View Full Version : Item Distrubution and You! (Meseta Question)

Nov 16, 2006, 03:02 AM
If I was a run & gun hunter I might not mind playing with a finders keepers setting for loot but Im not I am a force and I have slow to cast spells and I have to cover everybodies asses with resta/reverser all while dodging enemies (lowest hp/defense in game) and trying to line up my attacks.

So the last thing that I can get to is any kind of loot, I made it a point to always make my games set for

Rares: Random
Common: Order

seems like the most common sense setup, eliminates loot hogs and overall keeps everybody more focused on fighting and not the loot to prevent distractions.

It may suck because every time its your turn sombody picks up a freakin monomate but its just kinda luck, but I find more than items most of the time I need meseta... I am currious on with the above settings how meseta works?

I have gone into games and come out with almost nothing and actually lost money on a mission due to PP recharge cost, I am not sure if thats because we had very bad luck with meseta or its distributed in an odd way.

The way it should be: it gets split evenly between all players, so a 600 meseta drop would give 100 meseta to everybody in a 6 person group.

The way I think it may be: its counted as an item so unless its your turn on the loot table sombody else gets it, and that also means it may count as your item and then somobody pics up a piece of loot you really need that was going to go to you.


Its still finders keepers and all the hunters are making out with the gold... despite there cheaper PP cost :/

So how does it work exactly?

Also the one thing I dont like about order is that I carry so many weapons and stuff that often times im 60/60 items and dont even know it so I pick stuff up thinking it may go to me and in reality I am getting nothing... it only shows the skiped message for certian healing items it looks like.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: ViciousXUSMC on 2006-11-16 00:03 ]</font>

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Nov 16, 2006, 08:03 AM
I'm about 99% sure mesta isnt counting as an item drop, its just fair game for whoever picks it up. Not getting is many items is a balance feature for FO and RA. Think about it this way: The fighters are up front taking all the damage, so we are usually having through fly through trimates (500 each)...thus, we need the extra loot. Because you guys get to stand back blasting away from danger, usually any penny found is a penny earned; whilst the hunters have high expenses.

Sure, you can say "i need PA-recharge," or "fighters get healed by FO", yada yada...but thats just extra crap. Not neccesity. Fighters taking dmg is. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif So stop complaining.

Nov 16, 2006, 09:07 AM
On 2006-11-16 05:03, Thoridan wrote:
The fighters are up front taking all the damage, so we are usually having through fly through trimates (500 each)...thus, we need the extra loot.

Not true if the Force is doing his/her job correctly IMO. The group I play with regularly rarely has to use any mates at all. I keep them healed as much as possible. They usually just let me get the majority of the meseta that drops simply because they aren't having to blow through their stock of mates. As long as I get my hit in to get the exp. I'm cool with healing and supporting.

Also, I give then anything that ends up in my inventory that I can't use (Mates, Agtarides, etc...).

Nov 16, 2006, 11:55 AM
On 2006-11-16 05:03, Thoridan wrote:
I'm about 99% sure mesta isnt counting as an item drop, its just fair game for whoever picks it up. Not getting is many items is a balance feature for FO and RA. Think about it this way: The fighters are up front taking all the damage, so we are usually having through fly through trimates (500 each)...thus, we need the extra loot. Because you guys get to stand back blasting away from danger, usually any penny found is a penny earned; whilst the hunters have high expenses.

Please...with a good FO or two in the group no one should ever have to mate except for MAYBE against bosses, if you find yourself isolated from the FOs and gettin picked out by the boss. And you don't think I need to use trimates as well? If I'm usin the shotgun I'm right up in the enemy's faces as well, but I still don't have time to loot because I'm busy trying to make everyone else's job easier freezing/paralyzing/whathaveyou the enemies. Each of my guns of which I have 7 cost in the neighborhood of 130-170pp to recharge a piece. Depending on how much damage the group deals I might have to use alot of ammo, resulting in stupendous pp recharge costs. These can't be avoided like buying mates, unless of course I decide to not shoot. In short your complaining about nothing at all. If you have to mate to live and can't wait for a FO to get to you perhaps you should be going someplace easier, and if you're out of mates run LL B two or three times and you'll be stocked again on all three types anyways.

Back on topic I'm not entirely sure how it works honestly I try to take notice but its tough to see exactly. I would most prefer every money drop being split between the party, however I'm most inclined to think its actually treated as any other item drop and given to the person up on the rotation, which isn't BAD but you can unfortunately get unlucky and get few to no money drops. If you're doing missions without particularly good mission rewards this can lead to a loss of pp on a given mission, which sucks but it happens from time to time.

Nov 16, 2006, 12:30 PM
Yeah. I'm also a force, however, the things you can sell in place of the meseta you may encounter along the way can be worth about the same. For instance, I make over 5k a night on mates alone. I know the Force's and Ranger's pain of having to recharge. You won't believe the amount I have to pay on some levels (up to about 800 meseta) because of my 5 Hajirods. Despite all of this, I have managed to make ALOT of money with my store and I feel that selling items gets more money than getting all the money drops on whatever level (unless perhaps you mean A rank Grove of Fanatics, Sleeping Warriors, or Plains Overloard). Even then, the drops you can get can make you ungodly amounts of cash which you can use to get better weapons, armor, or whatever you want to get.

Nov 16, 2006, 01:03 PM
Don't misquote me. Pay attention in your Ethics or Public Speaking classes. You are misusing my words by only quoting half of what I said. So, I will requote myself.

"Sure, you can say "i need PA-recharge," or "fighters get healed by FO", yada yada...but thats just extra crap. Not neccesity. Fighters taking dmg is. So stop complaining. "

FO is not REQUIRED to heal fighters, its just extra and if you want to that is fine. Fighters are required to be taking dmg.

Nov 16, 2006, 01:15 PM
On 2006-11-16 10:03, Thoridan wrote:
Don't misquote me. Pay attention in your Ethics or Public Speaking classes. You are misusing my words by only quoting half of what I said. So, I will requote myself.

"Sure, you can say "i need PA-recharge," or "fighters get healed by FO", yada yada...but thats just extra crap. Not neccesity. Fighters taking dmg is. So stop complaining. "

FO is not REQUIRED to heal fighters, its just extra and if you want to that is fine. Fighters are required to be taking dmg.

Ok quoted your whole thing this time. I guess I'm not required to shoot then huh? Just sit there and collect up items. Sounds like a good plan, I'll make more money that way.

And as for it not being required for a FO to heal yeah, you're right, its not. But any FO who refuses to heal you isn't much of a FO in my book. Its not difficult (especially not now with only 2 spells per element) to toss out periodic heals since you can link resta on all your rods if you feel so inclined. It'll get a bit more awkward in the future I suppose. I've never played with a FO who didn't heal far more than enough to keep everyone alive though, most of the time one or two heals per room is perfectly adequate. If your FOs aren't healing you I don't know what to tell you.

And also guess what? You can DODGE in this game! So not only could other people heal you but you could get outta the way of hits too! Suppose thats not 'required' either though.

Nov 16, 2006, 01:58 PM
So meseta ISN'T counted in item distribution?

And I don't understand how random is better than order... Every time for me there hasn't really been an order, just whoever is next in line to receive an item, non-rare and rare included.

Nov 17, 2006, 10:58 AM
I actually believe meseta IS counted in item distribution. Me and my friends always set our item distribution to "random" and I always walk away from each mission with nearly as much money as my other teammates despite the fact that I play as a force and only usually pick up drops from boxes. Also, before we started setting our games to random all the time we tested it out. I was designated as the only one allowed to pick up any meseta that dropped, and my boyfriend kept a watch on his meseta count to see if it went up any while I went around picking it all up. The first two times I picked some up it didn't. Third time it did. He *could* have cheated, but I doubt it.

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Nov 17, 2006, 11:37 AM
If you read what I said I am on my feet healing everybody wich is one of the reasons i dont get meseta so they are nto using mates not even against bosses.

But everybody got off subject I just want to know how meseta is divided, also my PP recharges > mate cost by far. You cant buy PP recharge from a player store http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif mates are super super cheap from player stores and thats if you actually had to buy them, they drop like crazy.

Nov 18, 2006, 02:10 AM
First off i agree with everyone. I'm a Force and sometimes i get no love. Pon other days after a run eeryione is giving me thier rares. I do try to avoid finder groups but I'm not too picky. Forces are in an odd mix here. Some players are: GREAT FORCE HERE TAKE THIS FOR THE GREAT GROUP!!! others are yeah he was ok but thats what forces do. Personaly I'm just glad when no one blames me for the A ranking.

Nov 18, 2006, 02:26 AM
I did a test today.

Checked my cash before and after each time a foe dropped meseta. Loot was on random or ordered, can't remember. Didn't pick up any of the drops, let somebody else. Sometimes there was no increase, sometimes there was an increase to meseta.

Bottom line? It seems that each meseta drop counts as one item. In other words, it'll distribute according to the loot rules... but it's not perfect. 500+ meseta drop from an opponent? It goes to one person, just like a monomate would go to one person. 10 meseta drop? Same deal.

In any case, meseta drops ARE distributed. Somebody else can test it to verify, eh?

Nov 18, 2006, 12:07 PM
THIS is why PSO sometimes was better... http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif There was never any of this junk...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: PALRAPPYS on 2006-11-18 09:08 ]</font>

Nov 18, 2006, 02:07 PM
Meseta is considered an item just like monomates, weapons, ingredients, etc.



If the loot is set on In Order, no one is getting robbed. Everyone gets one item each time something is picked up. If you're not getting meseta, you're getting a weapon, or ingredient, or a *mate, etc.

If you are a Force and find that you are actually coming out of a mission with LESS gold, then somebody(s) in your party sucks. If you complete a mission on S Rank, then you usually get about twice as much meseta as it costs to recharge PP. Plus, if you find yourself with an abundance of *mates, sell them or feed them to your PM.

Oh, and by the way, Hunters use PP as well. Even though it may not be as much as a force or a ranger, we still use it to add that umf in our attacks. And if I, as a hunter, always keep a handgun or two on me, then why shouldn't a Force or a Ranger keep a Saber or Knife on them for when they run out of PP or some other reason. Recharging PP isn't that expensive FOR ANYONE. But if you disagree, then be conservative! LOL.

And if you're still poor, sell those [B] Monomate, [B] Star Atomizer, or any other boards that are piling up in storage. I find that they are impractical to make and that the same mats can be used for [B] Fruit Juice or Steamed Milk (mag food).

Theres endless ways to make money in PSU and an equal number of ways to wine about it. So which option is more productive?

I have a character for each race/class and i found that THIS GAME IS NOT DIFFICULT. Unlike PSO, meseta has value in PSU and its even easy to make.

If you still disagree, try soloing or duoing an easier mission or two every once in a while. It's all good, enjoy the GAME and have fun.

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Nov 19, 2006, 12:32 PM
I have tested this somewhat as well, but I haven't done full tests. However, my gf and I went into a locked game, and set distribution to random, and all 15 meseta drops we picked up went to the person who picked them up.

Nov 19, 2006, 02:19 PM
try order since thats what i always use.

as far as i know its considered an item, it would be much better to split it between all players... heck when those big mobs show up that take a billion hp to drop I usually do 50% of the dmg or more on my own and drain a wand by 1/2 spaming diga, when the 1000 meseta drops it shouldnt go to one person, with bad luck every time a big meseta drop comes up you dont get it, you get a photon instead :/

How hard would it be to code the meseta to split? seems like common sense to me, and its not really right for sombody to lose an item to meseta eather.

Nov 19, 2006, 11:42 PM
Having read several topics about the various distribution methods of items in this game, I'd have thought that meseta would be the easiest thing to make fair!

Meseta after all comes in bulk and can be shared (unlike a de ragan tail), wouldn't it be fairest if the game could be set so that if (for example) someone picks up 60 meseta that the game would split it evenly among everyone (so in this case everyone would get 10 meseta in a full party). It's the most valuable resource in the long run and this method would mean everyone gets a little bit of every money drop so there wouldn't be complaints...

Unless someone decided to just stand around and do nothing while his pockets fill, but they can be booted, and isn't that happening anyway?

Nov 20, 2006, 12:18 AM
well even still if sombody was standing around with random or order they get there pockets filled so that doesnt matter.