View Full Version : I Need Your Opinions On Something

Sep 28, 2006, 07:54 PM
OK, I've been working on this for about four years, ever since Inu-Yasha (don't leave yet, it gets better! http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif) came out in the US.

Originally, two of my best friends thought it was an awesome anime, so we decided to start a roleplay of it, with our own characters and whatnot.

After a few years of my strict guidance, I've completely eliminated anything to do with Inu-Yasha from this story. Now, after the editing, I'm going to pitch the story to you. If you like it, I'll post it here, and if not, I'll keep it to DeviantArt.

The story revolves not around the prospect of demons, but the gods themselves. (Not that this doesn't strictly adhere to religious beliefs that I know of, and the story has an ENORMOUS religious flaw that pisses most Christians off, and deals a lot with why most wars in this world start.) The good gods have been at war on an astral level with the evil gods since the dawn of time itself. Recently, the evil gods decided to create demons to destroy the humans, the creations of the gods. Enraged, the good gods took the war to the corporeal level, sending heroes to fight against the demons, blessing them with tools of great power.

Among the evil gods were moles, gods who posed as evil but used the power that create demons to create powerful warriors who would serve the gods.

The stories of these heroes all root to the first of both good and evil, a wise dragon demon and an evil necromancer. The two began to have war against each other, and their allies and ancestors live this war to this day...

There are roughly 12 hero characters, 7-10 evil characters, and a few of the gods themselves here and there. The story's complicated, trust me (I've managed to squeeze seven seasons out of it. I don't know whether or not I should continue.), and it deals a lot with fates, destinies, and bloodlines.

I'd reveal more about the story in general, but it would be a massive spoiler, so I can't.

However, in the first season, the main villain is potrayed by me. My character is a dragon demon (Suprised? I thought not http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif) named Drake. He's under a curse by the evil necromancer that makes him extremely evil and powerful, and he figures the only way to break the curse is to defeat him. However, since he saw the main hero, potrayed by my best friend, a tiger half-demon named Leo, with him on several occasions, he assumed they were allies, and has been after both of them ever since. What he doesn't know is that the necromancer betrayed Leo's clan after cursing Drake.

So, the main point of the first season is that Drake's on a rampage against both the necromancer and Leo. It gets more in-depth as the seasons of this deep, unique story progress, however I guarantee you you'll love it. I just wanted to get your opinions on whether or not I should post this on PSO World.

Sep 28, 2006, 08:11 PM
i like it alot... except for the dragons. they're a bit overused in my opinion. but, my opinion is worth about as much as a dead earthworm, so you should go ahead and post it. i like how the battle takes place on a corporeal level, rather than having a buch of superpowerd gods running around smiting eachother. from what you've posted already it looks really interesting and in-depth.

Sep 28, 2006, 08:18 PM
To tell you the truth, there are only three dragons in the whole series. The main good demon, my character, and my friend's character.

Trust me, there is a lot of dragon blood other than that, but no features. (One of the main characters is 1/4 demon, and has only the power of enhanced senses and stamina. We originally made her human, but I had to give her demon. Feh, bloodlines http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_disapprove.gif)

Thanks for your opinion.

Trust me, the scenes would be a sight to behold if they were in anime, and even manga.

EDIT: And the good demon never actually appears in the series, other than in flashbacks. According to the story timeline, he gets killed off before the point in time where the series starts. He just plays an integral role in the main villain's life, and plays a small role in the lives of the two dragons.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: SereneShadows on 2006-09-28 18:20 ]</font>

Sep 28, 2006, 08:27 PM
Post the crap out of it! There isn't nearly enough fiction in Fan Works these days. Plus, the story sounds cool in its own right. I'd love to read it.

Sep 28, 2006, 09:45 PM
Post it, I'll read~

And while plot and whatnot are important, you generally cant judge a stories worth until you've experienced the style in how it is written.

Sep 29, 2006, 06:28 AM
go ahead and try man.

Sep 29, 2006, 09:38 AM
PSO World will do you well as a medium for your story, Serene. Post it, and readers will come.

Sep 29, 2006, 10:11 PM
Go for it. and i'll try to be one of the first to read it.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Skye-Fox713 on 2006-09-30 10:05 ]</font>

Sep 30, 2006, 02:18 AM
yea man post it its a good story

Sep 30, 2006, 07:40 AM
If you read mine, I read yours. Deal?