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View Full Version : To kill him, or not to kill him....?

Oct 29, 2006, 08:33 PM
I'm currently writing a story, and my delima is: Should I kill off my main character, or not? If so, it would be quite early in the story, and the illusionary role of "main character" would be taken over by a much younger, more "main character-ish" type of character, who will have already been a part of the stroy for a little while before. My current main character is old. He's in his mid-fifties(not that old, but too old for a main character in this situation), and I'm having alot of trouble fitting him into the story line. He has a limp in one of his legs, so he's pretty much useless in any battle scenes(this is a mid-evil fantasy story), but he is a skilled pyromancer.... but still... he's just too old... and he wears glasses.... He's a great character, and I'd love to keep him, but there's just no way. Becasue of his stubburn personality there isn't anyway I can get him out of the story besides giving him an epic death scene, or making up some lame excuse.

There is a good side to him dying though. His best friend(who fits in the story line better) has been tagging along since the beggining. My main character's death would give this best friend a good reason to stay and avenge the death of his friend. Otherwise he would just continue to pointlessly tag along.

So here's the question:

Oct 29, 2006, 11:22 PM
Interesting dilemma... I would say killing him off would be a pretty good way to go... not really unheard of, but the fact that he's the main character, and he would die so early would make it that much more interesting. I can also see making up a "lame" excuse for him... But then, I really enjoy mundane real human type characters.

Oct 29, 2006, 11:35 PM
You comments on your own main character fascinates me. Not many authors/artists criticize their main characters so harshly. But... its not that bad... My characters for my little story for stick figures aren't that great either.

Oct 30, 2006, 08:02 AM
On 2006-10-29 17:33, BlueDagger wrote:
and he wears glasses....

I want you to keep him in it just cuz of that!

If you didnt want to kill him why not have him captured and brutally tortured?Might let out some of your 'creative' side http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Oct 30, 2006, 08:46 AM
srry but kill him... give him a 3 page long tribute to his death.