View Full Version : HUmar for beginners?

Nov 12, 2002, 01:55 AM
Give me a break... How can they judge hunters, or rather HUmars so badly? All hunters, in the manual, and on the character create screen, are slapped with a judgment right away. "Best for the beginning player." That's a load of crap if I ever seen one. First off, hunters, are more likely to get injured, and killed in battle, due to the fact they used balde weapons. Also, shifta, deband, and reverser have been stripped from the tech using hunters. Toneing them down even more. So, how can you class a hunter, as a beginning character, since the liklihood of death goes up, as you gain proximity to the opponent? If anything, hunters should be judged for more experienced people. Rangers, by far, are the easiest class to be. All you have to do, is stay away and shoot, how hard can it be? As for forces, same things aplies, except with more restrictions. Froces cannot take the hits a ranger can, and also, long distance attacks are limited by an amount of TP. So, know how will you judge where a character should be placed? Please post, i'd like to see difffrent opinions, and commentaries. And, if you like, flame away! Because I could really care less to tell you the truth... Bwahahahaha....

Nov 12, 2002, 02:55 AM
I think HUmar is for beginners

Nov 12, 2002, 02:59 AM
Maybe because they have the easiest time killing things of all the classes? >_> They AREN'T hard.

RA are probably called intermidiate because they don't have as easy a time killing things and spend as much time running as they do shooting unless you twink them good, and even then it only goes so far until you need genuine lvups to push you into the next area/difficulty due to lower hp than HU. Dark Force's Grants cannon / 3rd form sword swipe is hard to dodge no matter which class you are http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif Same applies to FO, they need higher lv to beat stuff solo than HU or RA.

HUnewearl, and both human RA are slightly more advanced because you play support and direct combat, and can be very valuable to a team without a FO if you know what you're doing, which again takes experiance. FO truly make better support (as was intended) than anything else (even with new tech specialties, as far as I can see), and new players wouldn't understand how to be priceless to a team of HU/RA with a FO's unique talents.

HUcas are easy to understand, see a monster, make it dead. RAcas are the same, but need to think more about what they target, to maximize their inturruption and distraction abil, helping protect teamates. HUmar are just average all around and bite at support and are better with a gun than HUcast now. Whats so hard about that? It don't take long to learn how to fight with a Saber (or daggers) and Partisan, with a handgun for backup, then go own all over monsters while healing yourself without items.

Maybe I'm overcomplicating this, maybe you were generalizing a bit much, but as far as Sega's descriptions go its dead on for C mode at least. In that purest form of PSO the classes really do work out like their descripts.

*bows* thanks for letting me book-post and feed my ego today ^___^

Nov 12, 2002, 06:45 AM
Ah, I love to see peoples opinions... Everyone has a diffrent afterall. But, my generalization, stays the same. I mean, c'mon. I can start a ranger right now, take him all the way to Falz. And possibly, not even get hit. Now that's just cheap, isn't it? With a hunter, the thing is, you are going to get hit. No matter what. And with a force, hell... You'll never even get a chance to touch me. Especially in a multi game. Depending on the indiffrence of the team. And how much they really care. HP, is not all that great a deal. It's the ability to deal damage from a distance, and avoid the patterns of enemies, including good ole' Falz. So, there ya go. More input would be nice. Considering, you might have a saber, and do more damage, have more HP... But what good does that do you, if you're going to get hit?

Nov 12, 2002, 07:01 AM
Whenever I'm showing someone how to play PSO with that offline multiplayer mode, I've told 'em to try a Ranger. I played a 2-player game first, where I had a hunter and two kids about 10-12 years old or so alternated on a ranger character. They had a blast, and when they saw that I was the one getting the abuse, when we went to three players they both took Rangers.

You are most likely correct that Hunters are the easiest class to go with when soloing your way to the end... but I disagree that they're the easiest to learn with. You WILL get whacked, and you WILL get frustrated, and you WILL run out of monomates while trying to learn how not to get hit. Everyone NEEDS to play a Hunter to learn how to melee, but for just starting out and learning the controls, farting around in Forest 1 just getting the hang of things, a Ranger is a MUCH better choice. If you are playing with someone new and you want to show them the ropes, make them a Ranger. If you are learning for yourself and you cannot get online and you have nobody to show you the ropes, use a Ranger until you get the basic controls then switch to a Hunter to try to actually beat the levels.

So in a way the description is right, and also wrong. Oh well...

Nov 12, 2002, 07:31 AM
It just all depends how you look at things I guess. All in the eye of the beholder. But, when does it come down to the skill of the player, that seperates the thresh hold? If a HUmar was made for beginners, yet, some people play them to such an extent as I do, and learn to specialize in that characters strong points, wouldn't that change the judgment? It's all about how you use, and understand you character in the end, that decides where he will be placed upon the judgments of others. But hey, that just another on of my opinions. Considering that fact, I have alot of respect for a force that will cast resta on you, just in the nick of time. Or, a ranger that will wade in, and take a quick hit, so you can avoid a deathblow, all due to his bravery. And I have the respect for the hunter, who will pick up a saber, and go in swinging, even if he knows he's outmatched.

Either way, every one has their strong points, not only the characters, and their generalizations, but the players as well.

Nov 12, 2002, 08:41 AM
All characters are equal!


Just spreadin' the love!~


Nov 12, 2002, 08:59 AM
BOOYA! My friend.

Nov 12, 2002, 09:18 AM
I believe HUmar are the shittiest characters if anything. My HUmar is a weak ass puss i'll admit. I wish I chose a HUcast because they're ATP is so damn strong. I think a maxed HUmar isn't nearly equal to a maxed HUcast. They are weak, so are there techs. But anyway in my opinion the HARDEST of all classes would be the FOmar. It says he's teh hardest and well he's weak as prick in all areas.

Nov 12, 2002, 09:28 AM
All I can say about the FOmar thing is... ROFLMFAO!

Nov 12, 2002, 12:01 PM
In terms of actual difficulty, it depends on the situation. When first starting out, and going solo, HUnters do have the easiest time. However as you level up and switch difficulty levels, things change. And if you're online and on a team, it's also different. Then there's the whole c-mode thing.

Overall, HUmar is probably the easiest character to use. You have a max ATP higher than a HUcaseal's, stinky MST so you really don't have to worry about attack techs, but only healing and support, and have a good HUnter growth rate. HUnewearl's growth is horrible in terms of HUnter stats and must rely on her MST. Things get tough for the 2 androids in later difficulty levels, especially ultimate (but they're deities in normal!)

In c-mode, HUnters have it rough. RAngers by far have the easiest job, and while the FOrce's role is complex, it's pretty easy. HUnters do the majority of the work and put themselves at the most risk.

Nov 12, 2002, 12:01 PM
Its definately up to the player's skill, but if you know what you're doing as a HUmar its as easy to avoid getting hit as any other class, especially if you are smart enough to master using Partisans, Sabers, and the occasional Handgun. Herding is the AI's biggest weakness, mass em and slaughter, strategy as old as time which works just as well today as it did in v1, made rediculously deadly/easy with all the traps the casts can fling around in norm-vhard now. Saber for 1v1 or 2 is imo the best choice, even over daggers or twin swords as long as its ATP is high enough (read: Del Saber's Buster w/ Shield), simply because they recover so quickly even without Any/Battle units and are more accurate so you don't get knocked around with the occasional miss as often. Its a case of having to hit something one or two more times for less risk of getting yourself whacked. I'm sure after mastering any weapon type its not hard to fight safely with it, and it just depends on user preference at that point.

Nov 12, 2002, 12:12 PM
ramar with god power and a shot or launcher is so friggin easy.

Nov 12, 2002, 12:18 PM
Same can be said for a HUmar with a god power and a Gungnir or Berdys, which has higher ATP than Arms/Cannon (I think I'm wrong about that actually, but too lazy to go look up the stats) + higher base atp with HU = even faster killing. Shots are limited to 5 hits too, vs. unlimited within proximity of partisan swipe, which can be 6 or 7 easily with good herding.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Vandal on 2002-11-12 09:21 ]</font>

Alena Zouryx
Nov 12, 2002, 12:31 PM
Yes, yes...when I first played PSO I was A HUnewearl, and thanks to the experience I gained in meleeing, I actually can melee with my FOmarl and still kick arse!!! *WHOOHOO!!!*

Nov 12, 2002, 03:12 PM
If you want to talk "beginner classes", HUnewearl retains just about everything she had aside from Reverser, Grants and Megid, but gained increased tech levels and tech effectiveness, and because she is just a few points weaker than a HUmar, she can gain those points with a simple Shifta/Deband. HUmar has lost Shifta/Deband, the two techs that gave him his big advantage over everyone else in the previous game, and what techs he has aren't anything to scream about (Resta 15 with my level 127 HUmar heals 404 HP, not even half my current HP), has had the double saber animation tweaked for less effectiveness (why the fuck is my backstep gone?), and now takes a big step FORWARD during a full sword combo. So who's the beginner class again? Yeah, whatever. I'm totally reliant on a force to support me in ultimate mode, because Resta isn't worth a God damn. All non-force Resta-using players will realize this REAL FAST in ultimate Ruins and Seabed.

HUcaseal's lower ATP isn't that big a deal... you'll realize what I mean when you notice her exclusive attack animations. She has the most efficient knuckle combo, the most efficient sword swing, and the most efficient dagger animation.

There's more to the game than just statistics, folks. And quite frankly, a HUmar is nowhere near what he once was.

A team of four hunters or four rangers will find ultimate mode's last few levels nearly impossible to conquer. A team of four forces though, no problem. Forces dominate all. Grounds for being called a "beginner class" I suppose.

Nov 12, 2002, 03:26 PM
On 2002-11-12 03:45, DB wrote:
Ah, I love to see peoples opinions... Everyone has a diffrent afterall. But, my generalization, stays the same. I mean, c'mon. I can start a ranger right now, take him all the way to Falz. And possibly, not even get hit. Now that's just cheap, isn't it? With a hunter, the thing is, you are going to get hit. No matter what. And with a force, hell... You'll never even get a chance to touch me. Especially in a multi game. Depending on the indiffrence of the team. And how much they really care. HP, is not all that great a deal. It's the ability to deal damage from a distance, and avoid the patterns of enemies, including good ole' Falz. So, there ya go. More input would be nice. Considering, you might have a saber, and do more damage, have more HP... But what good does that do you, if you're going to get hit?

Most of Falz later attacks are undodgeable... The purple energy rain comes to mind. Hunters are easy to use... You just mindlessly hack away at the baddies! The AI for PSO isn't exactly smart so you can just run around their back and hack em a few times.

Nov 12, 2002, 03:42 PM
And all you do with rangers is shoot a gun from a safe distance. Mind explaining to the rest of us how this is somehow more difficult?

Nov 12, 2002, 03:47 PM
I can admit it is harder for a HUmar doing the levels... But when it comes to boss fights they have it easy. They have far more HP than a RAmar; allowing them to survive attacks that would insta-kill a RAmar. They do alot more damage; ending fights in minutes instead of hours.

Nov 12, 2002, 03:48 PM
Hey, who cares about which character class is best (DEJA VU ALERT!!!) Someone gimme a kickass weapon and I'm 0wning the world!

Nov 12, 2002, 04:01 PM
Beginner class refers to starting out ... that doesn't necessarily apply to later on. Forces are hard at the start, but get powerful later on, but it's the reverse for hunters.

Seems to me that Sonic Team is trying to reward a diverse group for working together. Two hunters, a ranger and a force make an awesome team.

Nov 12, 2002, 04:50 PM
My 8-year old beginner is a RAmar. It's easiest for him.

But my 10-year-old girl is a FOnewearl.

Both of these chars seem best for the kids because they can blast away from afar.

I am, and always have been, a HUnewearl. The book said the HUnewearl was the best combonation of techs/brute combat.

Sometimes when I watch HUmars whip large swords (my favorite weapon class) around faster than I can swing my Dim Brand, I think about creating a HUmar. But then I'd have to start over, and I've only just hit Level 24.

Then again it would nice to be a high-level FOnewmn, able to cast reverser, resta, etc without worry for fluids.

Nov 13, 2002, 12:56 AM
On 2002-11-12 13:50, charr wrote:
Then again it would nice to be a high-level FOnewmn, able to cast reverser, resta, etc without worry for fluids.

You don't play Force much, do ya?

Nov 13, 2002, 11:02 AM
My opinion is what they mean by beginner, intermediate, and veteran is probably by learning curve. See for hunters all you do is just hack&slash (mainly) melee style. Easy to learn close range combat attacking with power and defense to back up. What's so difficult about walking up to a booma and go light/heavy/heavy? Takes no brains to do that.

Rangers (like the games says) are for intermediate players. Less def, less pow, but capable of long range fighting. For me this requires discipline. You shoot long range for tiny amounts of damage and if you're like me you're tempted to go in just a bit closers sometimes (and doing that can spell disaster sometimes too LOL).

Forces are for veteran players from what the game says. Basically magic attacking once with raw power and also support magic. Killer class type though weak in all aspects except MST. Another one of those discipline things on my point. Run around till you have a safe distance to cast and BOOM Grants all your sorry butts to death!

Well pretty much its up to the players decision on who they want to be. I stared out as a force on the first PSO and was dedicated to learn the advantages and disadvantages of combat for them. Plus I thought spells were cool till I thought swords and partisans were cool then I thought rifles and shots were cool LOL.

Nov 13, 2002, 02:49 PM
It all depends how you look at it, I suppose. Everyone has a different view point. But, i'm sticking with mine. They messed with the HUmar class so bad, it ain't even cool. Mainly, no Shifta/DeBand. That makes him, immideitly, half the character he was. And his Double Saber combo... Ugh... I used to invincible in V-Hard, with just a Stag Cutlery. Now, there's no huge step back, to bring you away from danger... *WACK* Oops... Just a Dimeniens arm... Damnit...

Nov 13, 2002, 08:49 PM
The Ranger classes are soooooooo much easier.

You just sit back and shoot.

The Hunter classes have to maneuver close to the monsters, position yourself so you are to the side so the monsters cannot hit you, you have to mix up your light and hard attacks to not get bashed, etc.

On GC PSO, I made a RAmar first b/c I knew it would be the easiest class to open up areas and hunt for rares with.

Hunters are more fun to play precisely because they are more challenging. But the Rangers are easier to kill things (especially bosses) and unlock areas and difficulties.

Nov 13, 2002, 09:59 PM
See what I mean? I think rangers have the easiest time, besides the low hit points... =/ That's the only downside to them. And as explained above, you're always manuevering through battle with a hunter, trying "NOT" to get killed. After all, alot of those monsters can become more dangerous, in closer proximities. As for Falz's Purple rain attack, it can be avoided... I dunno about Olga Flow though... I stil haven't beat the bastard on normal, and i'm lvl 42. But, oh well. Such is the life of a hunter!

Nov 14, 2002, 07:15 AM
I've kinda decided, the toughest all around char, woul have to be the HUcast... Even though I "NEVER" played as one... I view them as tanks. Highest natural ATP, highest HP in the game... Where can you go wrong choosing one? Besides the lack of techniques... And if you carry enough mates, they can replace Resta, with ease. But, for now, i'm just gonna stick with a HUmar, until I get some input on the whole HUcast thing. I mean, c'mon people... Just look at that rat bastard Kireek! If he carried a better weapon in Ultimate, i'd actually be intimidated!