View Full Version : *Thankful I can still play PSO...*

Nov 17, 2002, 09:33 PM
Not that many of you will even CARE, but I was in a car wreck last night... Everyone was okay. Friggin' miracle, too. I was driving with a friend to his BDay party... Well, rather, his dad was driving... And we were overloaded. His dad was driving, he was sitting in the passenger seat, I was right behind him, his sister was in the middle up front, his sister's friend was behind the driver's seat, one of out friends was sitting in the middle in the back, and another one of our friends was lying across everyone in the back. ((She's short and light... She can do that.)) The back of his van was loaded with at least 300 pounds of sports equipment, including heavy weights and sharp pointy objects. We were going on the parkway, when a deer runs out in the road. The person next to us swerves to miss it, and smacks into us. We go careening off the road, and into a huge ditch. Pretty much everyone screamed but me and his dad. Funny, everyone says that when yer in a car wreck, everything goes in slow motion. It didn't for me. We almost rolled, and landed nearly on the truck's side. I was completely fine. Everyone just sat there silent for what could've been anywhere from 2 seconds to 2 minutes. A little miffed, but unharmed, I lifted up Ray ((Who had been lying across us)) and asked if she was alright. She screamed at least three times during the bumping, and wasn't in the best of places, so I was really concerned. After a bit more of stunned silence and a stupified look, ahe said she was fine. It didn't take long for me to confirm that everyone else was alright. We climbed our way out, and even though they both said they were alright, my friend's sister and her friend were both crying. After a few seconds, I immediately dived back into the van to get my bag and check on my GameCube. Thankfully my "baby," and my copy of PSO, were just fine. Looking through the van, I noticed a formidably sharp property spike was lying across where we had been sitting, and the point was right where I was sitting. That thouroughly scared the crap out of me, but everyone was fine. The other party was fine as well, and pretty nice about it all. Then we all sat down in the mud, adrenaline still going, and freezing our asses off in the cold. With a sadistic smirk, I looked at Dustin. "Well... Happy Birthday, man." That all happened. Heh. I know, I know, none of you care. I just had to get it off my chest. Good health to all you guys! And be careful on the roads! And a bit of advice: Don't try to miss the deer. Just hit it. At least you get to kill the mofo that way. Besides, it's generally less dangerous to you AND others on the road.

Nov 17, 2002, 09:58 PM
wow dude glad a fellow psoer is ok..

Nov 17, 2002, 11:04 PM
I'm glad to hear you are ok. But yes, it's widely known around here that if you're on a highway, you just hit the damn deer instead of swerving.(There are always deer carcasses laying along the highway)

There were afew accidents where people went to swerve from hitting a deer and got smashed by an 18-wheeler instead. o_O

Count your blessings man, alot could have went wrong.

Nov 18, 2002, 01:32 AM
Incredible survivor story.
I'm glad you're alright.
Not playing PSO would be the least important thing to worry about.
(You did check everyone's health before the Gamecube right?) I might have missed that part, I'm sure you probably did.

You could have lost your life or the lives of your friends and the father in the car as well.
You might have been crippled/injured severely.

Thankfully none of that happened and you are all alright.

Live your life to the fullest now, and enjoy every second you have on this Earth.

Nov 18, 2002, 02:21 AM
Well, it's good to know that nobody was seriously hurt. You may have lost your ability to use multiple paragraphs in one post, but at least the lesser of evils has befallen you. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Nov 18, 2002, 02:25 AM
Of course we care. Even if I didn't know you, I'd still care. It's part of being a person.

I'm happy the van didn't roll. I can only imagine all the equipment and people mixing around.

Remember, GC PSO can save your LIFE. Wear it around your neck like a lucky charm.

Nov 18, 2002, 12:00 PM
Phew... a disaster that could have easily been a catastrophe. Good to know everyone's alright, and that you didn't get a property spike to the junk business-end first...

Do you know if the gamecube got bashed around in this mess? I ask because I've been wondering about its 'tank factor' and how much of a beating it can take and still work.

Nov 18, 2002, 02:47 PM
It is great to hear that you are ok. Damn, that experience must have been hell.

Nov 18, 2002, 11:07 PM
Glad to hear you're okay. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Nov 19, 2002, 01:01 AM
wow thats crazy imagine the stuff that happens.
oh where was this?