour of. That or quitting.

Sep 14, 2006, 02:11 AM
1. Preffered World: [1]
2. Preffered World w/ Transfer: [2]

Character name is my psow name ^_^

Sep 14, 2006, 05:05 AM
Guys if we stay on 1 and NOBODY moves there's a distinct chance they'll start moving us!

That is a good point. I guess I have to make a decision

1) Preffered World: [1]
2) Preffered World w/ Transfer:[2]

My main character's name is Bradda.

Sep 14, 2006, 05:23 AM
1) Preffered World: Don't care
2) Preffered World w/ Transfer: 2, because getting split up by a forced move would suck

Sep 14, 2006, 09:38 AM
1) Preffered World: 2
2) Preffered World w/ Transfer: 2

My main character's name is Rubi

Actually, if they don't do some type of transfer, I'll just redo my Hunter in World 2 and leave my mains in World 1. That way I'll always have a character to play with in World 2 http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

Sep 14, 2006, 05:10 PM
1) Preffered World: 2
2) Preffered World w/ Transfer: 2

i dont even have online but my name would be Chibi_Nova

not to go off topic but is it wrong to ask fro DNAS code here?

Sep 14, 2006, 05:33 PM
On 2006-09-13 17:04, -Shimarisu- wrote:Guys if we stay on 1 and NOBODY moves there's a distinct chance they'll start moving us!

No there isn't; that is ridiculous, for the exact reason that you're worried: Forced transfers would split players up from their friends. No company is stupid enough to take on a PR nightmare like that. It would kill whatever good will players have toward the game, especially as players are still reeling from the abysmal server situation of the first week.

If "nobody" moves, then World 1 remains at critically-high population, and continues to endure problems with logging in, long load times accessing player housing, and bad lag, while World 2 sits there, completely problem-free and lag-free. Then players will move or restart there.
New players who don't already have friends playing will pick World 2 because it has less lag.
Even some players who stay on World 1 will still use World 2 as it grants them another four character slots.

It doesn't even look like they're offering transfers, so I doubt they're worried about that, but even if they were, they're not retarded: They know that forcing people, at random, to switch to another server, away from all their friends, will drive away players in far greater numbers than the lag and login issues could ever hope to. Nobody has any reason to worry about getting bounced without their consent onto a totally different server.

Sep 14, 2006, 06:57 PM
1) Preffered World: [1]
2) Preffered World w/ Transfer: [1]

My main character's name is is Kichi.

Sep 14, 2006, 07:05 PM
On 2006-09-14 15:33, Cross wrote:

On 2006-09-13 17:04, -Shimarisu- wrote:Guys if we stay on 1 and NOBODY moves there's a distinct chance they'll start moving us!

No there isn't; that is ridiculous, for the exact reason that you're worried: Forced transfers would split players up from their friends. No company is stupid enough to take on a PR nightmare like that. It would kill whatever good will players have toward the game, especially as players are still reeling from the abysmal server situation of the first week.

If "nobody" moves, then World 1 remains at critically-high population, and continues to endure problems with logging in, long load times accessing player housing, and bad lag, while World 2 sits there, completely problem-free and lag-free. Then players will move or restart there.
New players who don't already have friends playing will pick World 2 because it has less lag.
Even some players who stay on World 1 will still use World 2 as it grants them another four character slots.

It doesn't even look like they're offering transfers, so I doubt they're worried about that, but even if they were, they're not retarded: They know that forcing people, at random, to switch to another server, away from all their friends, will drive away players in far greater numbers than the lag and login issues could ever hope to. Nobody has any reason to worry about getting bounced without their consent onto a totally different server.

Thank you voice of reason! Also, past online games in relation never even thought of forcing players on to other servers and often it can also be a balance issue to allow transfers. I'm willing to put 20k meseta on this. Any takers?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: kyori on 2006-09-14 17:06 ]</font>

Sep 14, 2006, 07:22 PM
On 2006-09-14 15:33, Cross wrote:

On 2006-09-13 17:04, -Shimarisu- wrote:Guys if we stay on 1 and NOBODY moves there's a distinct chance they'll start moving us!

No there isn't; that is ridiculous, for the exact reason that you're worried: Forced transfers would split players up from their friends. No company is stupid enough to take on a PR nightmare like that.


Final Fantasy 11 had something EXACTLY like that, IIRC you couldn't switch servers and play with your friends until a certain level?

Sep 14, 2006, 07:28 PM
sega just needs to seperate ps2 and pc, problem solved, they are already splitting communities with the world thing so why not?

Sep 14, 2006, 07:30 PM
On 2006-09-14 17:22, -Shimarisu- wrote:

Final Fantasy 11 had something EXACTLY like that, IIRC you couldn't switch servers and play with your friends until a certain level?

They never moved already existing characters though

Sep 14, 2006, 07:33 PM
They never moved already existing characters though

We never said they were going to, this was ALWAYS speculation.

If the servers suffer too horribly though, they may start offering rewards for people to switch to 2.

1 is packed already. Now if they AREN'T doing character transfer, don't you think this screws over those who started on 1? What the hell do we do, suffer error 51 all day and daily maints for infinity? The only solution is to transfer data, really.

Sep 14, 2006, 07:51 PM
On 2006-09-14 17:22, -Shimarisu- wrote:

On 2006-09-14 15:33, Cross wrote:

On 2006-09-13 17:04, -Shimarisu- wrote:Guys if we stay on 1 and NOBODY moves there's a distinct chance they'll start moving us!

No there isn't; that is ridiculous, for the exact reason that you're worried: Forced transfers would split players up from their friends. No company is stupid enough to take on a PR nightmare like that.


Final Fantasy 11 had something EXACTLY like that, IIRC you couldn't switch servers and play with your friends until a certain level?

You can't change servers at all. Once you're assigned one, you're stuck there.

Not only that, but if you and a friend want to play on the same server, one of you better start busting ass to make 5000 gil for a world pass, or pray you both get on the same server (1/15+ odds. So many damn servers >_<)

Not to mention the economies vary greatly from server to server, so how well you do/how good your equipment is is totally dependant on what server you land on. I happen to be on Fairy, the most expensive server >_< Try buying all the RDM spells when your gear has decreased in value and the better gear has increased in value.

It blows.

Sep 14, 2006, 07:56 PM
So are we agreed then that if they DO force people onto servers rather than having a choice, they won't be the only company to have done so and got away with it too?

Sep 14, 2006, 08:00 PM
The difference again is that they dont force existing characters. Its when you start anew.

Sep 14, 2006, 08:01 PM
They don't need a 'solution' because it's a self-correcting issue.

Everybody has a different tolerance for server errors and everybody will get annoyed at a different rate with the various issues.
Everybody puts a different value on the time and effort expended on their characters so far.

As soon as their annoyance outweighs the value they place on their characters, they'll switch over.

Edit: No, they don't force people onto the same server, as mentioned. They just don't let you pick the server when you make a character, unless you have a friend with an already-established character on the server in question.
Also, FFXI has, without a shadow of a doubt, the worst administrative service in online gaming, period, so even if it was the one example that supports the argument, it's not really all that convincing. S-E gets away with it because they've got oodles of fanboys; all of the reasonable people quit playing immediately. Sega isn't quite so lucky.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Cross on 2006-09-14 18:05 ]</font>

Sep 14, 2006, 09:37 PM
Haha, looks like community opinion got split!

Most people still playing B rank runs want to move if there's a transfer. It'll mean everyone who is new to importing (a few signed up this week) who may well be forced onto World 2 will still get to play with us. It's considerate.

But everyone at level 40+ who plays at A rank doesn't want to move, citing "Don't wanna be split from friends."

That is so much bull. Look, I know how it is. I check mission ranks of games online when I play. There's barely an A rank among them, cause not all that many people are obsessive and just aren't high yet.

You know that with the option to move to world 2, you guys aren't going to get A rank games for quite a while.

Why don't you just agree to move for now and wait until everyone can play in your A ranks? That's the whole JP community, not just us.

I tell it like it is and that's why I'm not popular. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Sep 14, 2006, 09:57 PM
why move to World 2 to begin with? you are already in World 1. its basically the samething, just less ppl in world 2 servers. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Sep 14, 2006, 10:00 PM
On 2006-09-14 19:57, Saner wrote:
Posting in a thread I didnt read


Sep 14, 2006, 10:01 PM
On 2006-09-14 20:00, Ether wrote:

On 2006-09-14 19:57, Saner wrote:
Posting in a thread I didnt read


http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/burger.gif http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

Sep 14, 2006, 10:25 PM
On 2006-09-14 19:37, -Shimarisu- wrote:
Haha, looks like community opinion got split!
Yeah! ... Wait, no, no it isn't. The vote is almost universal to stay on server 1 if we can't have our existing character data moved over there. Since this option has not been given to us, with the servers scheduled to come back up in a few hours from now, nearly every player that posted wants to stay on World 1.

Most people still playing B rank runs want to move if there's a transfer. It'll mean everyone who is new to importing (a few signed up this week) who may well be forced onto World 2 will still get to play with us. It's considerate.
Except nobody will be forced onto one server. You've grossly misunderstood the FFXI example. Ahem:

You can make a character on any server in FFXI that you want.

In FFXI, when a server becomes too populated , it is taken out of the random rotation of servers if you make a character and don't have friends already playing the game. If you have friends on a given server, you can play there, period. This is because FFXI never lets you pick your own server without a special code, and you can only buy a code on the server that it grants access to. This is the only game with this system, and as such is the only game where the question of being unable to play on a desired server is ever relevant.

But everyone at level 40+ who plays at A rank doesn't want to move, citing "Don't wanna be split from friends."

That is so much bull. Look, I know how it is. I check mission ranks of games online when I play. There's barely an A rank among them, cause not all that many people are obsessive and just aren't high yet.

No, the reason people are saying that is obviously "Because we've put signifigant time into our existing characters and don't want to switch if there isn't any reason to". And there isn't any reason to, if you've been paying attention.

You know that with the option to move to world 2, you guys aren't going to get A rank games for quite a while.
What in hell are you on about here? I can only hope that this is the result of a bad misunderstanding or heavy intoxication.

Why don't you just agree to move for now and wait until everyone can play in your A ranks? That's the whole JP community, not just us.
Because if we are on World 1, we have to wait for most people to get from level, oh, 20-25 seems to be the casual average, to level 35 or so. If we restart on World 2, not only can we not play A-Rank amongst ourselves because we have to start at level 1 and wait until we level to 35+, but we have to wait for everybody else to level from 1 to 35+, instead of from 20 to 35+.

I tell it like it is and that's why I'm not popular. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif
Right I'm sure that must be it. I'd wager that it's more likely that you're not making any goddamn sense, but what do I know? Maybe most people don't share my little pet peeve.

Sep 14, 2006, 10:30 PM
Cross you are a lovable fuckhead. <3

I want to stay on server 1 too if we have to remake to go to 2. I'm referring to the fact that it's mostly the lvl 40+ ppl who want to stay on 1 NO MATTER WHAT.

I can also play in A rank games. But I can't get them. I get Bs if I'm lucky.

I don't care. It's better to move to 2 if a transfer is allowed. New importers may be forced onto 2 and it's only considerate that we be there waiting for them.

As one of the translators in mixed games I need to be where everyone is. And I think the only way to avoid being split is by ALL moving to 2, if character data transfer is allowed. 1 is going to be full, and later importers will not get in.

If it's not allowed, we stay on 1.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: -Shimarisu- on 2006-09-14 20:33 ]</font>

Sep 14, 2006, 10:33 PM
1) Preffered World: [I go where the community goes]
2) Preffered World w/ Transfer: [I go where the community goes]

My main character's name is Kurushii.

Sep 15, 2006, 10:26 AM
I'm late on the poll, but oh well.

1.) Preferred World: [1]
2.) Preferred World w/Transfer: [undecided]*

*As long as the community sticks together, which server we're on doesn't really concern me.

Sep 16, 2006, 04:10 AM
1) Preffered Word: 1
2) Prefered World with Transfer: 1

I made my char on world 1 and i'll stay there, don't see a reason to move. World 1 has been fun so far, and thats what I play the game for in the end.

Sep 16, 2006, 08:12 AM
I hit my tolerance, 50 minutes of your choice of 51 or 52 and I end up playing around with character creation...

Interestingly enough I finally noticed that you could morph the faces. Oh, and I'm FINALLY able to play the tutorial lol.