View Full Version : GC: Stupid Noobish Question

Oct 21, 2006, 10:42 PM
I have played PSO since the DC days, but I have only beaten Dark Falz' 3rd form once. I have the GC EP 1&2 Plus now and I was wondering what minimum level would be best for Hard Dark Falz.

I have a 43 HuCast right now and I am using a Gungnir for most of my level grinding. I have a DB's Saber for close fighting (it's the best weapon I have), but I have no rares besides the DB Saber. I have about 6 Scape Dolls. Should I grind out a few more levels?

Any advice would be great. BTW, this is my first post on this site, though I have been reading it for years.

Oct 21, 2006, 10:44 PM
Depending on you weapon, mag lvl, and armor.
With a level 200 mag with around 140 power, i can beat him around level 19

Oct 22, 2006, 09:17 AM
As a HUcast you should have enough HP to survive anything he throws at you, especially at your level. Just be sure to bring along a gun that does decent damage. One that has a drain ability would be awesome so you can hurt him when he's being invincible and also to cut down on mate use.

Oct 22, 2006, 09:19 AM
lol, i beat him the first time at like lv35. i got fsod'd online with my lv 60 so now im like lv...8? lol well im off to the caves c ya!, oh, and one more day is he only thing that stands between me and PSU!!!!!! XD yes!

Oct 23, 2006, 02:29 PM
Depends. My bro beat it at level 20 because he used a Power mag I made him. If you use a Level 200 Mag w/most attack power, A 4-slot King Frame with at Least 2 Warrior/Metal/God Body, 1 General/Ogre Power and 1(this should be in the slot While figthing it) Light/Saint/Holy Resist or All/Resist, At least 2 or 3 Scape Dolls, and Plenty of healing Items and have any Gun ,the boss would be a Piece of Cake.

PS: This is what I told my brother to do, Because I'm a RAcast, Duh! XD

Oct 25, 2006, 12:24 AM
I beat him on hard at about your level. Buy 10 monomates, 10 dimates, 10 trimates, and 10 star atomizers if you have the money. As for weapon do forest runs on hard and kill the dragon like 8 times eventually he'll drop musashi. Get a Rail gun, Raygun, or Varista for when he comes out of the sheild but is really far from you.

Oct 27, 2006, 05:10 AM
If you have decent armor/slots you should make it.

Oct 27, 2006, 12:56 PM
Yeah, 43 aint bad, If you have some decent armor stuff as said before. and get a decent gun, one with decent dmg and decent fireing speed. you should have enough HP i'd get a good Mag 1st too. and hopefully you'll get your "Boss Buffs"