View Full Version : Strategy for using double-swords

Nov 9, 2002, 01:50 PM
Does anyone know a good strategy for using double-swords like Musashi and Yamato? They look so cool (not to mention having great ATP), so I want to use them, but I keep getting smacked down by the sharks after my combo or between hits (similar problem using daggers)...

Nov 9, 2002, 02:00 PM
Delay your hits. After each press of the button, allow the attack animation to finish, wait the maximum amount of time before you go back to your regular stance, then attack again. Also, try not to attack enemies head-on, try to circle behind them, or to their sides. This is the basic strategy for ALL of PSO's melee weapons.

Nov 9, 2002, 02:09 PM
Hmm... sometimes they're hitting me between hits... if that's the case, then it doesn't help if I press the button later. But I suppose circling around behind would help. I'm still used to partisans, which I can just normal/hard, backup a bit, normal/hard, etc. to a group.

Nov 9, 2002, 07:01 PM
Hitting the button later *will* help. Let's take the Saber for our example... you hit a Shark, and it reacts with a pain animation, right? If you do your second attack too fast, you'll actually hit the Shark during the end of its pain animation, thus causing it to recover and hit you as you go into your third attack. However, if you wait just a little bit longer, your second attack will land right after its pain animation finishes, thus instigating the pain animation again, giving you ample time to finish with a quick Hard Attack, knocking it back enough to allow a recovery/dodge. After that, it's back to square one.

Nov 9, 2002, 07:23 PM
For Musashi and like weapons it's safer to use a Light Heavy Heavy combo with no delay. It works wonders in the Cave and Ruins. It's a little iffy in the Forest, tho. You have to start the combo about three steps away to effectively keep from getting hit in the Forest. If you have a Devil or God/Battle then it's even easier. I haven't tried them in the Mine yet, so I'll withhold comments on that area for now.

Nov 9, 2002, 10:47 PM
in the forest, using a light light heavy combo is sort of an auto delay combo. go to the forest and try a light light light combo on a goomba and he will smack u in the face. if u delay the 3rd light, he wont be able to counter attack. this same method can be used on caves and ruins. the forest in unique because the enemies there have the quickest recovery. the first time u step into caves, the altered recovery time can be hard to get used too. i recommend trying a light heavy heavy. that is the timing u need, but the middle heavy will prolly miss, thats why we say light, delay light, heavy, never fails.

Nov 9, 2002, 11:37 PM
I'am currently playing as a Hucaseal. What i have noticed is that she has an incredible attack speed. I plan on using twin swords. I also noticed that i get hit alot which stinks. One good thing to do is Equipt (if u can now or later) all sockets with the best evades u have and one faster attack socket.

4 socked armor

Nov 10, 2002, 02:05 AM
After going out and practicing a bit, I found that in the Caves, Light/Heavy/Heavy isn't that great against sharks. If I use LHH, I'll kill the target, but one of his friends will smack me (if he's the last one, it's perfect). Using LH will knock the target back without killing him, thus keeping him between me and his friends. Also, the faster recovery from the second hit makes it easier to get away from anyone sneaking up behind me. For non-swarmers like the nano-dragon or grass assassin, I found that LHH worked fine (well, it killed either in one combo, so it didn't matter).

And is it just me, or do twin swords have a long recovery time? Their attack speed is actually quite fast, but they take longer than other weapons to recover. I need to adjust my attack patterns to account for the fact that the shark I could normally dodge will be able to sneak up behind me and hit me.

Maybe I will try that delay thing again, though, now that you explained how it works...

Nov 10, 2002, 05:27 PM
Hey DireWolfX. As a vet blade-user, I'd definitely advise to use the weak, strong, strong combo as a mainstay. However, the attack and recovery of some enemies is different from others, so you will have to adjust your combos accordingly upon a given situation. In fact, there were enemies that I could pull combos off on better when using LOWER speed enhancers (Like downgrading from a God Battle to a Devil Battle). It just depends, so be sure to experiment with different combos at different speeds. Of course, Strategy #1 when using blades is try to lure enemies into lines and rip into them. Blade-type weapons have awesome ATP, double-hit, and use a lot of momentum, use that to advantage and you will be causing some serious destruction.

Nov 10, 2002, 08:32 PM
best strategy for double swords is don't use them. I find that they are slow and only work against big slow enemies. I use them to kill sinows as they jump in, and get I behind belras and go to town. when you are swarmed they are useless. plus- the running animation is kinda fruity.

Nov 10, 2002, 08:36 PM
lol maelkith. i know they have slow recovery, but they are really strong, it just takes the now how. im not suggesting taking on a herd of sharks with them, but if they are scatters and few, take them down 1 by 1.

Nov 10, 2002, 09:02 PM
Oh definitely, I have a Spirit Berdys on me for dealing with swarms (need a rare polearm). But when they're not swarmed together, or only a few at a time in the right formations, you can take them out much faster with the double swords. In fact, I can kill most enemies on very hard in one LHH combo.