View Full Version : Stupid ideas.

Nov 9, 2002, 12:05 AM
Okay, I don't know if this counts as asking for cheat codes or what, so if it does I apologize in advance and suchlike...

But I was thinking and talking to friends about PSO. And a couple subjects came up. One was server emulation--wouldn't it be nice if we could set up our own servers to run PSO on? That way we could enforce whatever bans on pking fsodding cheaters we felt necessary, and play free, and feel safe online again, instead of having to rely on Sega's (admittedly realistic) apathy on the subject...

The other thing that came up was download quests. It seems to me that it should be possible to decipher the code used to create those, and given time and some effort, maybe even write new ones. Think about the possibilities--fan-made download quests, available to all the people who want more PSO. I figure once the code is figured out, it wouldn't be too terribly hard to make a GUI to make it accessible to anyone who wants to build one.

Anyway, I've got no real knowledge of coding/programming so I have no idea if either idea is even remotely possible, or whether this topic is gonna be wiped or what. I just thought that the ideas would be fun to mention, so here they are.

Nov 9, 2002, 05:16 AM
Server emulation is indeed possible.

Nov 9, 2002, 04:23 PM

Nov 9, 2002, 05:11 PM
I'm new here, so I don't really know alot about PSO but, if you had people setting up their own servers, in which they could set rules to prevent cheaters, then couldn't cheaters set up their own servers where they would put no rules, and everyone would cheat?

I'm not saying you have a bad idea, infact I think that anything free is great, but isn't that a possibility(that cheaters would set up servers)?

Nov 9, 2002, 08:48 PM
Cheaters may make their own servers, but they wouldn't get a ton of users. Word would spread about their servers being nasty, if they used them to destroy people. And if it was just "you can use duped items or whatever", then the people who like using those would be attracted to them. There's no reason to worry about that. Like will attract like and there hopefully wouldn't be as much worries about the irritating people, since they'll have servers of their own to be dicks on.

I think it'd be fun.

But that still leaves the fan-made quest idea...

Nov 10, 2002, 04:34 PM
True, but then, won't the cheaters just filter into the good servers? In the good servers, of course, they won't be able to cheat, but, they would have already dupped and cheated for quick levels in a cheaters server, and then going back to a good server.

All I'm saying is that that would be no different then if we just had one server, and everyone who wanted to cheat could, and everyone who didn't, wouldn't. And it would save cheaters the extra 30 seconds it would take to switch servers.

Nov 10, 2002, 05:59 PM
I'm not really all that concerned about duping or cheating to gain weapons. I don't do them myself but it really isn't as big of a problem, in my opinion, as the cheats that destroy other people's characters. And really, if you don't like the thought of people duping weapons, don't take them if you're offered.

Nov 11, 2002, 11:47 PM
Let's see here. Making your own server. Well, people do it all the time on D2, and it makes it so easy to hack things. Such as weapons and such, you can create them from thin air. So, server emulation, is feasible, but still... Anyone that knows how to manipulate the system, can manipulate yours as well, so think about the rules you put down... In the end, they won't mean jack. And as for programing, well, how much work do you think they put into a single level, how many strings of codeing and such. Just to make a decent level, for PSO, and add in all the variables, would be a utter, and complete pain for a normal person. Or even a single person skilled in those arts. After all, Sega has how many people working on PSO? So, creating your own level, would be a blast indeed, if you had people make it for you, the way you wanted it. But, to bad... If you want something like that to happen, e-mail, call, get a way to communicate with SonicTeam, and tell them about a design you had, or maybe a story for a quest. They might just listen, ya never know... Heh...