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View Full Version : Do people boot a lot on PS2/PC?

Nov 7, 2006, 12:03 AM
on the xbox360, i get booted like 70% of the public parties i've joined. Is this as common would you say on the PC/PS2 version?

First thing I always hear when i enter is

"Oh we gotta boot this guy..."

then i just sit there and go "oh great"
5 seconds later i find myself back in the city/base.

I dont even have to say/do anything it's right away boot

Nov 7, 2006, 12:05 AM
PC version, I've yet to be kicked from a game, but I don't play in them very much either. I don't know why you'd make an open game and then kick people who join

Nov 7, 2006, 12:05 AM
What are you, a FOcast? http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

I've never been booted yet. Oh well. Make some PSU buds and stuff. I did that and all 6 of us hang out and play together. Tis very fun.

Nov 7, 2006, 12:07 AM
never been kicked and most of my games are pick up groups

Nov 7, 2006, 12:09 AM
I questioned why people were being so stupid as well....No password I mean. What I finally was told one time was this, and you tell me how crazy this really is cuz I was like....WTF?

Supposedly some people think if they password protect their game they wont get the rares they would if they left it an open game. I'm not sure how that got started but....there ya go. Lame Huh!

Nov 7, 2006, 12:27 AM
The only time i boot people is if they join before I remember to password >.> for public games I boot people that absolute min lvl(a lvl 15 won't hold a candle to the 30 dragon etc.) so come play with us http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Nov 7, 2006, 12:47 AM
I'll be perfectly honest here. I play on the only time i'lla ctually boot people is when i put in the comment a certain notice like "lvl:25+ or boot" if they can't read then i'm sorry i have the right to kick. It's mostly because to gain a party to do the higher up runs later. Like for Fanastic Groove C runs until i can recuit enough people to do a B run that sorta thing. That and lowers the possiblity of people dying, typically higher lvl lower casuality rate and more experience in playing.

Nov 7, 2006, 01:07 AM
I haven't been booted yet on the pc/ps2 servers.

Nov 7, 2006, 01:09 AM
Never been booted even when I was a FObeastess

Nov 7, 2006, 01:19 AM
i was booted twice yesterday n' btw i am on the 360. Stupid thing is I only join parties w/ ppl 3 lvls or less apart. wtf? i think its probably because of noobs on the 360 that don't get what passwords are for in this game. made me teh angry:|

Nov 7, 2006, 01:22 AM
No boots yet, usually the people I endup partying with are very nice and we endup with eachothers partner cards afterwards.

Nov 7, 2006, 01:25 AM
People can be so freaking rude, I don't think I ever got booted from PSO but on PSU, I hope people aren't a bunch of asshats like my mind is telling me. o.o

Nov 7, 2006, 01:26 AM
Only time you're gonna get booted is

1. If the party wants higher levels...say it's a group of 20s-30s people and a level 9 shows up. He's gonna get booted. I'd say it's nothing personal, the higher players just don't want their rank screwed by having the low level possibly die.

2. If a party is saving a spot for a friend to join, but didn't want to pw protect it for other fillers before that.

Nov 7, 2006, 01:30 AM
I've never been booted yet (PC). Here's my secret method for not getting booted:

1. Play with friends.
2. Play on a less populated universe.

Nov 7, 2006, 01:32 AM
I've been booted a few times, but no biggie. There are pleanty of games out there, and plenty of idiots, so don't take it personally. I've never booted anyone from a game I've started. But then again, I usually join games in progress. Just don't let it get to you.

I'm gunna hijack the thread real quick, do PS2 and PC already have new quests and stuff? Curious because someone mentioned "Fantastic Groove C" and I've not heard of it...

Nov 7, 2006, 01:54 AM
If you don't read my party comment and violate the prerequisite I set, you are booted.
(example: 45+, Must do 130+ damage per hit, must love Anime)

If you cost me my S Rank, you are booted.
(example: Dieing is fine, you just better have a scape doll)

If you you make fun of Anime, you bet your ass you're gone.
(example: Calling it cartoons and you are so blacklisted and booted)

If you tell me to stop killing so fast and let you tag enemies, you're gone.
(example: Some Forces tell me to stop owning things so fast. To them I just show them my shiny boot)

If you freak out when you find i'm a guy when I play a Beast F, you're gone.
(example: Hey, if I wanna play with a loli furball that is my business. Besides, I never said I was a girl. You just assumed so. Stop freaking out, sheesh)


Whenever I join a PuG my first sentence is always "Is this party open?".

If they say no, then I leave. I do read all the party comments and everything, but i'd like to know if I should leave voluntarily because they are waiting for someone or not.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Garnet_Moon on 2006-11-06 23:01 ]</font>

Nov 7, 2006, 01:57 AM
On 2006-11-06 22:32, SepiasSoul wrote:
I'm gunna hijack the thread real quick, do PS2 and PC already have new quests and stuff? Curious because someone mentioned "Fantastic Groove C" and I've not heard of it...

No. The person must have meant Grove of Fanatics, the Hakura Temple stage with the Adahna Degahna boss.

On 2006-11-06 22:54, Garnet_Moon wrote:
If you you make fun of Anime, you bet your ass you're gone.
lol, Japanophile.

Nov 7, 2006, 01:58 AM
On 2006-11-06 22:54, Garnet_Moon wrote:
If you cost me my S Rank, you are booted.

This attitude is ruining the game

Nov 7, 2006, 01:59 AM
On 2006-11-06 22:54, Garnet_Moon wrote:
If you don't read my party comment and violate the prerequisite I set, you are booted.
If you cost me my S Rank, you are booted.
If you you make fun of Anime, you bet your ass you're gone.
If you tell me to stop killing so fast and let you tag enemies, you're gone.
If you freak out when you find i'm a guy when I play a Beast F, you're gone.


lol, very nice.

I have been booted only once and to be fair I was like 15 levels higher than the guy who booted me XP

I guess he thought I was gonna hog EXP but I just wanted to get to the dragon faster >.<

Nov 7, 2006, 02:00 AM
On 2006-11-06 22:58, Ether wrote:

On 2006-11-06 22:54, Garnet_Moon wrote:
If you cost me my S Rank, you are booted.

This attitude is ruining the game

Oh I don't care about the S Rank as much as everybody else does, I just do it because this is the way to keep your party from disbanning. If you don't and say something like "It's ok, stuff happens" the entire party leaves when I abandon. I've since taken a more strict approach to that especially when a party is doing pretty well.

Nov 7, 2006, 02:51 AM
Honsetly I haven't been booted or heard of anyone doing so, from what I've seen, people put their requirements on their comment before hand. It seems fairly avoidable.

Nov 7, 2006, 02:51 AM
On 2006-11-06 23:00, Garnet_Moon wrote:

On 2006-11-06 22:58, Ether wrote:

On 2006-11-06 22:54, Garnet_Moon wrote:
If you cost me my S Rank, you are booted.

This attitude is ruining the game

Oh I don't care about the S Rank as much as everybody else does, I just do it because this is the way to keep your party from disbanning. If you don't and say something like "It's ok, stuff happens" the entire party leaves when I abandon. I've since taken a more strict approach to that especially when a party is doing pretty well.

I agree about the S-rank rule killing the game gradually. However, I've yet to experience a party where if I die or someone else dies that they disband or end up flaming the person who died. I usually never play on crowded Universes where (in most cases) the new Phantasy Star players tend to be so the people I play with don't seriously mind about death. HOWEVER, I haven't played A rank missions yet so maybe that will change.

Back to the main question, I've never been booted from the PS2/PC version and I have booted one player simply because he entered the party calling us noobs left and right. Sure he was just joking around, but I and the others certainly didn't need some little kid thinking he was tough (even when we were all higher levels) calling us "teh nublets." So, I kicked him and my teammates thanked me. Other than rude conduct, I'll never boot, even if a player is entering the 1st Linear Line mission B at level 5 . . . (forgot the name). Ok, there's my two meseta. Enjoy it.

Nov 7, 2006, 02:56 AM
On 2006-11-06 23:51, DoubleJG3288 wrote:

On 2006-11-06 23:00, Garnet_Moon wrote:

On 2006-11-06 22:58, Ether wrote:

On 2006-11-06 22:54, Garnet_Moon wrote:
If you cost me my S Rank, you are booted.

This attitude is ruining the game

Oh I don't care about the S Rank as much as everybody else does, I just do it because this is the way to keep your party from disbanning. If you don't and say something like "It's ok, stuff happens" the entire party leaves when I abandon. I've since taken a more strict approach to that especially when a party is doing pretty well.

I agree about the S-rank rule killing the game gradually. However, I've yet to experience a party where if I die or someone else dies that they disband or end up flaming the person who died. I usually never play on crowded Universes where (in most cases) the new Phantasy Star players tend to be so the people I play with don't seriously mind about death. HOWEVER, I haven't played A rank missions yet so maybe that will change.

People get really emo on Universe 1 and 2 when somebody dies without a scape doll. Enough to the point that they never party with you again if you keep that person in the party.

Nov 7, 2006, 05:53 AM
To get in theese party things do you need to be online on psu? because i havent got it yet (i'm in e.u) and i wanted to know if you need the online version, if so.. do you need to pay for it? (on ps2or pc game that is)

Nov 7, 2006, 06:31 AM
Well as a general rule of thumb xboxlive has a ton of jerks on it,it has the most mainstream players on it.So thusly you will get pricks who just are that way in general and that is the main reason i wouldnt get psu for xbox.I get enough grief with halo and battlefield but those games matches are very short and i dont have to listen to those guys for long,but on psu i dont want to listen to jackasses over the course of several hours.

Nov 7, 2006, 06:39 AM
On 2006-11-06 22:58, Ether wrote:

On 2006-11-06 22:54, Garnet_Moon wrote:
If you cost me my S Rank, you are booted.

This attitude is ruining the game


Nov 7, 2006, 06:50 AM
I've never had a problem on the 360. I get booted every once in a while when I join a game to get to the Rafflon Field Base, but then I just solo the B rank. Guess people don't like my piggy backing. Meh.

Nov 7, 2006, 07:40 AM
I've seen people get booted but I have never been booted. And yes I've witnessed others leave a party because someone died. The mission and ranking system is good in theory but at the same time it brings competition to a game that really doesn't need it. I wish online was set up like offline. Where only key events called trial events are triggered. Then you are timed and graded on how many enemies you kill and how long it took you to finish the trial. So if you die before key events it doesn't effect your mission ranking. It seems moon atomizers are just used for feeding PM's more so then reviving fallen party members. as soon as someone dies other players whine and then after killing the boss collect the rewards then leave.

Nov 7, 2006, 08:30 AM
I booted only 1 guy and that's because when he joined, he went into forever-AFK mode. I've been in one game where a player was booted - a force._. for dying at the dragon. I almost left the party mid fight for him doing that.

Nov 7, 2006, 08:45 AM
I got kicked for the first time from a game yesterday. :'( it was not fun, i walked in, took off my weapons and sat down, was about to say "SUP" and got booted. . . .I WAS SO FRIGGIN PISSED, I MEAN CMON I WAS GANNA BE ALL NICE AND CHILL, GRACE YOUR PRESENCE WITH A LVL 34 YOU DOUCHESS AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH BNLKAHSDOFI OAWL HJAOPIHG LAJVLJA

. . . glad I got that off my shoulders. . .thanks PSOW


Nov 7, 2006, 08:53 AM
i've been booted once on pc, one game i could normally join, all the players were being anal and decided that you had to be level 25 to stay (i was level-11ish at the time) i think it was a b-rank mission on parum (dragon run probably)

Nov 7, 2006, 09:21 AM
On 2006-11-06 22:57, Ffuzzy-Logik wrote:

On 2006-11-06 22:32, SepiasSoul wrote:
I'm gunna hijack the thread real quick, do PS2 and PC already have new quests and stuff? Curious because someone mentioned "Fantastic Groove C" and I've not heard of it...

No. The person must have meant Grove of Fanatics, the Hakura Temple stage with the Adahna Degahna boss.

On 2006-11-06 22:54, Garnet_Moon wrote:
If you you make fun of Anime, you bet your ass you're gone.
lol, Japanophile.

Ya that was me i really can't remember the name so i just call it Groove or Grove, it's alot easier than typing the whole thing and holding the extra 'o' never hurts... then again GOF sounds like a better acronym doubt it would catch on though.

Nov 7, 2006, 09:37 AM
I boot people who cant read the party comments before joining.

'omg why did you boot me?' 'because it says 25+ and youre only lvl16'

Nov 7, 2006, 09:50 AM
And you people wonder why SOJ decided not to let Japanese players play with Americans.

It's because the lot of you like to keep booting for no reason; on Japanese servers they have the decency to ask you to leave kindly, and if you die they don't mind.

Nov 7, 2006, 10:42 AM
I was only booted once so far. I'm not sure why though as we had engaged the De Ragan for about a minute when it happened, and me as the only Ranger as well as the only Force found ourselves back in the lobby. Neither of us had taken much/any damage from the boss and were in no threat of dieing.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Zakuro on 2006-11-07 07:42 ]</font>

Nov 7, 2006, 10:48 AM
I see people get booted ALL the time. There's this one guy that boots everyone (Xbox 360)

This guy named Green Monster. That guy boots EVERYBODY for nothing!

Most of the time if they don't have a mic though.. or if they sound "uncool" or boring..

He's such a bastard..

Nov 7, 2006, 12:26 PM
I boot almost all the time, cause i'll be chilling in unsafe passage B and i leave the room open cause i want a force or atleast some one my lvl and then a lvl 6 will show up, and I'll boot them cause they will probly die, and they always miss and whent hey do hit it's all of 21 damage adn at that point there just leeching items and money.

Also if you die I will boot you..

Nov 7, 2006, 12:40 PM
On 2006-11-07 06:50, Velocity_7 wrote:
And you people wonder why SOJ decided not to let Japanese players play with Americans.

It's because the lot of you like to keep booting for no reason; on Japanese servers they have the decency to ask you to leave kindly, and if you die they don't mind.

For the ps2/Pc maybe. The 360 servers are all connected.(US, EU and Japan)

If you join my party screaming you will get the boot. If you don't have a headset and refuse to type you get the boot.(I don't mind headsetless people, but for the love of god at least buy a keyboard). If you run around collecting every piece of loot that drops BEFORE we clear the room...even though it's set on rare: random/normal: set in order...you get the boot. If you die...more than once you get the boot. Last but not least if you are highly underleveled you get the boot.

There are many reasons to be booted from groups. Am I an ass? Shrug. I don't think so.

Nov 7, 2006, 01:09 PM
I've only been booted from one party - and that's because I fell asleep while they were chit-chatting at the feild base and missed an entire mission. Bah, I still got Srank for it, and I would have done the same.

Srank is not really important to me... so I don't really care if someone dies. I'm not going to be the first person to 50.. and I'm not going to be the first expert class character. I'm in games for three reasons... the EXP, Food Synth Items, Fun.

Now... I can understand if someone keeps dying over and over again - I wouldn't hesitate to boot n00bs who (unlike newbies) apperantly are incapable of learning how to play the game. For example, if you "LOL" when you die, you get a boot. It's ok if you die, but there's nothing funny about fucking up rank for the rest of the team.

Aside from that - I only boot when people are being asshats and doing things like activating the boss teleporter without the rest of the party.

Oh... and yes, Anime are just cartoons. Deal.

Nov 7, 2006, 01:14 PM
I've never gotten booted but I have booted a few peeps.
Once for someone being AFK for nearly an entire mission.
And once 'cause a friend of mine was trying to join my game and it was full.

Nov 7, 2006, 02:25 PM
On 2006-11-06 22:58, Ether wrote:

On 2006-11-06 22:54, Garnet_Moon wrote:
If you cost me my S Rank, you are booted.

This attitude is ruining the game

no this attitude is, god forbid people learn to play a game, it's realy easy to stay alive, if you die your either and idiot, lazy or lagging and none of which I want in a group.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Genobee on 2006-11-07 11:27 ]</font>

Nov 7, 2006, 02:31 PM
well ive been booted 3 times and its the biggest mood killer, i usually dont even feel like playing once i get booted, this one time,i joined a game, and everyone started cussing me out and then booted me. Usually when someone low level joins my game, i usually just tell them dont die and they usually dont die which is cool, and if i want them out because of the risk then i just telll them and they usually have no problem leaving. And alot of ppl have points here, that the attitude is screwing up PSU.

Nov 7, 2006, 02:38 PM
1 .I boot people who are underlevled if I have a comment for a specific level(If I didn't set one up thats on me you get to stay.)

2. Or someone doing something blazingly idiodic, like jumping in the dragons mouth to dry hump its tounge with their saber while it is breathing fire and dying for no reason causing us to lose rank needlesly.( I can tell the difference between accidental death and death by stupidity.)

Nov 7, 2006, 02:56 PM
Never been kicked from a game.

Nov 7, 2006, 03:03 PM
I've been booted once or twice. I know once I was because (i think) I was level 5 at the time, and just joined a Relics game.

Nov 7, 2006, 03:56 PM
I have yet to be booted.... Although I booted a couple people, and that was because they were inactive for 3 + missions.

Nov 7, 2006, 05:31 PM
On 2006-11-06 21:03, drmcst45 wrote:
on the xbox360, i get booted like 70% of the public parties i've joined. Is this as common would you say on the PC/PS2 version?

First thing I always hear when i enter is

"Oh we gotta boot this guy..."

then i just sit there and go "oh great"
5 seconds later i find myself back in the city/base.

I dont even have to say/do anything it's right away boot

Even though I think you're a complete idiot, I'll reply.

I get booted sometimes too, idiot, lol.

Nov 7, 2006, 05:36 PM

On 2006-11-06 21:03, drmcst45 wrote:
on the xbox360, i get booted like 70% of the public parties i've joined. Is this as common would you say on the PC/PS2 version?

First thing I always hear when i enter is

"Oh we gotta boot this guy..."

then i just sit there and go "oh great"
5 seconds later i find myself back in the city/base.

I dont even have to say/do anything it's right away boot

Even though I think you're a complete idiot, I'll reply.

I get booted sometimes too, idiot, lol.

PS2/ PC isnt that bad, but you do find jerks now, not like in the beginning where everyone got along.Its still sorta like that but theres jerks now like the guy above me see? lol

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: The_Gio on 2006-11-07 14:37 ]</font>

Nov 7, 2006, 05:38 PM
On 2006-11-07 14:36, The_Gio wrote:

On 2006-11-06 21:03, drmcst45 wrote:
on the xbox360, i get booted like 70% of the public parties i've joined. Is this as common would you say on the PC/PS2 version?

First thing I always hear when i enter is

"Oh we gotta boot this guy..."

then i just sit there and go "oh great"
5 seconds later i find myself back in the city/base.

I dont even have to say/do anything it's right away boot

Even though I think you're a complete idiot, I'll reply.

I get booted sometimes too, idiot, lol.

PS2/ PC isnt that bad, but you do find jerks now, not like in the beginning where everyone got along.Its still sorta like that but theres jerks now like the guy above me see?

No, I'm not a jerk unless somebody replies to one of my posts with "fuck you faggot" like drmcst45. So don't assume.

Nov 7, 2006, 05:38 PM
I've gotten booted exactly once. I assume it was because I was too high level (25, joining a bunch of 15s for De Ragan C). Well, I'm not sure why I joined that party anyway.

Nov 7, 2006, 05:39 PM
ok sorry i didnt know he did that well anyway sorry

Nov 7, 2006, 05:41 PM
On 2006-11-07 06:50, Velocity_7 wrote:
And you people wonder why SOJ decided not to let Japanese players play with Americans.

It's because the lot of you like to keep booting for no reason; on Japanese servers they have the decency to ask you to leave kindly, and if you die they don't mind.

Which makes me wander what kind of JP players play FFXI. Those guys wont play with you unless you are fluent in japanese(no romaji)and not american ^_^. JP players in PSO though never really cared, they'd play with anybody and was always nice.

Nov 7, 2006, 05:44 PM
On 2006-11-07 14:41, Silhouette wrote:

On 2006-11-07 06:50, Velocity_7 wrote:
And you people wonder why SOJ decided not to let Japanese players play with Americans.

It's because the lot of you like to keep booting for no reason; on Japanese servers they have the decency to ask you to leave kindly, and if you die they don't mind.

Which makes me wander what kind of JP players play FFXI. Those guys wont play with you unless you are fluent in japanese(no romaji)and not american ^_^. JP players in PSO though never really cared, they'd play with anybody and was always nice.

Actually, I've been in some great jap pt's in FFXI. They are usually very respectful towards each other. Although it's kind of hard to tell since they speak japenese, who knows what they're REALLY saying, lol.

They usually have their shit together.