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View Full Version : Tips for Seting Up Your Character

Oct 30, 2006, 03:13 AM
Ok, it dosnt take a genius to make a character, but here are some tips to help your new character out, whatever class they are:


What class do you want to start in?
Your race you chose in the charcter create will determine what class you will start off in:

Human - Hunter
Cast - Ranger
Newman - Force
Beast - Hunter

While all races are the 'best' of whatever class they start in, Human seems to be the odd one out, with more rounded stats and equipment (more on this later). You can change your class upon finding a small sum cash (based on your level [?]) and going to the top floor of the Guardian Colony.


Now, that is pretty much common knolege, but here is somethign you may have over looked. Everyone starts with a 'saber + handgun' combo, but a third weapon is given depending on race.

The equipment your character starts off with:

Human - Hunter - Sword
Cast - Ranger - Rifle
Newman - Force - Rod
Beast - Hunter - Knuckles

Now, the brand of your equipment (as well as your sheild) changes depending on your race aswell, with:

Yohmei Corp - High Defence (Sheilds), Low ATP, High PP,
Tenora Works - High Evasion (Sheilds), High ATP, Low PP,
GRM - Average, In-between, Middle, How ever you say it,

Basically, each brand is meant to compliment the Race and cover the faults of them, eg. A newman with poor defence is boosted with Yohmei Corp sheilding which increases Defence. While a beast with high defence is boosted with Tenora Works sheilding which increases Evasion. GRM us rge middle class, and has both power and PP for rangers who don't want to run out of ammo, but not have butloads with small damage.

Human - Hunter - Sword - GRM
Cast - Ranger - Rifle - GRM
Newman - Force - Rod - Yohmei Corp
Beast - Hunter - Knuckles - Tenora Works

Humans again are 'kinda' the odd one out (or is it cast?), but GRM being the average suits Humans, allowing them to switch to a different brand depending on what class and style they wish to play in.



Now you may all know that, but here is the reason why i made this guide: Say you play as Newman, but wish to be hunter, you save up teh cash from your first two or three runs and switch classes. Now, congrats, you are a hunter! But ZOMG wait: You have no hunter weapons! Simple answer.

Create both a Beast, and a Human, and steal their starting Armour, and Weapons but putting it all in the shared box!

Now if you chose a Newman, you should have a large variety of weapons and armour to choose from. With TWO hunter only weapons (as well as a Tenora Works Saber, and GRM handgun), you can mix up your brands to to get your best set up and start off your class in style!

You can do this with all other classes and races also, and I think GRM Handgun and Tenora Works Saber is a great combo, whatever class you play. The Yohmei armour, I prefer to all other armours, since it has a high Defence to tank it up.

For all those fashonists obtain ALL of the starting clothes! Through a long and tedious process of making characters, going to the closet and then removing your apparel, you can store it in the shared box and access it with your main character and Voila! Your FANCY!

Delete your character and snap your disk in half. Or sell your crap, since it is only worth 1 mesta.


Thank you, It took me like a full YEAR to do this guide so you betta all like it!

Oct 30, 2006, 07:13 AM
thanks, does the 1 meseta stuff include the clothes as well though? if so, there goes my idea of making loads of money.

Oct 30, 2006, 07:41 AM
All "newbie" gear sells for one meseta I think, including the stuff you find out in the field. I haven't looked at clothing, but I'd almost think it'd have to be the same. I imagine you can sell newbie gear in your shop for a small fee though, since some people feed it to their partner machines.

Oct 30, 2006, 10:34 AM
Does this only apply to online? I've created four characters in extra mode, two beasts, a cast and a newman, and the only thing they started with was the saber, gun duo.

Oct 30, 2006, 12:42 PM
I think it does, for I have done the same. Also it seems the share box is disabled in the edit mode.

Oct 31, 2006, 03:02 AM
Whoops, yes this only applies for online, and is based off xbox 360, although it should work the same any version.