View Full Version : i recreated my guy in to a fonewm and i kind of maxed out hi

Oct 11, 2006, 03:02 PM
i just resintly recreated my hucast in pso because i kind of got bored of not being able to use spells so i made him in to a force a fonewm and i maxed out his atp and it wont go higher then 814 even when i put my mag with 160 pow it still doesnt increase whats going on i seen people online that have hucasts taking 3000 off of every thing and shit with hacked mags and my mags not doing shit for me its not hacked its a legit mag but it should still increase my atp but its not how can i get my atp higher so i can have as much power as a hunter

Oct 11, 2006, 03:08 PM
... Joke topic? If not, try looking here (http://www.pso-world.com/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=1182). Forces are supposed to be good at using magic, not meleeing, hence their ATP cap is far lower than a HUcast's.

Oct 11, 2006, 04:14 PM
You can't <_<. Characters have stat maximums, once you reach that you can't go any higher.

If you could have the same ATP as a HUcast then what would be the point of different classes? That's why stats exist...

Oct 11, 2006, 06:24 PM
Max stat.

That alone should tell you it wont go any higher.

And erm, you're a FOnewm? And you want to do 3000 a hit? FO (as in, Force) are for support and tech damage, not physical strength ¬_¬ (slight exceptions with FOmar and FOmarl, which can melee to an extent)

Oct 11, 2006, 06:33 PM
i know that im weaker then a hucast but i dont think you can take 3000 legit come on man the most a hunter in pso can take is most likely 1500 not 3000! thats crazy these guys online are some how going over thier limits and i want to know how to go past my limits there has to be a way i know theres a way

Oct 11, 2006, 06:38 PM
You can do 3000 legitimately, trust me.

Vjaya special + HUcast + Lv81 (4-way PB) Shifta/Deband + Lv30 Zalure. Far more than 3000, I think.

You can't legitimately go past your limits, thats why it's a limit.

Oct 12, 2006, 04:46 PM
no these guys were like gods they were two hucasts and they were destroying every one and every thing in thier path and they were taking over 3000 damage a shot and they were doing this with out shifte or deband and they had j swords i was going crazy and when they had full photon blast they did this crazy powerful blue blast around them that killed every thing in the room i think they had hacked mags but can a hacked mag make your stats go over the limit like having 3000 atp with out a weapion or some thing like that thats all im asking

Oct 12, 2006, 05:00 PM
Mags aren't supposed to be able to do that. I only play on DC, and have had a couple of hacked mags because of trades I've made in the past. In my experience, mags serve to increase stats and support your character (isn't that what forces are for anyway?). Maybe this all showed up in GC/Xbox/BB, because I sure don't remember it in Dreamcast v1 or 2.

Oct 12, 2006, 05:25 PM
yea this was on the xbox vr. i was playing under my friends name since i play the game cube vr. but every one with hacked mags were doing 3000 a hit with no problem at all i was like what the hell is going on every ones so powerful it was crazy you couldnt even go in to battle with out getting your ass kicked by a hunter!

Oct 12, 2006, 05:55 PM
A mag can't increase your stats beyond their maximum limit, hacked or not. The Hucasts you speak of probably had hacked stats or some illegitimate means of letting a mag increase their stats beyond the set caps. If the players were legal, then they had some powerful stuff equipped (slots). I have seen a Tsumiriki J-Sword do 2100 damage with the special on Dark Falz on some You-Tube video, so it might be possible for these Hucasts to be legit, although highly unlikely.

Oct 12, 2006, 06:06 PM
I have a HUcast with at roughly 1600 ATP but the highest I can do at around 181 is 1000 with Shifta/Deband with my strongest weapon. With Vjaya (a real waste of meseta) around 1500 no higher than that. Their are many hacks or cheats around these days that it makes playing online less fulfilling to others.

Oct 12, 2006, 06:14 PM
what ever im just saying that that was pretty awsome when those two hucasts came in and destroyed every thing with thier j swords take 3000 off ever one so i just wanted to know if i can make my fonewm just as powerful as those hunters were like making my mst go over its limets so my rafoie can take 2000 a hit or some thing like that so my spells could destroy every thing that would be cool i wish i could do that but i dont know how and that sucks

Oct 12, 2006, 07:19 PM
On 2006-10-12 16:14, DONTOSE wrote:
what ever im just saying that that was pretty awsome when those two hucasts came in and destroyed every thing with thier j swords take 3000 off ever one so i just wanted to know if i can make my fonewm just as powerful as those hunters were like making my mst go over its limets so my rafoie can take 2000 a hit or some thing like that so my spells could destroy every thing that would be cool i wish i could do that but i dont know how and that sucks

It's hard to read the things you post, try breaking the posts up into sections. Using punctuation can help too.

Regarding your question, I don't think it's possible for a Force to have a 2000 damage Rafoie- the highest tech damage I've seen is about 1100 (I know it can probably be higher)- FOnewearl + Club of Laconium + Foie Merge + 195 MIND Console Mag + Lv30 Foie on something with relatively no EFR.

Oh, and no class can deal 3000 damage with a J-Sword without Shifta/Zalure. Using the Damage Calculator here:

The highest possible damage I can get out of the Damage Calculator, using the details you provided, is a Heavy Critical Hit of roughly 2100 damage. Regular heavy damage of around 1400. This was with a +50 Tsumikiri J-Sword, on a HUcast, with max ATP, with 100% attributes, with Lv30 S/Z.

Unfortunately, that calculator can't go to Lv81 Shifta, but you said they had no Shifta anyway, so I don't see how 3000 damage with a J-Sword (without Shifta) would be possible.

Oct 12, 2006, 07:27 PM
they probly had 127% on the enemies type

Oct 12, 2006, 08:15 PM
THOSE THE FOIE MERGE work for rafoie and how powerful is it at level 30 pluse 1500 mst pluse foie merge and how would Club of Laconium increase the power of my foie

Oct 13, 2006, 08:44 PM
I see you read my post on FOmarls >_>
Club of Laconium boosts Foie's damage by 40%. ONLY Foie... Not Gifoie or Rafoie.
http://www.pso-world.com/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=472 <--- Every Weapon that boosts technique's abilities.
-= Merges also boost technique ability.
FOIE MERGE boosts foie damage by 30%
GIFOIE MERGE boosts Gifoie damage by 30%, etc... A merge that boosts a single technique will increase it's damage by 30%. However, a merge that boosts all of a type of technique is called a color merge, and it boosts all of that type of technique by 20%.
For example, RED MERGE boosts Foie, Gifoie, and Rafoie by 20%.
It all depends on how you spam your techs and how often you use certain techs.
Also, if you have a support merge like SHIFTA MERGE or RESTA MERGE... it doesn't increase the effectivness or power of the technique, it just increases the range +6 game meters (doubles range for most characters) of casting the specific support technique.
There isn't a merge for Megid, Grants, Jellen, Zalure, Reverser, or Ryuker (not sure what you would do with a Ryuker Merge anyways ~_~ )

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: MegamanX on 2006-10-13 18:47 ]</font>

Oct 17, 2006, 09:49 AM
I've seen grants break 1100 before... but I can't remember where. I just know that it was a FOmarl and a Caduceus was involved. Also; I'm pretty sure it was on a Darvant.

Oct 17, 2006, 10:06 AM
They would have to have 127% on there J swords. And a Hacked mag on. I seen moder do more damage than 3000 +. I seen a Racast have a Yasmininkov 3000 R with a charge on it and 127% on dark and he hit 6700 on falls. 3 to 4 shot killed him on ult mode. Yes there are alot of cheeter out there. It takes the fun out of the game.