View Full Version : What's This!? I'm trying different characters?! ....And liki

Nov 14, 2002, 11:11 AM
RAmarl. HUcaseal. And.... believe it or not, a Force... a FOnewm... and I like 'em all!

RAmarl: I'm LOVING the ATA factor... the look and the sideways gun-totiing...sitting back, hitting hard/hard/hard shots damn near every time...and not taking a lick of damage! Who needs some crazy amount of HP when you don't get hit!? Plus the Lv20 techs that I'll be getting...I can get used to this...

HUcaseal: Okay, so I don't hate the android class anymore. Besides being so damn powerful, she has different dagger animations! How cool is it to take out a Gigobooma in one combo... at lv 5! Plus the look is amazing on this char!

FOnewm: I'm still getting used to using tech constantly... but once I do, I know this character will be damn near unf*ckwittable! Superior RA techs! What's f*ckin with that in Battle!? So Forces ARE powerful in their own way after all...

But, as we all know, the HUnewearl(my v1-v2 prime choice)is pretty much the sh!t this time around: lv20 techs, Shifta/Deband, tanking ability, cool skins... Lady Mayhem is still this class...

I love this game... and I bet I'd love it a lot more ONLINE http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif


Nov 14, 2002, 11:30 AM
*Cough* Heya... Just crush the little man underfoot here... Yea, don't say anything about the badass HUmars! The only people in their right mind that would play a HUmar anymore, and make it all the way to Ultimate, and enjoy his character, is a true hero in my book. The have to at least write one decent fanfic, on top of all that! Being a HUmar nowadays... Is an actual challenge, and finally, this is what makes them stand out from the past. Their dreaded past of over newbie abuse usage. Or, at least I hope it will change things... I can only pray... =/

Nov 14, 2002, 11:36 AM
(wink) what are you wearing now, baby? I've got my red SUE-suit on MEOW.

Nov 14, 2002, 11:44 AM
o_O! *Looks down to his blue suit...* Was that directed towards me!? And red, off sets blue... But, it can work...? Can't it? >_>?

Nov 14, 2002, 01:51 PM
On 2002-11-14 08:36, SnAPPUrU-nyan-ko wrote:
(wink) what are you wearing now, baby? I've got my red SUE-suit on MEOW.

I can't kick the red-black outfit *smirk*

I'm coming!

Nov 14, 2002, 04:38 PM
i have recently restarted v2 and i picked a RAceseal and its great!

i too am loving the ATA of a RA "bang bang bang"

*runs around room like a hyper child*

100th post yay!!

Nov 14, 2002, 06:54 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if I tried out all the classes and end up with 3 mem cards.

I have made 8 characters in the Dreamcast incarnations all with official Sega memory cards. That was a pain in the end but fun and kept my interest in the game.

4 chars per card just begs you to try out as many as possible even if you plan on only making one super powered-main-character which I thought I'd be doing this time around.

Nov 14, 2002, 07:38 PM
Hey, I've got the entire lineup of male characters, and that's enough for me. That pretty much gives me the whole range of play styles while staying similar enough in animations to make for easy style switches. ^_^

You and I need to run into each other online, Haterade.

Nov 14, 2002, 07:47 PM
On 2002-11-14 16:38, Kupi wrote:

You and I need to run into each other online, Haterade.

Hehe, haven't you read of his troubles to get online/troubles with PSO GC so far in other topics?

"Selling stuff like a crack head in the cold ass city for PSO"
"ISP info input software keyboard not having this symbol=(`)"

He even mentions it in this topic that he is not online yet sadly. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

I have tried to help but that plan fell through due to incompatibility issues.

Help haterade people! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_yes.gif

Nov 15, 2002, 07:40 PM
*sound of smacking*

(Kupi loses 37 Brownie Points!)

Ah, well then. Don't I feel stupid. You know what they say about assuming...

Once you get online, Haterade, you and I need to run into each other.