View Full Version : FanArt: Poster Art/Siggy Art/Just art

Nov 8, 2006, 01:32 AM
I did this last night. I had the idea in my head all that day, so I made it happen.

I have the origonal virsion and the smaller siggy virsion.


I am probly gonna stick it in my siggy.. tell me what you think.

Nov 8, 2006, 01:50 PM
I think you should crop it, over resizing it. You lose alot when it is shrunken like this.

Nov 8, 2006, 08:16 PM
yeah I do notice that I lost some things when I resised it. I don't like my siggy to be to big tho so .. i decided to leave it like that.. I will see what I can do with the croping without losing most of the design..

Nov 8, 2006, 08:36 PM
On 2006-11-08 17:16, Jinu_San wrote:
I don't like my siggy to be to big tho

Which is good, because we don't like your sig to be big, either. Remember: 600x180 pixels high, by a maximum of 35000 bytes-- NOT 35kb. Sigs are expected to remain within 600x180 pixels, and may have a maximum of 5 lines of text, regardless of whether or not that line of text contains any information.