View Full Version : Mag Stats, equations help please!!!!

Oct 1, 2006, 04:18 PM
let me honest with you guys I'm not that good in math, if i sound stupid sorry, but i ca't understand the = stuff(for instance power+def=mind+dex).
Can someone please explain these equations usings numbers for me as you go along thanx dudes.
Also tell me how to get a sato and a pushan.

Oct 1, 2006, 04:51 PM
This means that the stat levels on a mag must equal each other
Power+Def MUST equal 50 when both are added together. Mind+Dex MUST equal 50 when added together. In order to make a rare mag, all stat levels, when added together, must equal 100.
To make a Sato, you need a female Force (FOmarl or FOnewearl) and must have the section ID Viridia, Bluefull, Redria, or Whitill. The Force has to feed the mag when it reaches level 100. Defence+Dex=Power+Mind
As for Pushan, you need a male Ranger of any section ID to feed the mag at when it evolves at level 100. You can have any combination of stats. If this seems a little unclear, you may get help here (http://www.pso-world.com/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=1031)

Oct 1, 2006, 05:09 PM
Actually, there's a bit more to it, but MadEwokHerd's pretty much covered it.

POW + DEF = MIND + DEX is only 1 of the three equations. If you check the guides, you'll be able to find out what equation you need for the MAG you want.

Ideally, it's easiest to make the rare MAG at lvl 100. But if for some reason you mess up, you can attempt to evolve it at any multiple of 10 AFTER 100 as well. For example, you could evolve it at lvl 120, but two stats must still equal the other two stats.

Let's say we wanted a mind Pushan for a cute little FOnewearl. The equation we need to fulfill is DEF + DEX = POW + MIND.

Obviously for a mind MAG, we don't need POW, so that allows us to have 50 MIND when we are ready to evolve it. So now we have figured out one side of the equation. POW (0) + MIND (50). Now, we must work out the DEF and DEX stats to also equal 50. This depends on your personal preference. I personally would rather boost my DEF with Def Materials, so I keep the DEF stat on my MAG at 5. So with 5 DEF, I need to have 45 DEX to equal 50.

So now we have the entire equation worked out POW(0) + MIND (50) = DEF(5) + DEX(45). Keep these numbers in mind as you feed the MAG. Stop at lvl 99, right before you're about to evolve it, and make sure you give it to a male Ranger to feed it to 100. Ta-Da! You have a rare MAG.
Once it evolves into a rare, you're all set and you can adjust it's stats however you want without fear of it evolving again. To complete our example of a mind MAG, I would continue to boost the MIND stat until it reached 150, giving me a MAG with 5 DEF, 0 POW, 45 DEX, and 10 MIND.

I hope the use of actual numbers helps!

Oct 1, 2006, 05:31 PM
Although the other information has been covered, you may want to try to get specific mag blasts. Having the 'Mylla&Youlla' photon blast is almost always a necessity especially for those characters that cannot cast shifta/deband. If you plan on getting certain mag blasts, take a look at the guides.

You'll probably have to plan carefully what to do at certain levels, but in the end it's really worth it. Personally I find that M/Y is the only Photon Blast that's really worth it since the others aren't AS great.

Mag Evolutions, Photon Blasts, and Feeding charts are located here.

Good luck on creating those mag.

Oct 1, 2006, 06:52 PM
you guys are awesome, gonna try for a sato and a pushan tonight.
It'z hard to bring up defense though.

Oct 1, 2006, 06:53 PM
How do i get the photon blasts I want.

Oct 1, 2006, 06:57 PM
Look in the Master Mag Gallery, find a Mag with the PB you want (and the correct evolution). Look how to get it, and base your Mag's stats so that it turns into the Mag you want.

After Lv50, balance the stats correctly and it should become a rare mag at Lv100.

Oh, and DEF on a Mag is pretty useless, I wouldn't bother raising it (unless going for a Max mind mag, in which case you will get some DEF)

Oct 1, 2006, 07:55 PM
So you would go Power, Dex 50-50