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Nov 5, 2002, 05:16 PM
As most of the veterans here know, I've been ocassionaly babbling about a game I have been working on, and although it has been mostly conceptual work the probability of this project picking off the ground by a devlopment team is all the more real.

Although usually these threads of mine get ignored, I would like to let you all know that any real serious opinions and contributions are revised and if used credited.

Please don't treat this as garbage, I know you all have some MMORPG background and all have had an opinion on things you would like to see in an online based game, take some initiative.

What you should know:

+This is a MMORPG
+Any information regarding, battle systems and leveling will not be used.
+The setting is fantasy, with simple technologies such as gunpowder... not spacecrafts.
+I have an F.A.Q thats not complete yet
+There are base 17 races so far, not including evolutionary races.

Sorry this introduction is so shotty, but until I get to my computer I don't have the resources to paste here.

Nov 5, 2002, 07:34 PM
The one thing I always thought would amke PSO awsome would be if you could (Extremely rare) "absorb" an enemy and thereafter be able to summon it into battle to fight alongside you for a set amount of time. Its kinda a mix of what legend of legaia and Kingdom Hearts. But hey, I think it would be cool.

Nov 6, 2002, 12:06 AM
Project FAQ v1.1 for: Concept Reality (working title)
All names, titles and concepts used in this FAQ are subject to change.

What is Concept Reality?

A 3d MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) set in a fantasy world. Our goal is to raise the bar in total immersion gameplay.

You mean your goal is to take the current state of online gaming addiction and multiply it by 1000?


Are you going to have a warning lable?


What will be the age rating?

Most likely "M" for mature.

Will there be zones?

No and Yes. The "world" itself will be seemless (without zones). You could with enough time walk/swim completely around the globe without zoning. To enter outer planes, other dimensions, or use teleportation will most likely require some extra loading time (zoning).

Will there be weather affects?

There will be a variety of weather and seaonsal effects.

What are the minimum system requirements?

It is much too early to predict system requirements. Needless to say we will be attempting to push the technology envolope as far as possible. At this stage we are still writing the basic concepts, skill trees and story elements. The actual codeing and modeling will be done on the most advanced systems available at that time.

How will death work? will we have unlimited lives?

`Serious? death penalties will be a tangible element keeping players from abusing the system or trivializing death with mass suicides. With the worst being insatiably long down times before being able to resurrect again. This system of death and its penalties are subject entirely to a players life style/in game religion/and use of spells or items. The average player should not need to worry about `Serious? death penalties if they are moderatly careful.

Is there a grace period where I can die without penalty?

We hope to add a training period where the basics of the game are taught, this would be more or less a safe area where death is not an option. Such tutorials would occur at `gardens.? However, upon entering the world, you are at risk.

What do you mean by Gardens?

Most starting towns have areas dedicated to newbies called `Gardens.? These gardens explain the essentials of gameplay as well as offer low level monsters and resources for raising skills. There is a limit to how long a player can remain in such a garden.

Is PKing (player killing) allowed?

PK will be allowed, however, with laws and regulations governing who/what/where that combat may occur. Characters violating those laws will be faced with extreme consequences and possibly risk serious penalties if caught and punished for extreme crimes.

For example an elf who turns to genocide and kills 100 newbies in his home city may face 100 counts of murder when caught and brought to trial. If given the death penalty he would be risking 100 lives in one shot. Of course, this entails to only governed territories and the denizens of such. Likewise if an unknown assailant is terrorizing ?free lands,? penalty is not taken; Bounty hunters and Arenas on the other hand are another topic in itself.

So a player can become a Bounty Hunter?

Yes, there are both PC Bounty Hunters as well as default NPC?s. Bounty hunting is based off a system that allows the killed player (victim) to place a reward for the killing of the murderer who killed him. The sum of the bounty is accumulative, increasing as more `victims? add their share as well as increasing the penalty of death for the murderer(s).

What about Arenas?

Arenas are a big and essential part of PVP. Arenas let players of different experience battle each other in a test of skill. Winners receive prizes in the form of gold and rare items depending on the arena. There are multiple arenas however, some of which can be player owned therefore allowing the `owner? to set the arena rules regarding what race?s and classes can participate.

With serious death penalties and PVP are you worried about grief players ruining the game?

No. extreme violations of the law warrant extreme penaltys. Most PKs will die and/or be caught and killed more often than they will escape. If they do not learn to direct their aggresion elswehere, they will risk losing their characters much more often than the victims.

What if a player is harrasing one person and trying to cause them multiple deaths? corpse camping?

There will be a system in place where someone that has been killed can choose certain specific locations to re enter the world and in some cases re aquire their equipment without the need for "corpse retrieval". If a player you cannot kill is remaining in the area you just died, you most likely want to re enter the world somewhere else and find help / report him to the law.

Will you have a skills based system or a class based system?

Both. There is a skill tree in which you may choose your own progresion, or choose a class archetype that defines your progress through the skill tree for you. However, most skills will be based off schools.

Players raise skills at schools?

No, not entirely. Schools can be considered as temples / dojos / arcane sanctuaries etc or simply places where a player can open certain skill trees and learn new skills they couldn?t do normally by themselves. This is one of the most significant features in picking a race for some races are not allowed in certain schools.

Will you use an xp or usage based progresion through the skills/classes?

Both. each "use" will generate xp into certain pools based on various factors. That xp can be spent on similar skills within that pool. For example, if you swing a sword, the xp generated could be spent on swordsmanship or combat tactics, but not fire magic.

Do we choose which skills are raised?

Yes, your actions fill the various pools of knowledge. You choose which skills the knowledge pools feed into and the xp drains at a set rate into those skills. Also as you choose skills along certain branches, you will hinder and eventually prevent the growth of other branches within the skill tree. You will also have some control over what is blocked. For example if you chose to specilize in dagger, you would most likely be required to shut off a magic specilization, but which one is disabled would be your choice.

So how many skills /classes will there be?

Current plans are looking at around 200 skills or more. The more skills we add, the more paths (and thus classes) will be possible. The basic "Adventurer" will be free to create their own path through the skill tree.

Will there be a hard coded limit as to how high our skills can go?

No. There will however be a soft cap. A point of no return where the required experience is so highly exponential that the time required would be better spent raising other skills. That soft cap however would be mutable, such that other skills may modify the amount needed for another skill. For example, a player who goes to the top end of melee, would have a very low soft cap for most magics (if they could progress at all). These changes are volotile and purely dependent on the players skill (or class) choices.

Do we pick our skills during character creation? can we raise and lower skills as we play?

A new character has all the basic skill branches open to them. You will be guided through the initial set up of skills so that your xp can begin flowing quickly. You may choose to change the flows and even lose previously learned knowledge at specific times/locations in the game.

What kind of quest systems will be used?

The intial plans are to incorporate everything from small "errands", to repeatable "jobs", all the way up to one time quests, and global quests. Including a tracking option (diary/journal) for quick view of what jobs/quests you've accepted, their time limits, and your completed tasks. There will also be global wars that help develop a story line based around the players and their effort, not to mention mini games.

So, does that mean there will not be shorter quests for the lower level players?

A lower level player will most likely do errands like deliver mail, where as a mid to higher lvl player would be contracted to hunt for dragon skins for an armorer. And a truely high lvl player may be on their way to obtaining demi-god status in a world altering quest.

What did you mean by mini games?

There will be a variety of mini game, and mini game based skills. Such as pet raising, racing etc. Such skills would involve training mounts to become faster runners, or taking care of a pet. There are also games of chance as well of arcade based games in casinos.

Will you have religions? Will everyone be required to follow a god?

Yes we will have religions, they play a very important role in resurections and other abilities. Choosing to ignore the gods is choosing one of the most difficult paths through the game for almost no additional rewards.

How many gods will there be?

This is still being determined. Needless to say we wish to cover almost any play style with an appropriate god choice. There will also be new gods added to the game, and possibly an occasional player raised to demi-god or god status.

Is there a difference between a follower and a priest?

Yes, anyone can be a follower. A priest is a specific "job" or class choice

How will priest spells work?

They are tied in with the rest of the magic system. Specific priesthood classes would be defined with a specific path through the skill tree. And much like some of the specialized classes would also have bonus skills (ie. paladin: lays hands)

Can priests gain rank within their religion?

Yes. As can other classes gain rank within their orginizations. Even "Adventurers" those without a prestige class will have guilds, religions and orginizations available to join in and gain ranks.

How Many Races will there be?

Current plans are evaluating 20 races. However, it is our intent to not only incorporate sub races but also "evolution" races. So that number will be changing. The main races thus far are:


+human (basic) the few remaining pure bloods
+newman (mentally adept human) evolved humans with abnormal mental capacities
+giant (human barbarian) mutated by living near and eating the flesh of the animal kingdom
+dwarf (basic) offspring of the humans trapped when the sky fell
+delgar (dark dwarf) humans trapped with the green bloods when the sky fell
+gnome (dwarf offspring) the dwarves who left the mountains with the new dawn
+halfling (dwarf or gnome/human offspring) have now formed their own society

+Fey (basic) known to humans as high elves
+nymph (forest fey) known to humans as wood elves
+cavilon (dark/night fey) fey trapped with the green bloods when the sky fell
+bastard fey (fey/human offspring) known to humans as half elf

+orc (basic) rulers of the green blood nation
+goblin (orc offspring) offspring of the orcs trapped when the sky fell
+ogre (giant/orc offspring) - stupid, and subject to orc rule
+half orc (human/greenblood offspring)

THE ANIMAL KINGDOM - chaos born creatures of intelligence (needs much revision)
+Lizard/snake empire
+Dog (kobold, gnoll?)
+Minotaur bull-men

EVOLUTION RACES - non starting race idea samples
+Angel (Religious transformation, human, newman, elf)
+Demon (Religious transformation, human, newman, elf, orc)
+Dragon (lizardmen)
+Titan (giant /ogre?)
+shapeshifter doppleganger and/or lycanthropy (animal kingdom)
+Djinni, Efreeti
+Spidermen dryad (dark elf)
+grey men (half fey)
+vampire (human /half breeds?)
+dryad (nymph)
+hobgoblin (goblin)
+liche (class based?)
+Greater Dwarf (religious & skill based, dwarf, delgar)

Sub races? evolution races?

sub races are are basicly the standard differances between say a wood elf, and a high elf. The evolution of races is something unique to concept reality. You will have a choice of many standard fantasy races however, some of those races will have the opportunity to become a new form later on in the game (for example a human may become a vampire, another race may evolve into a dragon). The current plans are to include several evolution options for each race.

So we can play dragons, vampires, what about orcs or goblins?

We want to incorporate a large variety of playable races. Some of the percieved "powerful" races however will be evolutionary varieties of standard races. A dragon will not be an initial player choice. It will need to be earned within the game through a variety of both skill progresion, quest progresion, and social status.

Social Status?

There will be elements of politics and social influence including the ability for players to vote on world altering topics and regional laws. For example, a vampire is not just created by biting another human, the vampire has to "want" to create a new vampire. The intiate may need to pass certain tests (quests) meet certain criteria (skills abilities) and than still be accepted by the society they want to join (the vampire nation would than vote on your acceptance)

Is vampire the only form a human can evolve into?

No, its just the easiest one to explain as there are common concepts behind it that everyone is familiar with. Humans will most likely have the most options. Where as other races may or may not have only one form.

How much should we rely on our character stats?

In their current form character stats are not only requirements to raise certain skills, but also account for bonuses to other skills. We are debating on between 6-12 character attributes(stats), we only wish to include those we find a solid use for within the skill tree.

In what form will stats and skills be displayed?

stats will be in numeric form. Skills will be numeric and named and charted on the skill tree.

Can players own homes or castles?

Yes. Cities and provinces more often than not have plenty of room and empty homes to `rent? to players. Houses can be built and sold by carpenters and castles may also be built under certain circumstances.

How will your character naming system work?

This is still fully open to debate as it largely depends on how extensive the stealth system is fleshed out to be.

At the very least the plan is to have no floating names at the start. Who can add a visible name and whether or not its accurate is still being considered.

Will there be character aging?

Most likely no. At this point in the design stage with the ability to resurect a character (restoring it physcally) its not likely any character would ever reach an age old enough to effect gameplay. You die more or less when your god decides you have not earned another life.

There are however time requirements built into the skill system and evolution system. Skills have a certain learning curve over time, and evolving is a very lengthy process. These are in a way types of aging, but without the need to deal with frail old bodys.

Will food and water be required? can we die without it?

Yes it will be required. Most likely you will not die directly from not having it, however it may reduce your skills to such a degree that you will not be able to effectively defend yourself from attack.

Will there be poison and disease?

Yes, and some of them may have long term or permanent effects.

How large is the world?

The current plans are to incorporate a globe that would take a player several days RL to walk/swim its entire surface. Thats not counting other planes, dimensions, planets, moons, etc.

Most likely only the first planet will be completed upon release with subsequent expansions adding massively more content.

Will there be mounts, ships, and other means of travel to cross such a massive world?

All of the above. Everything from horses to air ships will be needed to traverse the world in a reasonable fasion. The plans are to have a means of travel to and from most major citys and than from those major citys to their surrounding smaller towns and regions. you would than ride or walk out from those outposts to the surrounding wildnerness to find your adventures. It would not be advised to attempt walking from region to region. The character would return to a major town and use a means of faster transport to cross such vast territorys.

Will players be able to build their own ships? Will there be ship to ship combat?

If there is time to add these features yes. But the primary focus of the game is character combat not vehicle combat. However inventors can build air ships and sea vessels at higher levels.

What about trade skills? will merchant and tradesmen characters be viable?

There will be extensive trade skills used to support item degridation. Merchants and tradesmen will be in high demand to fix and replace used and broken equipment of all kinds. Nothing in this world lasts forever (except for the absolute rareist of artifacts).

Doesnt this penalize melee players as opposed to spell casters?

No. The magic system is completely differant than anything currently in use. A player learns magic skills but still requires focus items to cast the spells. The focus items and their attached spells wear out just as weapons do providing an entire additional set of magical trade skills. Archers of course will also require upkeep, new arrows, bowstrings, etc. There are exceptions of course.

So how does combat work?

In general there are 3 basic ranges to combat: Melee, Archery, Magic. With additional range breakdowns per weapon/spell (ie a polearm reaches farther than a dagger)

The combat GUI will mainly consist of a `Zelda? style lock-on system. Combat is fully dynamic i.e.: being able to roll behind a boulder in the heat of battle to escape an arrow. While simple at its base the specifics of combat are much deeper.

Each combat round is defined as a 3 second period. Every action requires x number of rounds. Gaining extra attacks per round require certain skills, etc

Hit locations will be semi-targetable. Each hit location will have its own defensive skills and armor rating. We are currently working with the idea of 3 generalized hit locations (upper-head, middle-body, lower-legs) and corresponding defensive skills (duck, dodge, evade) as well as weapon to weapon (parry) and shield to weapon (blocking), etc.

Additional skills will alter your combat choices and you can "pre script" a certain set of attacks or just allow the system to choose for you with auto-attack.

The more combat skills you learn, the more varied your tactics will become.

Will your combat system give the advantage to those with the fastest connections and reflexes?

Yes and No. Once you have entered combat mode the player can choose tactics and determine the order of skills to use, however they are executed based on the characters skills at set intervals timed by combat rounds. A faster connection may allow you to change your mind more often, however it is your choices not your reflexes that are most important.

How intuitive will combat be? Will we have easy access to these special attacks, or will we need to learn certain keystrokes and such to become proficient?

Auto-attack will always be an option instead of choosing your own targets. Learning how and when to use special attacks is up to the player but is more or less intuitive. Youll have the chance to discover a use for each skill as you learn them. Creating Macros for attack sets will also be an option.

Will there be siege equipment? Catapults?

Maybe. The intent of the game is to focus on player combat, so siege equipment will not be added if it means sacrificing elements of the very detailed player combat system.

Can you describe your magic system?

Magic is an extensive system of skills that allow the use of focus items to cast spells. There are no additional components but neither are those focus items permanent. You dont just read a spell from a scroll and have it available forever.

What about spellbooks?

Depends on the school of magic. For some mage specific schools there are no spellbooks. You are skilled in the use of magic, or your not. Therefore you can either use the focus items to create the spell or you lack the talent.

Is there only one magic skill?

Absolutly not. Much like there is a variety of melee skills there are a variety of magic skills, forms, magic tactics, etc. We are aiming for diversity in all 3 primary forms of combat.

That sounds like it will be very hard to play a mage?

Whether melee, archer, or caster a player will be faced with a variety of options. We hope to present these slowly through the development of skills so as to not over whelm the player and allow for continued growth.

What character perspectives will be available? 3rd, 1st?

There will be a variety of 3rd person camera angles, a free floating camera, and also 1st person to allow players to choose whichever they feel is more immersive for their play style.

How do we to communicate with each other in the game? will there be /tells?

You will start the game with only /say and /pray. All other forms of communication will be earned. You will eventually be able to earn /tell through an explainable method of long distance communication and not an /ooc (out of character)player tool. However there are global trading posts of such where communication and bulletins can be used by players to inform others about items for sale etc.

What type of chat interface will be used? Thought bubbles? text boxes?

Both options will be available. A player may turn on or off thought bubbles, text boxes, floating damage numbers, seperate combat text boxes, etc. Allowing a player to choose which is more immersive for them.

Will there be a common language that everyone can speak?

No. Though you can learn other languages. And there may be some certain areas of the world (for example perhaps a magical bazzarr) that may allow cross language communication but only within its boundaries.

Will there be /friends lists and other player tools?

We will consider all player tools such as /friends lists, however, they will most likely be "in character" tools that have to be earned in some form.

Will there be forced or optional grouping?

There is no need to force grouping. Each players actions determine their own xp and skill gain. Grouping will be an option to allow easier communication and viewing of health status among the group. There may also be loot sharing options that can be set by the group leader. Size restrictions on groups have not been determined at this time.

Will there be a monthly fee?

Yes there will be a monthly fee comparible to the industry standard at the time of release.

What about future expansions?

Additional content will be added for as long as there is player interest. Some will be free updates to the game. Land masses or other dimensions would be added as purchasable expansions.

Who is publishing this game?

We do not have a publisher at this time. Future development will continue while obtaining additional financial backing and publishers will be solicited when we reach the appropriate stage of development.

When is beta? When is release?

It is too soon to speculate on beta or release. It is our intention to not follow the current industry trend of releasing an unfinished game. A reasonable estimate would be several more years of development followed by a healthy period of beta testing.

In closing, what factors will seperate you from other games of this type?

The unique evolution design of races, the targetable combat system, the unique approach to magic vs archery vs melee; a massive in depth skill tree utilizing knowledge pools filled by experience based on usage, and quite frankly a few more unique systems that we are not prepared to make public at this time, not to mention a massive world that players can spend years exploring still missing certain dungeons and hidden areas.

This Document Copywrite 2002, Omniwolf Enterprises & Conceptual Reality Vincent Beers & Patrick Mullen respectively

It is slightly outdated, but never the less I hope this helps form your questions and suggestions.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: LostHero on 2002-11-05 22:04 ]</font>

Nov 6, 2002, 12:09 AM
Losty, where's the site that posted the progress of the game? I remember there being one and also had a message board for ideas. Could you drop the link again?

Nov 6, 2002, 12:50 AM
Aye, there was one but I took it down simply because the project wasn't heading where I wanted. I'm currently re designing a new one, which is hard with my limited web/graphics design and even more limited time. Hopefully this Saturday something of substance will be up, I'll post the link when its available. Until then ask any questions or suggestions about the game you want, I like reading new ideas others have.

Nov 6, 2002, 02:10 AM
I have few questions.

Is unarmed combat going to be a viable option for fighting, or will you be adding claw-type weapons for martial arts-style combat (or will you require a weapon to do decent damage)? Or maybe not just punches and kicks, but grapples and throws also?

Also, will players be able to use a side-arm type of weapon? Like, say, if you were a classic sword-and-shield fighter, would you be able to equip a throwing weapon just in case there was, say, a flying beast spitting acid down apon you and you wanted to kill it. Or would they be flying at a level that could be reached by melee?

You mentioned that, with the Zelda-style combat system, you could do an evasive roll behind an object (boulder) to avoid an arrow. Are there any other ways to interact with the environment, like perhaps climing a tree to get a better shot with your bow? Or maybe picking up small objects from the ground and throwing them to unbalance/damage/stun an enemy (like pelting an enemy in the head with a rock)?

Also about weapons, with enough skill with a specific weapon type, will you learn "special moves" that can only be done with that weapon, or maybe another N/PC could teach you one if you have sufficient skill? Or would this fall into the category of things you can learn at temples/schools/dojos/etc.?

Will there be "enchantment" magic, letting you charge a weapon/fists with magical attributes, like fire damage?

About PvP; in addition to "open" PKing and arenas, will there be a dueling system? For example: two players argue over an item and agree to duel over it, after the duel begins the two players can only attack each other and cannot be hurt be any other creatures, NPCs, or PCs, and are confined to a certain area to fight, but can still be hurt by the environment. I think this would be a good idea for an MMORPG. The duel wouldn't have to end when another player dies, but one player could surrender or the duel would be over when one player is in submission with a sword to his throat. A "sportsman" kind of honorable duel perhaps. Just an idea you might consider...

Nov 6, 2002, 04:00 AM
Is unarmed combat going to be a viable option for fighting, or will you be adding claw-type weapons for martial arts-style combat (or will you require a weapon to do decent damage)? Or maybe not just punches and kicks, but grapples and throws also?

Yes, infact there will be some schools focusing only on unarmed combat. Skills like disarm, stuns etc. So yes, there will be unarmed combat as well as Katars and other claw viable weapons in game.

Also, will players be able to use a side-arm type of weapon? Like, say, if you were a classic sword-and-shield fighter, would you be able to equip a throwing weapon just in case there was, say, a flying beast spitting acid down apon you and you wanted to kill it. Or would they be flying at a level that could be reached by melee?

A problem I had to deal with is how normal melee players such as your "classic" human sword and sheild fighter would deal with characters like the gargoyle (a starting race with the ability to glide/fly) and their ability to combat them. But yes, there are quick slot weapons that can be reached rapidly via macros (hotkeys) to damage or take down the flying creature. I'll also hint that there are sheild skills you can study that allow you to throw a sheild like a projectile in order to knock such a creature to the ground.

You mentioned that, with the Zelda-style combat system, you could do an evasive roll behind an object (boulder) to avoid an arrow. Are there any other ways to interact with the environment, like perhaps climing a tree to get a better shot with your bow? Or maybe picking up small objects from the ground and throwing them to unbalance/damage/stun an enemy (like pelting an enemy in the head with a rock)?

Yes. Elves in particular who's starting cities are very woodland in nature, as well as druids, rangers etc can make great use of climbing trees. Its a good element of ambush or escape that was long ago decided vital. Also, while I'd like to say there is alot of interactivity with the enviorment the only characters that throw rocks as a skill etc such as you described are giants and titans. There are however "random" items one may find scattered across the world for use as weapons or show, ranging from rocks, spoon, brooms etc.

Also about weapons, with enough skill with a specific weapon type, will you learn "special moves" that can only be done with that weapon, or maybe another N/PC could teach you one if you have sufficient skill? Or would this fall into the category of things you can learn at temples/schools/dojos/etc.?

Yes, for example if players devote their study to the long sword at a Kensai school they learn a plethora of "special moves" regarding channeling energy through your weapon. Off the top of my head I recall "Flare" as being one of these special sword based moves. To add I'll just say that these "special moves" (placed toward the tops of skill branches) will be a very big force in making players consider focusing and mastering one school instead of exausting themselves with a broad study of many.

Will there be "enchantment" magic, letting you charge a weapon/fists with magical attributes, like fire damage?

For smiths and masons certaintly, as for mages bestowing their powers permantly onto items is a topic thats up in the air. Mages can already create their own spells at higher levels, aswell as use spells that do similar temporary effects. Good question, because it at this time it is still something in dicussion.

About PvP; in addition to "open" PKing and arenas, will there be a dueling system? For example: two players argue over an item and agree to duel over it, after the duel begins the two players can only attack each other and cannot be hurt be any other creatures, NPCs, or PCs, and are confined to a certain area to fight, but can still be hurt by the environment. I think this would be a good idea for an MMORPG. The duel wouldn't have to end when another player dies, but one player could surrender or the duel would be over when one player is in submission with a sword to his throat. A "sportsman" kind of honorable duel perhaps. Just an idea you might consider...

Private duels in arenas are implemented, as for "on the fly duels" there is no current standing. There has been some discussion, but abuse of the system such as starting a duel right infront of a Lord Magma Beast to avoid death and heal up is a concern. It is something that is high on the Tier 1 list to be considered.

Surrender is a very nice option that I dont think we've looked over much. As for your "sword to the throat" I'll just say that many finishing moves are two-part, theoretically leaving situations just as you described.

Nov 6, 2002, 11:56 AM
In my case, I've got three questions for you. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

1) Is the death penalty looser when fighting in PvP arenas? For example, if you organize a series of matches with your buddies, you don't want to wait 15 minutes for your "death penalty" to expire before your character moves on to the next round.

2) How realistic will the equipment system be? My main interest is in the design of weapons. Will your character use [swords] according to normal physics laws, or can he use outta-this-world things like Cloud's buster sword (I mean, how could anyone realistically fight with this thing!) I'm a personal lover of using some nice-looking weapons just for show, especially huge weapons, so that's why I'm asking. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

3) Is the game going to have a lot of clothes customization? In PSO you are limited to suit color. In RO, some pieces of equipment do appear on your character, so you get at least a bit of individuality. In your MMORPG, will it be possible to buy clothes for your characters? Again, I'm asking because of the show-off factor. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Nov 6, 2002, 01:37 PM
1) Is the death penalty looser when fighting in PvP arenas? For example, if you organize a series of matches with your buddies, you don't want to wait 15 minutes for your "death penalty" to expire before your character moves on to the next round.

No. Also these serious death penalties are two fold, they occur based on your spiritual points (if you have any), and mass death/killing. You will not be penalized for occasional deaths.

2) How realistic will the equipment system be? My main interest is in the design of weapons. Will your character use [swords] according to normal physics laws, or can he use outta-this-world things like Cloud's buster sword (I mean, how could anyone realistically fight with this thing!) I'm a personal lover of using some nice-looking weapons just for show, especially huge weapons, so that's why I'm asking. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Something unique to this game is our creation of a system that allows total design over weapons by blacksmiths i.e.: modeling the sword. Yes there are big weapons like clouds buster sword. Infact I designed a "Buster Sword" in Maya shaped exactly like clouds as an easter egg to be included in game (I was a huge fan of FF7). I mean if a human player tries to equip a giant's axe he can hold it or at least drag it around... as for fighting with it thats a entierly different topic.

3) Is the game going to have a lot of clothes customization? In PSO you are limited to suit color. In RO, some pieces of equipment do appear on your character, so you get at least a bit of individuality. In your MMORPG, will it be possible to buy clothes for your characters? Again, I'm asking because of the show-off factor. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Yes. One of the most important goals was to allow a player to make a character totally unique for himself. Each race has a few handful's of options for face's, bodies, as well as an extensive array of clothes.

Nov 6, 2002, 01:40 PM
Next update: More f.a.q's, screenshots, and specific race information.

Nov 13, 2002, 10:36 PM
From Kodiax

Yo, LH! Didn't feel like bumping your game suggestions thread and risking the usual flame so here's a PM instead.

It would be great if the game could sport some kind of test mode. It would be an area cutoff from the rest of the game's universe, and would be used to preview characters, skills, strategies, etc. Too often in games like Diablo II, I would learn a new skill and then later find out it was completely useless. In Test Mode, the player would have freedom to make up a character of any race, stats, skills and magic. You then choose a basic weapons class (sword, gun, etc. if, just like in PSO, different weapon classes mean different strategy) and then a battle type: yourself against a punching bag, against a normal enemy, against a swarm of enemies, against a boss, etc. This way you could see what each skill does, and thus plan your character without wasting anything on stuff you don't need! It would be just like practice mode in KoF and DoA2.

The danger with such, is that so much of the game is given an exploration feel to it. It wouldn't be fiesable to allow a player to try out all 20+ races and over 800 skills, it is far too complex. However, there are ways to take back spent skill points for credit on other skills.

We have already started modeling for the "character creation," each step in the process will have numerous links to information regarding the approriate step. That and a tomb of information in the manual are the best we can accomplish.