View Full Version : (No. 120) The line is busy.

Nov 8, 2002, 04:32 AM
Has anyone else received this message upon connecting online with US GC PSO? I just did, after a long-winded wait at the lobby while it idled before reaching the ship select. I'm sure some of you will remember when something was wrong with the servers on the DC versions you'd just endlessly idle before you even got to the ship select. Same thing here, only it actually did end and I got that message. I can assure you it's not my ISP, as I'm connecting here on my PC just fine. So what's the deuce? Server go boom? Too many people online? Unscheduled maintenance? Many possibilities to wonder about.

Nov 8, 2002, 04:43 AM
Was having a jolly old time romping throught the ruins when I lost my internet connection. Cycled the modem only to find that I could no longer connect to pso. Got past the connecting to dns screen then just sat there. I got the error one out of 4 or 5 times. doobie doobie doo.

Nov 8, 2002, 04:45 AM
Another addition to thoughts is that I just tried to go over to http://www.sega.com and discovered that the whole network seems to be down. Can't even open the homepage. Looks like Sega is crashing and burning at the moment. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif

Nov 8, 2002, 08:14 AM
Everything seems to be up now. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wink.gif