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View Full Version : 360 controller doesn't work

Oct 26, 2006, 12:46 AM
ok so I pick up my PC copy of PSU happy as can be. I ask the girl at EB games if they have a controller I can use. They told me I can use my 360 wireless controller I just have to use the plug and play recharge adaptor and it would make it into a USB controller, and I could download the drivers. Sounded simple enough right? WRONG! Wow I've have this problem all day. I installed all the driver software I could find. When I plug in the controller it still only recognizes it as an "unkown USB device" I've tried everything. Oh and apparently to make it work I need a driver called "Microsoft Common Controller" but when I D/L it from microsoft.com and run the installer it quits itself saying it can't install it. This is a big bust. I'm happy I got my copy of PSU. But playing it on the keyboard is a drag! If anyone can help me out at all I'd be deeply indebted.

Oct 26, 2006, 12:49 AM
if your using msconfig and you have something turned off, go to start, run, type msconfig, in general make sure its in normal start up. I also use the xbox360 controller. And it was simple plug and play. The controller itself had the info on it, and my comp recognizes it as a 360 controller. You can also go to control panel and game controllers, it should appear there as well.

Oct 26, 2006, 12:55 AM
thats the problem though in no way does it recognize my controller. Not even in the control panel gamepad menu. it keeps thinking it's a unkown USB device. And it doesn't list any drivers for it even though I installed drivers. Now did you have the same thing where you plugged in a Wireless 360 controller into the charge and play adapter into your PC or did you immediately use a Wired 360 controller. Cause I'm starting to think thats my problem. Also where does it on the Xbox controller say it's XP supported?

Oct 26, 2006, 01:23 AM
It wont say it on the controller its XP compatible i believe. But there were certain controllers that were boxed and said PC, but they are just actually regular 360 controllers. Are you trying to use a wireless controller with the adapter usb thing? Because that isnt going to work right at all. The wired controllers have drivers in them already, basicly you should be able to just plug it in and play, if you cant, if your using an old computer it might be compatibility with the ports. My friend has his comp built from scratch, and it too wont recognize 360 controllers OR the ps2 adapters. Might want to check hardware settings.

Oct 26, 2006, 01:28 AM
I did build mine from scratch. And yea I am using a wireless controller with an adapter usb thing lol. So I guess I'm gonna shell out 30bucks on a wired controller marked for XP. Ah Well it's worth it I guess....if the billing site ever comes up so I can stop playing single player >.> damn you SEGA. This is why shit like the dreamcast failed.

Oct 26, 2006, 01:42 AM
Yeah I know, at first I was pissed cause my copy hadnt arrived, and I had payed for same day delivery and it came a day later. NOW cant even sign up to get a license, on top of that im sure even If i got that part i wouldnt be able to log on to the servers. SEGA really goofed on this launch. Hopefully this isnt a taste of what its going to be like in the long run. But on a side not, YES get the wired controller, this game is hell playing with a a keyboard. You cant strafe in any direction and shoot if your using a controller, I couldnt get the hang of it with a keyboard.

Oct 26, 2006, 01:48 AM
the wired xbox360 ones work, but the wireless ones do not.

Oct 26, 2006, 01:51 AM
In case you're all wondering still, I also had the same goal. The problem is that the Play and Charge Kit (which is what I assume you bought) simply charges it; in other words, the controller still acts like a wireless. To my understanding, there is no known way currently to connect a wireless controller to a PC.

Now, the wired controllers work flawlessly out of the box, giving me much fun and happiness.

Just FYI, all.

EDIT: What he said. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Animasaki on 2006-10-25 23:52 ]</font>

Oct 26, 2006, 02:38 AM
hahaha well thanks. Lol I got the hang of the keyboard but not really. Can't strafe if my life depended on it. Playing story mode makes me crave online even more! It's cool so far. And it doesn't slow down if you close other apps when playing, which is another bullshit thing sony really needs to make a patch to fix. Now lets hope I can connect tomorrow afternoon at least. But seriously SEGA knew it was coming, they could have been like 50,000 times more prepared, infact it's only logical on launch people are gonna want to sign up for the account in network mode. I'm going to go get a wired controller in the mornin. oh and on a random tangent doesn't Ethan's english voice sound like he's drunk and half japanese? I want to use the japanese voice overs with subs. That'd be nice if we could do that.