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View Full Version : Be maxed at level 200 in every stat!!!

Alena Zouryx
Nov 12, 2002, 12:12 PM
I am so amazingly proud of my stat calculations that I have obtained for maxing out Alena's stats. This is so absolutely amazing that I have to share it with you, and I'm planning on calculating the stats for all of my other characters too!

First, I found the FOmarl's stats at level 200, with no materials, armor, weapons, or a mag. And then, I found the maximum potential of the class, with maxed stats. (all of this is at http://www.ragol.com, but I heard that the site went down). Anyways, here's what I started with:

@ level 200 Maximum Potential
Hp 1273 Hp 9,999
Tp 1699 Tp 9,999
Atp 721 Atp 872
Dfp 351 Dfp 498
Mst 934 Mst 1284
Ata 144 Ata 170
Evp 513 Evp 588
Lck 10 Lck ???

Using this, I found the difference necessary in order to obtain the max stats. (Hp and Tp don't count, since only mats raise those):

Atp: + 151
Dfp: + 147
Mst: + 350
Ata: + 26
Evp: + 75

So now I had to figure out exaclty how much of each material I needed to use, as well as each of my mag's stats needed. Here is what I plan on my mag being:

DEF: 42 (+42 Def)
POW: 32 (+32 Atp)
DEX: 36 (+18 Ata)
MIND: 90 (+90 Mst)

Then I calculated the remaining number of stat points needed by using materials. Since Humans can take up to 250 materials, this is what I came up with:

Power Materials: 30 (+60 atp)
Defense Materials: 53 (+106 dfp)
Mind Materials: 130 (+260 mst)
Evade Materials: 37 (+74 evp)
Luck Materials: 0 (+0 luck) *note: wont be fighting, so luck is useless

When you add the material bonuses and the stats of the mag, you get the following stat increases:

Atp +92
Dfp +147
Mst +350
Ata +18
Evp +74

Now these come pretty darn close to the max, and some of them ARE maxed. Now check out the actual stats with those increases added in:

Atp: 813 (59 away from max)
Dfp: 498 (Maxed!)
Mst: 1284 (Maxed!)
Ata: 162 (8 away from max)
Evp: 587 (1 away from max)

Now, equip Alena with a weapon and armor. She is now completely maxed, and if my calculations are correct, the equips will boost her stats OVER the max!!! Now is that cool or what??

The only problem is, she needs to get to level 200. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

Sorry...I just had to show you that. For once I did something that requires lots of thinking!! Go me!!

Nov 12, 2002, 12:44 PM
Heh, heh. You know, this can be viewed as being a bit fanatical, but it's a good idea. I've been wondering about this myself, honestly. Seeing as how I find evade and defense materials all over the place. I've been storing them all this time, because I'm not sure what to do with them. Since the number of materials I can use are limited (even more so since my character is an android). I think since I have a bit more time right now I'll go ahead and calculate what I'll need to do in order to max out her stats.

Thanks for the idea.


Nov 12, 2002, 01:26 PM
That's pretty cool... But I like just using whatever I find (For the most part I find random mats). I'm going to try to IM you to ask you some more about your plan so u better be on O.o!

Nov 12, 2002, 02:26 PM
Ok, that's great. Now can someone figure out how to do this with a HUmar?

Nov 12, 2002, 02:41 PM
Someone showed me this:


Need Excel or something that can read the format.

Nov 12, 2002, 02:42 PM
Well...I would of planned this out but it's a little to late so have to use whatever I find. (Hopefully i won't pull a snapple and remake my char due to bad mat usage. ^_^;) In the end a lv 200 still rocks.

Nov 12, 2002, 03:03 PM
If we can pull a Snapple, why do we need to worry about this until we hit 200?

Nov 12, 2002, 05:14 PM
Be maxed at level 200 in every stat!!!

Atp: 813 (59 away from max)
Ata: 162 (8 away from max)
Evp: 587 (1 away from max)

And 90 away from the luck max. What exactly did you do again? If you're going to totally ignore luck, then you might as well ignore atp and ata

Now, equip Alena with a weapon and armor. She is now completely maxed

Umm, no? If a weapon adds +200 atp and +30 ata it'll aways add that, even if you're maxed. You're stil 59 atp away from the max you could have with any weapon

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Rhete on 2002-11-12 14:18 ]</font>

Nov 12, 2002, 05:54 PM
sweet!!! now if i learn how to read those numbers ill figure out how to make my FO chick to kick butt! Too bad my HUmar already has a ton of Mats... i dont even know what kind i just give and give >.<;; not a good idea i know i know

Nov 12, 2002, 05:58 PM
You spent all that time doing calculations when somebody else has already done those for every class except newmen (who, apparently, have too low an ATA growth to have all their stats maxed).

Read it here (http://s3.cgi.gamefaqs.com/boards/genmessage.asp?board=32498&topic=4999094).

Nov 12, 2002, 06:52 PM
of course if you find a god/body...

things be much easier

then you could blow the 45 mats on luck just to be safe
and use a mag to round out everything else to get to max

.. i dunno the rarity of them on ep 1 and 2, but for the DC i was actually throwing those away after i had 4

Nov 12, 2002, 07:46 PM
Ehh, I thought the max luck was only 10 >.> <.<

Nov 12, 2002, 07:58 PM
Can you still get God/Ability? 4 of those would mean a 100 extra points in your stats...

Nov 12, 2002, 09:33 PM
On 2002-11-12 16:46, Ruby-chan wrote:
Ehh, I thought the max luck was only 10 >.> <.<

Nope, in fact, in the DC version, I had 90 luck. I was real lucky with the Luck Mats, and the fact that I had 4 God/Luck units didn't hurt.

Nov 12, 2002, 11:18 PM
O_O ok ... this DEFFINETLY shouldn't be THIS complicated... I swear if i'm going to have to actually work out how i take my matts... that's it... Im gonna sue the pants off sega for not letting me transfer my Dreamcast character over http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Nov 13, 2002, 05:16 AM
So is there any way of working out how many mats your char has used so far?

Nov 13, 2002, 06:41 AM
On 2002-11-13 02:16, Atax wrote:
So is there any way of working out how many mats your char has used so far?
I suppose if you had some way to work out the base stats at your level then it would be easy from there... but they don't increase the same every level do they?

Nov 13, 2002, 09:28 AM
get to lv200 and compare.... well, you could use the stats of any level between 1 and 200, if you find them... ^_^

looks like everytime i'll level up, i'll take my 5 minutes to write every stat down -_-;... as far as i get my hands on the game, of course...

hm... it seems that the limitation to 150 mats for the newmans was some sort of bad idea... but well, who wants a fully maxed chara anyway ^_^

*laughs* ... my hint-file is getting bigger and bigger and i dont even own the game yet... thats kinda funny...

Alena Zouryx
Nov 13, 2002, 12:01 PM
Guys, to tell you the truth, it really wasn't all that complicated to figure out. All I really did was figure the totals for each material and Mag needed to be maxed. And, as I realized today, my calculations were a bit OFF. In fact, my FOmarl won't need so many Power or MST materials, since I just now noticed (silly me) that the Mag boosts those stats by 2. So at 90 instead of the +90 I had it calculated as is now +180!! I guess I can spend the rest of my materials on luck, because I'll sure have a ton extra!!!

And to be honest, I'm a FOmarl, so I don't fight very often. I only wanted a higher ATP for that "final wack", which doesn't necessarily require a high Luck stat. But now that I realized I dont need so many mind and power materials, I'll be able to max Luck as well.

And to give you guys a bit of advice: I used mats every time I found them and at level 82 her stats were screwed. So screwed, in fact, that I pulled a Snapple and I remade Alena from scratch. Why? Because now I keep a tally of each material I use so I know for a fact how many more I may take.

Oh and a question -- do Hp materials count toward the max (250 for FOmarls..) consumable? I hope not, cuz I've been poppin' them faster than zoloft. *lol*

Nov 13, 2002, 01:51 PM
no hp and tp-mats count extra,
but they seem to be limited also afaik...