View Full Version : PSOW Item Bluebook

Nov 10, 2006, 01:25 AM
You guys should put together some sort of guideline for people selling items in their shops. I'm sick of seeing people selling items that are WAY overpriced.

Nov 10, 2006, 01:47 AM
And you think this would prevent people from overcharging?

Nov 10, 2006, 01:58 AM
Well, obviously there are people that are gonna continue to rip people off, but this would bring down the majority of people who far overcharge.

My best example would be Marseline. I've seen it priced for 2000-3000m at a lot of shops and very few people actually price it under 1200 which is the NPC price. I don't know if they know they're overpricing and are just trying to rip off newbs, or if they're just stupid, but something should be attempted.