View Full Version : Trying to Backup Character

Feb 25, 2001, 03:27 AM
Ok, listen. I have 2 Memory Cards. I want to make sure that IF I get the BSOD I still have my character. I was told there was a way to back the file up with the second Memory card by emailing yourself the file. Unfortunately, when I hit send in the mailbox of the web browser it gave me a message saying the host was busy. My friends and I have all tried this on numerous occassions but have had no luck. Anyone else figured any easy way to do it, in my situation.

Feb 25, 2001, 04:21 AM
i get the same thing that happens to me. for me it always says 'mail host in unavailable' when i try to send mail. it works fine for downloading. i've tried it with different versions of the browser, and different pop3 accounts. it just doesnt seem to want to work on my dreamcast.

i've been asking, but nobody has ever replied to me when i ask about the vmu file upload webpages. does anyonee know how to make them? im thinking something along the lines of that page which sends you your screenshots. someone please help me here, or at least acknowledge that you read this.

Feb 25, 2001, 06:20 AM
If you're using Seganet as your ISP, it sounds like you have your mail server settings wrong. The exact same thing was heppening to me until I read their help on setting up e-mail.

Incoming Server (POP3): pop(first letter of username).sega.net
ex: username "dave": popd.sega.net
Outgoing Server (SMTP): mail(first letter of username).sega.net
ex: username "dave": maild.sega.net

Hope that helps