View Full Version : Is it just me, or do I find a lack of Episode II online game

Nov 14, 2002, 11:00 PM
I dunno, but I always see people playing Episode I. I don't get it... yes Episode II is harder, but sheesh. I see nothing but hard and vhard EPI games, and maybe a couple of EPII games.

Maybe someone can explain to me why? @_@

Nov 14, 2002, 11:03 PM
I was kinda wondering about that too.

Nov 14, 2002, 11:12 PM
I'd play ep 2 online if I could get online. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif Seriously I was worried because I haven't seen ep 2 maps but the layout isn't to complex. Walkin the unknown labyrinths can be pretty neat, not knowing exactly everything.

When the guides start coming out then I know it may be more even. Besides there are some rares you can only get from ep2 or something. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

Nov 14, 2002, 11:16 PM
most likely no one has any of the EP2 stages unlocked and they hate the temple area. personally i hate the temple and space ship area's very boring.

Nov 14, 2002, 11:19 PM
On 2002-11-14 20:00, DarthWufei wrote:
I dunno, but I always see people playing Episode I. I don't get it... yes Episode II is harder, but sheesh. I see nothing but hard and vhard EPI games, and maybe a couple of EPII games.

Maybe someone can explain to me why? @_@

in my opinion, episode II isn't as fun as episode I. call me crazy, but i still love the classic levels even from the very first day of PSO v1. sure i like to have some fun and play the new levels with some friends, the levels are really pretty http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

but all and all, i just enjoy playing EPI a lot more than EPII http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Nov 14, 2002, 11:35 PM
Ep2 blows basically- well, the VR levels do. I haven't gotten beyond them because they suck so badly. I figure it is only worth the effort to unlock them in Ultimate mode.

Ep2 makes absurd use of traps, which sucks bigtime due to the absence of trap/search.

Furthermore, the level designers actually thought it would be a good idea to use the worst aspects of PSO as a way to increase difficulty- namely, the terrible camera and the abysmal auto targetting.

The use of narrow passages, columns everywhere, etc. exacerbates these problems.

Add to this the poor xp, the crappy loot, and the mix of multiple creature attributes (eliminating weapon selection tactics), and you have crappy gameplay.

Nov 14, 2002, 11:49 PM
It's simply because Episode 2 is harder. First of all, I refute the claim that the temple is made harder by cheap methods. Forcing you to be in melee range with the enemy is /very/ important. IE: Rangers can't always sit back and wait anymore. Oh no, turn the tight corner and, WHAM! Hildebear! It has a much more balanced design, but it's /HARD/.

After you finish the VR levels it gets MUCH more intresting. I only saw a little bit, but what I saw was amazing. From what I've played of Ep.2 after the VR area, the levels are a lot more natural, a lot less repetive, and more intresting in the way there seems to be a story (and an NPC I actually like talking too) as well as diffrent setups than just, kill the boss.

But compared to levels everyone knows and is used to, Ep2 is just a whole lot harder, and supposedly doesn't drop items as well. However it does seem like some rares only appear in Ep2. Once people realize what those are they'll be drawn in to get those rares.

Nov 14, 2002, 11:58 PM
I play Episode 2 a lot offline because nobody ever plays it online... The VR missions are boring, but I like the other missions. I like the idea of having a male and female version of each enemy. The levels are harder, and I'm still a low level, so I haven't seen everything yet. I was going to beat Episode 1 on Normal and then beat Episode 2, but I was getting really bored of Episode 1... I like the level layouts of Episode 2 more myself. I'm already pretty bored with Episode 1, and beating all those quests again is getting really monotonous-so I plan to be playing Episode 2 a lot more now.

Nov 15, 2002, 12:32 AM
On 2002-11-14 20:49, Ruby-chan wrote:
It's simply because Episode 2 is harder. First of all, I refute the claim that the temple is made harder by cheap methods. Forcing you to be in melee range with the enemy is /very/ important. IE: Rangers can't always sit back and wait anymore. Oh no, turn the tight corner and, WHAM! Hildebear! It has a much more balanced design, but it's /HARD/.

You're exactly right, it is made harder by cheap methods. Rangers aren't Hunters.

Nov 15, 2002, 01:04 AM
On 2002-11-14 21:32, Etrigan wrote:

You're exactly right, it is made harder by cheap methods. Rangers aren't Hunters.

Forcing situations where the enemy always can't be engaged at ranges is /far/ from cheap. How do you think the hunters like having to fight DF's final form? Or waiting for De Rol Lee to hop onto the raft? Do you hear the hunters calling it cheap because some monsters stay out of melee range? Therefore if you have no problem with all the monsters not being easy to get into melee range, you must accept it's also fair for monsters to force you into melee range.

Nov 15, 2002, 01:09 AM
Yeah, but if you think about it, rangers had it fairly easy in Episode 1. All you had to do was sit back and shoot. Trust me, I've played as an RAcast, it isn't hard in Episode 1.

The only time you have a problem is when the enemies just start ganging up on you and they cut you off from moving around them, thats your only drawback really as a ranger. As long as you can clear a path or co-erse the enemies to give you some running room, then all you have to do is run to the other side and start pegging them again.

Yeah, I agree that getting in close isn't what a ranger is for. It's not healthy for forces either, but the levels do have a realistic feel to them now. And besides, it's not all cramped, there are some nice open areas in Episode 2.

I was kinda surprised when I was cut off through the only exit route by an invisible robot out to wring my little HUcast's neck =X

That's just part of the experience though. Rangers have weapons that are for up-close combat. Shot-type weapons anyone? Their range isn't that far, their spread is PERFECT for the Episode 2 areas. I kinda hated shot-types in Episode 1, I'd have to run a ways just to get in attack range of the enemies, and I'd end up just pulling out a rifle and popping them one by one.

Alot of the enemies are more close-range enhanced though. Poisoning you, freezing you, paralyzing, etc.

Sure, it's going to be harder, but I still think it's fun.

And besides, now HUcasts actually have a reason to run infront of the enemies as blockers =X

"Here they come again!" -Rangers in the group

*HUcast runs infront and gets whacked afew times as rangers un-load hail of photon*

*HUcast dies*

"..pls...please heal.." -HUcast

Nov 15, 2002, 01:15 AM
Let's not forget how Barba Ray stays on the raft for about 4 seconds, and when he beaches in the first place, in hard through ultimate, he tends to KNOCK YOU TO THE GROUND.

Gal Gryphon, not a single vunerable part of his body is in melee range. You're stuck to swinging at his legs, which bring death the moment he makes the shock wave.

Olga Flow... first form moves around constantly, making melee futile. Second form, melee range will result in your dying very, very often.

Meritas poison hurts whom in melee range? HUNTERS.

Delbiter's charge causes confusion (and in ultimate, kills) on whom? HUNTERS.

Maricarol's megid gas affects whom? HUNTERS.

Gibbles' melee combos and ability to block affects whom? HUNTERS.

Who has to go chase Gi Gue around every few moments while forces and rangers can continue striking from a distance? HUNTERS.

And you say it's cheap for rangers because a handful of rooms force rangers into close quarters? HAHAHAHAHA!

Nov 15, 2002, 01:25 AM
(and an NPC I actually like talking too)

Ooo... you wouldn't happen to be talking about Elly, would you? Definitely one of my favorite PSO NPCs ^_^

As for Episode II... I definitely noticed the lack of Ep. II games. Occasionally I look for them or try to start them (I want to see what special rares are in ep. 2)... I have unlocked everything on normal, through VR Spaceship on hard and through Central Control Area on Very Hard, so areas aren't an issue. I personally like the VR Temple a lot (Rappys + Hildebears + Poison Lillies = Higher chance for Rare Monster = Higher chance for good Rare)... not to mention the monsters are all really easy there. I hate the Spaceship though, because of all the traps. CCA and Seabed are just dazzling... Seabed is very difficult though (tougher than ruins, IMO)... and you'll notice slow-down when venturing with enough people down in the Seabed (not just on split-screen, it's happened to me online, too)... that could contribute to the lack of Ep. II games, also.