View Full Version : Bad day in PSU but with a happy ending.

Nov 6, 2006, 04:40 PM
Very negative trash in my room, guess I better feed it more stuff that raise striking.

And my PM didn't make this 4 star spear I've been trying to make. I lost 10,000m cause I attempted this twice. I was going for a spear with Dark attribute. Needless to say that was a major bummer >_>.

I am also beginning to understand why not getting S rank makes people angry. I'm at 5600m down from 29,000 and S ranks are looking pretty awesome to me right now. So out of the last 5 games I've had, it's been

2/5. The rest B B A C -.-. C pissed me off cause I didn't get any mission points. Its not deaths that make me mad, I moon the dead, it's people missing rooms @_@.

Annnd also Dragon B is extremely tough even at my level. I went through all my weapons(5) PP and all my mates(that was at the dragon) but however...this was because the rest were below level 20. No real strong offense, so this is where 20+ only games appear to be more sensible to me. Also(since I have the synth items) I think it would be wise if I invest in those shifta/deband/ACC up items.


2 of these suckers popped in the Mad Creators C zone. One of them dropped a rappy feather and the other dropped 333m. /Me hoping the feather = ingrediant for Rappy figurine.