View Full Version : XBox: Question about Online Gameplay

Oct 20, 2006, 01:28 AM
Is it possible to get through any of the areas past the forest, without having to leave my game open for anyone to join? I play offline most of the time, and on occasions like to go on-line for extra experience and because the monsters are tougher. I keep running into brick walls leaving my game passworded, because I find I cannot get to the second or third floor because of needing 2-4 for players to open doors.


Oct 20, 2006, 05:13 AM
Sadly enough, I don't think there's a way to get through from Forest to Falz without having other players. The Extermination Quest - Endless Nightmare 4 is like that, too. There's a 2-person switch in the second room >_>.

Apparently, this was done on purpose, because PSO online is meant to be multiplayer. However, if you're worried about non-legit players or whatnot, there ARE still some of us who are nice and friendly to play with, should you wish to. My characters are in my sig, and I'm usualy on Davburite block 10.

Oct 20, 2006, 08:24 AM
I have to agree with xxTrystanxx. I will be willing to help you out as well.
I know that sucks I would like to go do the eps2 by my self and find rares with out any one taking the one I need. But you can't on line. But there are sume good players on line on Davburite block 10 thay are verey nice players on that block. good luck to you and hope to see you on. Find me I can help.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: BlueKnight on 2006-10-20 06:57 ]</font>

Oct 20, 2006, 10:40 AM
On 2006-10-20 06:24, BlueKnight wrote:
I have to agree with xxTrystanxx. I will be willing to help you out as well.
I know that sucks I would like to go do the eps2 by my self and find rares with out any one taking the one I need. But you can't on line. But there are sume good players on line on Davburite block 10 thay are verey nice players on that block. good luck to you and hope to see you on. Find me I can help.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: BlueKnight on 2006-10-20 06:57 ]</font>

Hunting rares online can be hazardous sometimes lol. Play with people you know and trust and call a drop before going into an area. If someone doesn't honor called drops you don't wanna play with them anyway.

Oct 20, 2006, 05:50 PM
Thank you xxTrystanxx, BlueKnight, & Saigan for your replies. As of now I'm playing offline. I have 6 chars. 4 hunters (3 HUmar, 1 HUnewearl) & 2 rangers (RAmar & RAmarl) The Hunter's names are: Shadow, Slah, Nicholas, and Storm. The rangers names: Sean, & Silver. All are level 35 and in The Ruins. If you would please leave a time that you're on-line, I'll log in. My schedule is flexible.

Thanks again!

Oct 20, 2006, 05:52 PM
PS as far as drops are concerned, personally I like to share things. But things like this can be discussed off of the boards.

Oct 20, 2006, 06:00 PM
I pretty much already have most of the common rares. So usually if I convince folks to help me hunt, I call one thing and let everyone else have the rest. I've had the good fortune to play with people who enjoyed helping each other hunt items and are honest about them.

When I log in, it's usually in the evenings and nighttime EST. I work Mon-Fri, so on the weekends I often log in at varying points throughout the day.

Oct 21, 2006, 04:00 AM
A little offtopic here - but this calling items is cool and it intrigues me although ive never played like that myself, my circle of trusted friends and i all play to 1 rule and that rule is whoever made the game gets the first choice on all rare drops.Nine times out of 10 the other players in the game wont even pick them up we just call over the leader of the game and 1 of us will run around the dropped rare item in a circle to show where it is located.
ONTOPIC - there is a way to pass 2 or more person switch doors single handed but i cant discuss it here, as it may violate the forum rules.

Oct 21, 2006, 07:51 AM
How about playing certain quests, when you are online. Some, like Towards the Future, allow a single player to do (parts of) all the areas. At least, certain quests on the Gamecube servers do, and I'll assume it's the same for the Xbox.
Having said that, doing what you are doing now, (trying to arrange meetings), is far better. Playing together adds a lot to the fun. ~_~

Oct 21, 2006, 08:00 AM
Yes. TTF is doable by yourself, however, depending on your character class and level, some might have more difficulty completing it than others.
Other quests like the Phantasmal World quests are also soloable, but with difficulty. This game was clearly made to be enjoyed with other players, and that is evident in many of the quests and areas.

Delfi, as far as the calling items thing goes... I'm not sure how it got started, because when I first started playing online, people played as you do, the party leader getting first dibs. But I think after a while when people weren't so much collecting new rares as trying to hunt for more obscure items, i think party leaders just started not picking up things, LOL. At least in my games, I try not to hog all the rares. Especially if it's a time-consuming or difficult quest, I like to share the spoils, you know?

Slightly off-topic, the other night I actually had a dream that I got my Skyly into Ultimate and had the luck of finsing an SJS within like the first couple Gi-Gues killed, and being a Ranger, the HU I was playing with ran right over to it, and grabbed it and then logged out of the game http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif It's a shame we can't play Towers offline, LOL