View Full Version : Pokemon mystery dungeon

Sep 19, 2006, 11:36 PM
How many of you are like me and got on the first day. Tell me your team name starter and partner starter

Starter cyndaquill
partner totodile
team name PoKe (the e is that weird pokemon e)

Sep 20, 2006, 09:02 AM
Starter ...
partner more ...
team name. if i told you the information not reavealed i would be baned

Sep 20, 2006, 02:53 PM
Like to get the game, can't afford it, so there we are

And Kevino, try to make sense next time

Sep 20, 2006, 09:50 PM
The game rocks, and does anyone know about the show ,is it gonna be a sereis.

And i totaly agree with PJ make sense next time

Sep 26, 2006, 08:54 AM
On 2006-09-20 12:53, PJ wrote:
Like to get the game, can't afford it, so there we are

And Kevino, try to make sense next time

srry i'll try but im usually tired when im on.

Sep 26, 2006, 09:22 AM
I think its interesting that you actually play AS a Pokemon. Kinda reminds me of the times when a bunch of Pokemon are on their own & they speak to each other (subtitles on the screen) so you understand what theyre saying. From the commercial I saw, why do I have to have Pikachu as my partner? I mean you start out with Charmander or Squirtle right? Cant I recruit anything BUT the Pokemon mascot right off? I dont know if Ill get this. It does intrigue me tho. My Pokemon fix is right now focused on working further on Colosseum.

Sep 26, 2006, 11:44 AM
OdinTyler wrote:
I think its interesting that you actually play AS a Pokemon. Kinda reminds me of the times when a bunch of Pokemon are on their own & they speak to each other (subtitles on the screen) so you understand what theyre saying. From the commercial I saw, why do I have to have Pikachu as my partner? I mean you start out with Charmander or Squirtle right? Cant I recruit anything BUT the Pokemon mascot right off? I dont know if Ill get this. It does intrigue me tho. My Pokemon fix is right now focused on working further on Colosseum.

Playing as a pokemon, sounds like that time they got stuck on the theme park island in the first series (or was it the orange archipelago???). Long time I haven't seen that. Odin, you're doing Colosseum? Where you up to? I managed to get to do everything apart from the lvl 100 stuff (stil need to find the perfect team, I'm getting Mewtwo, Lugia, and Registeel, and Rayquasa, and Groudon and Artikuno to lvl 100... Wait, my Groudon is already lvl 100... I should give it a try....

Sep 27, 2006, 11:07 AM
I think that's the episode you're talking about. There was at least one. I remember Pikachu, Charmander, Squirtle & I think Meowth & maybe Togepi. Idk, I know there was a few & there were subtitles on the screen. It was pretty cool.

As for Colosseum, I "beat" the game & am trying to find out how to find SECC after he sent me an email, saying to come meet him in Pyrite. He said there's a Shadow Pokemon I gotta check out. However, Ive been all over Pyrite & I cant find him. Is he in Pyrite? Is he in The Under? Where is he? Its one of the things holding me up.

Also, I need to know if there's a way to get Shadow Pokemon I couldnt before. Im missing 2 of the regulars (before finishing the game that is). I can get Metagross from Nascour (I believe, anyway). But, can you get Makuhita (the 1st youre supposed to capture)? Is it possible to find older trainers to capture Shadows you missed the first time around? Hope so, as I want to complete this collection (as complete as it can be, presently). This game is also making me want to work on Sapphire. My team there isn't as well developed as Yellow or Silver (Pokemon that could wreck pretty much anyone!).

Sep 27, 2006, 11:21 AM
Who's SECC again? I can't remember anything, it's a whole year I've finished it, lol. and twice too, had to redo it in Italian because my other versions are in Italian >.>
If I remember well, you cannot get your missing pokes back. You just need to turn the gc off and start over the battle if one dies. Shadow Pokemon in Pyrite? Hmmm, it sounds like Shuckle if I remember well, you need to do the Under colosseum and he'll be in the last fight. otherwise you need to tell me what you've just done recently, I just can't remember it all. I've finished DX aswell, got them all on first try apart from Chancey, what a bastard poke, keeps on getting killed cos it's too weak!

Sep 27, 2006, 02:43 PM
It's a season one episode. There was no togepi yet. It was ash's main 4 pokemon bulbasaur, charmander, and squirtle and they ran into meowth, ekins, and that pre-evolved of weezing. I can't remember what he's called.

Anyway, I bought the game because I liked the play style. Unfortunately I sorta wish there was a bit more of an open world, but I love the grid system. I started with a Squirtle and called it Panda, and a charmander and called her Charlotte. Team Cactuar. o.O

Sep 27, 2006, 08:23 PM
On 2006-09-27 12:43, PandaMasterX4 wrote:
It's a season one episode. There was no togepi yet. It was ash's main 4 pokemon bulbasaur, charmander, and squirtle and they ran into meowth, ekins, and that pre-evolved of weezing. I can't remember what he's called.

Anyway, I bought the game because I liked the play style. Unfortunately I sorta wish there was a bit more of an open world, but I love the grid system. I started with a Squirtle and called it Panda, and a charmander and called her Charlotte. Team Cactuar. o.O

Sounds oddly fun. Ah man, I remember being 10 years old and watching that episode. You know, Pokemon would still be pretty popular if they were actually flipping real. I'm not all too happy they've created a bunch of spin offs of the original series....they should've just finished it after the effing movies....THEY'RE RUINING MY CHILD HOOD MEMORIEZ

Sep 27, 2006, 09:18 PM
Pokemon is too dragged out...

Sep 28, 2006, 05:31 AM
http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_lol.gif you have to love the sig...

Sep 28, 2006, 10:50 AM
1. You can get at least certain Shadow ones on another try. Managed to find the trainer in Pyrite (Makuhita is the first one you can snag) & I did get him this time! http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif
2. SECC is one of Duking's kids & I figured out how to find him. Funny thing. After I posted, I went home & managed to do both things.

Now, the tricky part is trying to beat the Snagem Leader, Gonzap. All of his Pokemon have Hyper Beam & they wipe the floor with my guys. Apparently, having a team of some mid-high 60s isnt enough. LOL Im gonna work on that & the 13 other Shadow Pokemon I have to still purify. Then, theres 3 more to snag & purify. Man, this game just keeps going! Why were there end credits if Im not even done yet???

I have some really good ideas for one more Pokemon game. Dont know if it would ever happen, but, the main idea is to have the ability to import EVERY Pokemon from EVERY game so you can create your ultimate teams & not have to worry about connectivity. It would of course be on a home system. I'm thinking the Wii would do it nice! http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Sep 28, 2006, 02:23 PM
I can do that, my bro bought all of the versions and GC games and forgot about them after a week, I get to play! I finished Kanto's pokedex on the greenleaf, which is the one I'm going to complete and get all of them (hopefully). Any Idea on how to get a Jirachi/Deoxys/Celebi/Mew legit? No way, DAMN! Jirachi I could, but I don't want to bother buying pokemon channel, so I'll stick with what I have. OdinTyler, for the Snagem leader I used them at about lvl 70, and the were...
and three others that aren't that powerfull... Maybe skarmory? NO wait, he gives you that...
bother, whatever, train a bit, you'll need it for the boss.

Sep 29, 2006, 02:17 PM
Mew, Celebi & Jirachi you can get through special Nintendo shows. People that work the shows can DL them into your GB. Also, I recently learned that Celebi (in JP) & Jirachi (in US) were downloadable if you preordered the game (Man, I wish I did!). You wouldve been given a free CD that gave you that respective Pokemon. Wish I could do that. Of course, you can see Jirachi in an in-game demo in Colosseum & Celebi through use of the Time Flute (haven't used mine tho).

As for where I am, I have 47 out of the 48 & I'm up to my imposter. I did some leveling up & got the Shadow ones I needed to. I just need to finish work on purifying Metagross & of course, beat my imposter, snag Togetic, purify it & I'm just about done. In fact, in about 30 min (after I leave here), Im gonna go back home & work on that very thing!

Concerning Leaf Green & the other version (I forget what its called), I hate the idea of having to re-raise older Pokemon just to bring them into Colosseum. I worked hard on RBY (Yellow especially) & Silver (worked hard too). Id love to transfer my guys into Colosseum. There has to be a way (even if it means transferring through multiple games). As for the GC Link Cable, as soon as I get the chance, Im going to try that. Can't wait! Wouldnt mind trying the mini-game(s) for PSO while Im at it.