View Full Version : Beats

Oct 12, 2006, 03:06 AM
This may be a noob question but i was wondering what exctly are beats. Like for Heven punisher it says special works every 100 beats and people mention beats every once in a while. Are they ike kills or something else. Also whats the beat timer?

Oct 12, 2006, 03:14 AM
1000 beats are equal to 24 hours.

They are a time unit made by Swatch, to get a solution for the problem of the timezones and worldwide internet community.

the beat time is the same on the whole world.

300 .beat is the same at New York, at Tokio or at Berlin.

Oct 12, 2006, 03:19 AM
It's also a failed timing system that never really caught on (even in PSO).

If you look at the lower right of your screen while playing (with the menu open), you'll see 'internet time @[number between 000-999]'. That is the 'beat' time.

The Heaven Punisher's special attack works for 100 beats, then doesn't work for 100 beats and so on.

Oh, finally: This topic is actually brought up very often. Use a Forum Search before asking a question next time.

Oct 12, 2006, 08:43 AM
it also effects the morning glory. and i agree with uriko you should search this is a verry frequent question