View Full Version : PSU chibi wallscroll +howto guide

Oct 31, 2006, 08:22 PM

And if anyone feels like getting one for their Personal Photo, or for any other reasons... here's how to do it!

Steps to reproduce:

-PART 1-
1. Set PSU to window mode/800x600
2. Start the game
3. Find somewhere nice to take a screenshot
4. Press Alt+PrtScreen
5. Get in MSpaint
6. Paste
7. Crop a 452x502 chunk off it
8. Paste in new MSpaint window
9. Add 2 119x502 black stripes on the side
10. Save as 24 bit .bmp

-PART 2-
1. Get Image Optimizer from there (http://www.xat.com/internet_technology/download.html)
2. Open your bitmap in xat
3. Click on Resize:
-uncheck Maintain Aspect Ratio
--get it down to 249x276
4. Click on Compress image:
-JGP quality to 100%
--Extra Color checked
---Progressive checked
5. Save as .jpg
6. Dump the image somewhere on the internet so you can directly show the image on PSOW (I use http://www.homestead.com )

PSU chibi wallscrolls! Get yours today!

Oct 31, 2006, 10:56 PM
Hm.. interesting. Made we wanna have the PC version for this.

Nov 1, 2006, 01:18 AM
Alternatively you could do the opposite with a program like Rasterbator


Let's you print out HUGE images in pieces so that you can then post them up on your wall if you're careful.

Nov 6, 2006, 12:43 AM
Rasterbator. How nice of a name...

Nov 17, 2006, 08:12 PM
newest addition


Several hours out on Moatoob and you can say bye-bye to that shiny-white paintjob. O well, at least I can melt in the background now, which is good, draws less attention from the Beasts <.<

Nov 29, 2006, 01:53 PM
yeah, I was fiddling around with screenshots last night to make my sig. here's what method I used.

1) If you want a close shot, try getting up next to a wall or corner, and start rotating the camera so it forces itself to zoom in on your character. You can fiddle around with this to get the most desired angle. *OR have a friend do this for you by using the first person view (outside of a mission, so you don't get the targeting circle) and they can get super close for any angle that is best. I only had to press print screen on my pc to get the image to copy to the clipboard, so I don't think you need to press alt.

2) Open desired graphics program. I just used photoshop so I could do everything I needed in one shot. Imageready is good too, especially if you want to include animations and such. Open a new file and paste your screenshot into it. You can then crop the image down to the max signature size (600x180 I think) or less...I made mine 600x140 so I could include a line of text. Then go to town with any additional stuff you want to add to the sig.

3) I saved mine out as a jpeg so I could compress under 35k...then upload to your favorite host and link to it in your sig. Fun!

Feb 22, 2007, 03:31 PM
On 2006-10-31 22:18, Relam wrote:
Alternatively you could do the opposite with a program like Rasterbator


Let's you print out HUGE images in pieces so that you can then post them up on your wall if you're careful.

I have made similar work with help of the special software for poster printing (http://www.ronyasoft.com/products/proposter/). Result poster was very cool.

P.S. Taking into account the date of this thread, I hope this info will be useful for forum community.

Feb 22, 2007, 04:26 PM
Welcome to PSO-World, and by extention, welcome to Fan Works, Alfatester. That's a very solid first post, very appropriate for this thread, but in the future, please refrain from bumping topics that are several months old. As a general rule, if you have to dig to find a topic, think twice before bumping it. There are exceptions, but I'm afraid this thread is not among them.