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View Full Version : PS2 really that bad?

Oct 16, 2006, 03:58 PM
I planned on getting the PS2 version since I dont want to play on my mac and I dont really want to dish out 400 bcks for XBox since I robably will never play any game other than PSU on it. Also I really wanted the Guitar heroes for PS2, but I keep hearing all this jibber jabber about how the PS2 version sucks.. and I am have some second thoughts.. just want some input. Thanks

Oct 16, 2006, 04:17 PM
it aint that bad

Oct 16, 2006, 04:21 PM
I hope the retail version of won't be like this (http://youtube.com/watch?v=UFBuFRtJmvM), looks like the PS2 can only load about 7 characters models at a time, and talk about the time it takes them to load, I wonder if the guy was on dial-up...

Oct 16, 2006, 04:24 PM
Hooray for macs!
If you have an intel based mac (Only the newer ones have an intel chip in them. By new I mean a year old and under) you can install windows with an official apple programme called "Boot camp" It allows you to create a section of your hard drive for windows and one for mac os. That's how I'm gonna be playing PSU.

I've heard that the ps2 version has the poorest graphics. I can't really comment on how it'll be online though. I've never used a PS2 online.

I've played PSO on Dreamcast, Xbox, Gamecube AND PC, and I have to say that PC felt the most right to me. I don't play any other PC games, so I'm not biased...I can't say why, it seemed right but it just did.

As a side note, I really enjoyed guitar hero. It gets REALLY difficult at the end of Expert mode. The last two songs hurt to play....Anyway number two is out in November too!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Cojiro on 2006-10-16 14:27 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Cojiro on 2006-10-16 14:30 ]</font>

Oct 16, 2006, 04:47 PM
On 2006-10-16 14:21, LordHakutsuru wrote:
I hope the retail version of won't be like this (http://youtube.com/watch?v=UFBuFRtJmvM), looks like the PS2 can only load about 7 characters models at a time, and talk about the time it takes them to load, I wonder if the guy was on dial-up...

That's not the ps2 making load time freeze cause then that would be a bug , he just has crappy online stuff or he's getting ultimate lag from having something else or downloadin something. I seen the ps2 one and it's control is the most comfortable imo. Also the graphics on ps2 pc and xbox are the same almost cept xbox is a lil more cleaner. The PC and Ps2 have same graphics when i saw it. Get the ps2 one because it will have more people Ps2 and PC merge servers and xbox plays on there servers. Plus who cares on voie chat but to those who got other games to play on xbox more power to ya. I hoped i helped.

Oct 16, 2006, 06:14 PM
On 2006-10-16 16:00, Zeta wrote:
Why would you buy a console that's going to be obsolete in a month?

Not true. Games are still coming out for the PS2,a nd there should be for some time. Its the best choice for people who have Current Gen.

Oct 16, 2006, 06:21 PM
FYI some people can not afford PS3 at $600.

Well, some people, like me, that have very limited funds, real-life expenses;
and bought either pre-owned or new PS2 or Slim PS2 for excellent games like:
Okami, Tales of the Abyss, Grandia III, Castlevania:Curse of Darkness, Shadow of the Colossus, and others;
and can not yet afford to buy a new PC or upgrade a current PC *yet* and would like to play PSU.

I really am tired of the silly flaming/nit-picking, and blown way out of proportion "flaws" of the PS2 version of PSU, when it was made for the PS2 originally.

Oct 16, 2006, 06:25 PM
Yeah... I refuse to buy a PS3 (The price and its nothing speical). My brother is constantly playing FFXI on our computer, so if I get it for PC, then we'll have to take turns, like 2 hours at a time or some crap (like we are 7 years old, but I know it will eventually come to that, simply because he WILL hog the damn PC up). I don't own a 360 either. So PS2 is my last and final option. It doesn't look that bad to me (graphics and slowdown issues).