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View Full Version : Love The Game, But....

Nov 1, 2006, 12:15 PM

First off as you can all see I'm new here, and this site absolutely rocks...I love it.

Ok now my feelings on PSU. On my first day I was really pleased with the online play. I met friends, I went thru dungeons, and I learned about crafting and stores....All cool things. Then on the second day I realized "Wow there really isn't a lot to do here". The "missions" are all pretty much the same, and there aren't a whole lot of them.

Now before I get flamed for this, let me say that I am having a very good time, and I see a lot of potential here. It's just that the game right now is pretty much mindless missions with nothing really behind them in terms of story, goals, or rewards like weapons or materials and whatnot. What I'm hoping for I guess is that the game will eventually have missions that actually mean something, and have some kind of backstory accompanied with them.

If I'm way off on this, then someone set me straight...sorry if I ruffled to many feathers on this fansite. Did I mention how awesome this site was?

Nov 1, 2006, 12:24 PM
I love the game as well, but I feel you. I will continue to play though, cause I'm sure they will be releasing more stages and content. I wish I saw me some more rares is all =P

Nov 1, 2006, 12:30 PM
Yeah, the initial content has certainly been lackluster. Fingers crossed for that first patch!

Nov 1, 2006, 12:33 PM
In later patches there will be online Story Missions released, which take you into the story directly following the Story Mode story.

Nov 1, 2006, 12:36 PM
Well that's a relief, cause I am having a very good time with the story mode (After chapter 2).

Nov 1, 2006, 12:42 PM
You'll also be able to receive partner cards from the other racial NPC's through the storylines if i'm not mistaken.

Nov 1, 2006, 01:45 PM
Granted the game isn't supposed to be all FFXI-MMORPG in depth with hundreds of quests, but maybe more places to visit would be nice, more fun stuff ourside of missions. Maybe a circus area or a "pleasure" planetoid with games.

Nov 1, 2006, 01:59 PM
I am hoping there is more content added in that respect as well. I remember in the upper floor lobbies on PSO: BB you could play soccer. I think there were other games as well, I came in at the end of the Beta. I think, though, with the way that PSU is structured, that they have left the door open for lots of content updates. I think that we may even see places and planets that do not exist right now. Anyone play the JP version that can give us some hope for the future?

Nov 1, 2006, 02:10 PM
This is a good question. PSO and PSU are different types of games IMHO from most other MMORPGS. There is more social element. People just "hang out" more often. Just look at all the emotes and the social system. As a poster mentioend, there was soccer in PSO ep 2 and BB.

I think Sega has done a prettty good job in finding a niche in the mmorpg department. PSU and Guild Wars will always have a dedicated audience. There's plenty of grinding and the quest for better equipment but I hope Sega will make much more for the player to do.