View Full Version : Hello Everyone!

Oct 29, 2006, 02:34 PM
Hey everyone, i'm Brent.

I'm new to the Phantasy Star, so Phantasy Star Universe is my first game in the series. Although i'm not a seasoned vet of Phantasy Star Online, I do have a passion for the series and I love PSU. I hope to become involved in the PSO-World community, as I find this to be a great site for all information regarding PSO and PSU.

As far as my background goes, I was pulled into the world of Xbox Live after reading about how good Halo 2 was. I played Halo 2 for about 4 months and then found a website for a Halo Podcast called Podtacular. After a while, Podtacular became one of the foremost resources of Halo 2. I guest hosted a few times on the podcast, and our podcast won many awards. After a while though, I found that Halo 2 had become fairly boring, and that I needed to find a game that would rekindle my passion for video games in general.

I researched a little bit and found PSU. My friends had told me about PSU earlier, but I was a bit skeptical as to how much I would enjoy it because I wasn't really into games that would fall into the MMORPG category. But never-the-less, I downloaded the PSU Beta over the Xbox Live Marketplace and started playing.

Since I had no experience in games of this sort, I was a bit dazed by all of the concepts of the game. The different weapons, armor, photons arts, using the items menu, synthesis.....it was all very strange to me. But I caught on fairly quickly and was instantly addicted to the game.

Shortly afterwards, I rushed to my local GameStop and reserved the game. For the following week, I called up GameStop everyday to see if they had gotten the shipment of their PSU copies yet. 2 days after the promised release by Sega, I received a call from saying that GameStop had gotten the shipment in. I immediatally went to GameStop, only to find out that they had only gotten the PC and PS2 versions in. The next day, however, the Xbox 360 copies came, and I basked in the glory of my very own copy of Phantasy Star Universe.

For the next 2 days I played non-stop, leveling up my cast who I made to look suspiciously like Optimus Prime from Transformers. Unfortunately, I also went on a short vacation that weekend, so I had to stop playing for a little while (I am actually writing this from the Hotal that I am staying at).

So anyway, I'm glad that I now have a new game that I will enjoy for a long time, and I hope that you will accept me into this community as one of your own!

If you would like to send me a friend request on Xbox Live, my gamertag is BrentGamer

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: BrentGamer on 2006-10-29 11:34 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: BrentGamer on 2006-10-29 11:36 ]</font>

Oct 29, 2006, 05:08 PM
Heh, welcome.
Glad you're enjoying tha game. Don't worry it won't go away when you're back. ;]