View Full Version : GC: why is everything so rare in ep. 1 & 2?

Nov 18, 2002, 11:58 PM
Am I the only one who thinks that rares, and good items in general, are harder to find in ep. 1 & 2? I rememever back in v1 when I was around level 35 or 40 I would always find the floors of the Hard ruins littered with DB's, Varista's, Flowen's, Visk's, Vise's, Battle Verge's, Club's of Laconium, and Vjaya. Now I'm at lvl 51 in the V. Hard Mines and all I have found is 3 DB's, 3 Varista's, 3 Visk's. Am I just the most unlucky person ever? I also remember getting a Dragon Slayer around lvl 25, and I still haven't touched one in ep. 1 & 2. And what is up with these little scenarios: v1 Nar Lily drops Master/Ability, then ep 1 & 2 Nar drops General/Mind. I'm firmly convinced that there is a conspiracy against me. Does anyone have a better explanation that doesn't boil down to luck of the draw?

Nov 19, 2002, 12:16 AM
Well yes they had to do that because people were finding rares to fast so they made it really hard to piss you off and make you play more.

Nov 19, 2002, 12:31 AM
On 2002-11-18 21:16, Neo-Zenji wrote:
Well yes they had to do that because people were finding rares to fast so they made it really hard to piss you off and make you play more.

Rares aren't harder to find, they just made things less common (DB's Saber, Varista, etc) but after a while of playing you'll see them pop up more (I got 3 DB's in a V.hard Forest run today and I've got countless 9-starded wants). Also its this way because if the drop for common rares was high, like that of V1/V2, then that would knock out all your chances to find better rares.

Nov 19, 2002, 02:00 AM
I just left a huge pile of red box, nine star FOrce weapons in town that I just forgot about. They won't be missed. How many Clubs of Loconium do you need anyway?

Nov 19, 2002, 03:38 AM
There not too hard to find so far ive found Photon Launcher, Inferno Bazooka, 2 Varistas, 2 Crush Bullets , Musashi's

I hope to find more soon im only offline like 70 percent of the ppl seem to be... but ive found alot for being a lvl 44 i guess... I am currently making a Rare item list for Varidian characters to tell you what you can find from what creature from what difficulty http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif ill post that as soon as possible once i get what i want

btw... in the opening intro there are 2 weapons im curious about that ive never heard of even from this site... the 2 red swords and the 2 green swords that hunter android chick has...

Hope to find more soon http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif also... im still in hard mode finding stuff so ... untill i get to vhard i guess i wont find nething too spectacular

Nov 19, 2002, 04:12 AM
On 2002-11-19 00:38, wayne_statix wrote:

btw... in the opening intro there are 2 weapons im curious about that ive never heard of even from this site... the 2 red swords and the 2 green swords that hunter android chick has...

Asuka's are 2 red swords (just like the Musashi's) I'll have to watch the opening again to see for sure, but there are a few different double/2 blades weapons (daggers, doublesabers, double blades (like the Musashi's))

Nov 19, 2002, 04:56 AM
btw... in the opening intro there are 2 weapons im curious about that ive never heard of even from this site... the 2 red swords and the 2 green swords that hunter android chick has...

I believe you're referring to the Kaladbolg and the Blade Dance. She brandishes in the following order: Kaladbolg, Blade Dance, Booma's Claw, Cross Scar (I think - I can't really tell from that angle), and another Booma's Claw.

Nov 19, 2002, 09:06 PM
Wow. I must be horrible unlucky. I'm level 54 in the V. Hard Ruins, and I haven't even found much crappy stuff. Am i really just unlucky? Or perhaps fighting monsters above my level, even on offline single player, decrease my chance of finding good stuff?

Nov 19, 2002, 09:58 PM
On 2002-11-19 18:06, Wakazashi-HUcast wrote:
Wow. I must be horrible unlucky. I'm level 54 in the V. Hard Ruins, and I haven't even found much crappy stuff. Am i really just unlucky? Or perhaps fighting monsters above my level, even on offline single player, decrease my chance of finding good stuff?

Rares drop randomly, nothing but the area you're in and difficutly determine the rares you find.

Nov 19, 2002, 10:06 PM
So, basically, I'm just having good luck, and should just hold out until I finally find something good? Ugh... how did a person as impatient as I am ever make RPG's his favorite genre...

Nov 20, 2002, 06:48 AM
im sure its none of those crappy weapons these weapons that they had were weapons ive never seen not even on this site... = btw Lofl im not newbie at all so Lofl ill never not no the difference between those crappy weapons Lofl heh *XS*RAMSUS=NO NEWB

Im the General of the Elite XenoSquadron!

Nov 20, 2002, 07:41 PM
OK, I didn't understand a word of wayne_statix's slang, but that's fine... (lofl? What is that, laughing on the floor laughing? laughing out f***ing loud?). Back to the point though. Most of you are taking for granted the fact that you have countless unwanted 9-star weapons like DB's and Varista's. But the fact is, I don't. What is up with this? FinalMasterM said that all that matters is the area and difficulty. If what he says is true, then shouldn't I be finding, at the very least, 9-star weapons in V. Hard Ruins? Why is it that my brother's friend, a level 51 Force, was able to find 10-star Yamato off of V. Hard Dragon today? The only 10-star thing I have is Secret Gear, which is absurdly common (my brother, his friend, and myself combined have about seven of them).

Nov 20, 2002, 09:53 PM
Dang you people find alot of rare armors... I have never found a rare armor in my pso life (I have only played the GC version) and i'm level 82. I've found alot of 9 star weapons though, but recently I havn't been finding jack sh*t.

Nov 21, 2002, 02:04 AM
heya, here's a few tips..
clear every room in a stage, maybe the enemies you leave behind are holding yr special!
doing consecutive runs of the same level over and over may help too.
don't underestimate 'hard mode'. ive found some pretty good weps there (2 elysions in hard ruins and a photon launcher from vol opt..)
i don't believe that playin online or offline matters, i've actually found less items online due to the fact that i'm a ranger and usually far away when enemies drops an item..
also, i think some items have been changed a bit (spread needles are not the be all end all weapon anymore..) thats probably why you haven't found a dragon slayer yet, its probably more powerful than it used to be.
heres a partial list of things i've found so far at level 60.

last survivor (hildeblue)
2 flowen swords
3 blade dance
6 or seven photon drops
proto regen gear (gillchic)
hildebears head
4 rappy wings
3 booma arms
justy rifle (garanz in m2)
2 visks
5 varista (1 with 40% dark)
2 grass assassin sabers
about 4 db sabers
photon launcher (vol opt in hard)
2 musashi ( dragon in hard plus i missed one playing online http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif )
2 elysion (hard ruins both from c bringer)
mace of adaman (box in mines)
many clubs of laconium (they're everywhere!)
2 addslots in forest hard
2 inferno bazookas (ruins vhard from dimenians)
several tech amps (barta shifta deband ect..)
1 red handgun (ult forest)
ect ect..
so, i guess what im trying to say is that i think this game is very balanced..i remember back in the DC v2 days when one run of vhard ruins would give up about 20-30 specials..most of them varistas and vises..bleh. id rather find a few good ones rather than a bucketload of crap ones. keep looking, the weps are out there.
happy hunting!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: flux-equals-rad on 2002-11-20 23:07 ]</font>

Nov 21, 2002, 03:04 AM
On 2002-11-20 16:41, Wakazashi-HUcast wrote:
Most of you are taking for granted the fact that you have countless unwanted 9-star weapons like DB's and Varista's.

I hardly think they're unwanted. They're actually quite useful again, like they were in version 1. But yes I find plenty of them and use them quite often. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Nov 23, 2002, 12:56 AM
Hell, i'm level 90 and i've only found 2 varistas (as far as varistas go), both 0%s, would have kicked myself in the face for saying this on DC, but i demand more varistas http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif...in fact come to think of it, i've found more yamatos and last survivors than i have found varistas or db's sabers. Crazy :S

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Raist on 2002-11-22 21:59 ]</font>