View Full Version : Photon Amplifier?

Nov 5, 2002, 08:19 AM
The other day as Valentine I came across a curious item labeled Photon Amplifier for Gibarta in normal mines. The item description claims that it accelerates the power of the Gibarta spell, yet it doesn't have a USE function attributed to it. I was curious as to how this is used, how it works, and if there is any quest I need to complete to change the item into something. Also, is this GC exclusive? Or was this also present in Ver. 2, and I'm just a complete moron for not noticing it?

Alena Zouryx
Nov 5, 2002, 12:28 PM
Hmm...obviously no one knows anything about this mysterious item, or else someone would've replied by now. I don't know, and as a Force who actually lives on Gibarta, I'll be sure to check it out.

Nov 5, 2002, 12:35 PM
Could always try the old standby method of taking anything weird like that to the Good Doctor Montague and see if he says anything...

Nov 5, 2002, 01:06 PM
Someone already mentioned in the Mag/Item/Section ID/Quest forum about the amplifiers. You need the amplifier and a certain shield, then the amplifier has a use function and it melds with the shield, creating a new shield that increases whatever tech type the amplifier is. =)

*moved to the appropriate forum*

Nov 8, 2002, 12:51 PM
The shield is called BLUE BARRIER (and associated RED, YELLOW, ASSIST and RECOVERY barriers for the other amplifiers). I have a RED BARRIER and RECOVERY BARRIER, but only an Amplifier of Barta and two Amplifiers of Rabarta (which would work with BLUE)... so I haven't evolved it yet. You can get the barriers from the Photon Drop quest. I think you need 20 to get BLUE BARRIER (someone has a FAQ on gameFAQs...)