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Nov 5, 2006, 05:29 PM
*** Style has joined #psow
<Style> hey, can anyone help me out with my PSU please
<er> I will help
<er> but only if you call it pspoo
<Style> ah thank you
<Style> haha
<er> what game do you need help with?
<Style> alright, I got the game to start and everything, but im haveing a HUGE Glitch Problem man, I mean Ethan is missing an Arm and everything
<Style> I got Screen Shots man
<er> wait, what game is this?
<Lexi> >.>
<Style> Phantasy Star Universe
<er> I'm not familure with that one
<Style> the one that just recently came out
<Style> damn
<er> hrm
<Style> want to see the pictures man
<er> I know a game similar to it
<Style> for the hell of it
<Choja> er: You mean PSPOO?
<er> that sounds familure
<er> what do you think style?
<Style> sure
<er> sure what
<Style> u said if that sounded familure
<er> what did
<Style> PSPOO
<er> is that the game you need help with?
<Style> PSU is the game i need help with
* Choja slaps forehead.
<er> I dont know much about psu
<er> however...
<er> there is a game I do know about
<er> and if thats the one you needed help with
<er> I might be able to help you
<Style> and that game is?
<Style> PSPoo?
<er> is that what you need help with?
<Style> lmao
<Style> ahhh man
<Style> wtf is PSPOO mean man
<er> I think it's pretty straight forward
<Style> Phantasy Star Shit?
<Style> as in poo
<er> or something to that effect
<Style> or does it mean something else?
<er> all you need to do is ask for help
<er> for the right game
<er> and you'll get it
<Style> alright
<Style> thanks man
*** Style Quit (Quit: )

Nov 5, 2006, 05:32 PM

Nov 5, 2006, 05:38 PM
One armed Ethan.

Disabled, but he could still take Cloud.

Nov 5, 2006, 06:29 PM