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Nov 20, 2006, 08:40 AM
I heard that sonic team is thinking of linking the servers on all of the systems. not just to gain more people, but because they want everyone to have EXACTLY that same thing or something like that. just heard it, might not be likely, but look how many things started as "rumors" and are now true. just bringing it out for everyone. i think it would be nice, then i could play with my GF without having to buy a PS2


Nov 20, 2006, 08:47 AM
i don't think they are...

Nov 20, 2006, 08:47 AM
I really don't see this happening, unless they removed the voice chat from the Xbox 360 version.

Which is pretty unlikely.

Nov 20, 2006, 08:51 AM
they wouldnt have to take off the voice chat, you can have headsets for the PS2, and the computer has things like teamspeak and such where people can talk to one another. also, i see A LOT of people on the 360 who ONLY use keyboards and dont talk, even if they do have a mic. this would be completely possible.

Nov 20, 2006, 08:54 AM
But then they'd have to implement it into the PS2 version, which is practically impossible without releasing a new game disk. Yes, PCs have Teamspeak and the like, but as far as I'm aware it's uncompatible with the built-in chat feature of PSU on the 360.

I also hear of a lot of people on the Xbox version getting kicked from groups just for not having a headset. I'd like to keep this out of the PC/PS2 version, but that's just my opinion.

Nov 20, 2006, 08:54 AM
if i recall, the reason the servers are not linked is because of the way that XBox Live is setup.

if Microsoft and SEGA are able to group all servers, then i shall welcome my 360 underlings http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Nov 20, 2006, 08:54 AM
I highly doubt it.

I enjoy being on the least hackable platform. Separate from the most hackable platform. Though I really would love to have a huge community, I REALLY don't want to relive the days of PSO.

Only if there were a few linked servers, with the rest being 360 only would I agree to it.

Nov 20, 2006, 09:02 AM
Now that's a great idea! probably the best way to do it. You could decide at any given time if you wanted to plat with PC/PS2's or just stick with XBL. I have a freind on the 360 that I woulnd't mind teaming with every once in a while.

On 2006-11-20 05:54, Sychosis wrote:
Only if there were a few linked servers, with the rest being 360 only would I agree to it.

Nov 20, 2006, 09:11 AM
The only problem I see with it is your room. Not sure how that would work at all.

Nov 20, 2006, 11:53 AM
Heh. How do I vote all three, since I heard the rumor, would like to see it happen AND dont think it will. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

I am in fact certain it wont happen: XBox and PC/PS2 have differences between them in tems of service; different regions have staggered release material that would need to either be delayed or advanced to get into sync; there is no word select option for regional language differences; finally, if SEGA ever actually intended to do this, they would have done it from the start.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: AeraLure on 2006-11-20 08:57 ]</font>

Nov 20, 2006, 01:51 PM
Please God, if you promise NOT to link all the servers then I promise never to bug you again.


I like the seclusion of the 360. I like that it's harder to hack. I like that I don't see people running around that are infinately superior to me in every way. And besides the dumb shit that the xbox community is known for....It has been pretty fun.

Nov 20, 2006, 01:52 PM
Wouldn't it be good if all the servers were linked. Ignoring cross-platform difficulties which could be worked around or ignored totally, the main thing people need to remember is server life.

There are many times more PC and PS2 owners than XBox360 owners at the present time.

Although the XBox360 is a very powerful and popular console, the only players on the XBox360 server are the XBox360 players themselves - and only the US and Euro ones at that. While there may not be many population problems at the moment the number of online players is bound to be much lower than the other servers which 'everyone else' plays on.

Sooner or later (later with any luck) the XBox360 population will dwindle - the same will happen on the other servers however since more people have access to the PC/PS2 servers to begin with, the population on the PC/PS2 servers will remain much healthier than the XBox360 ones for a longer period of time.

As happens, when SEGA is running multiple servers and enthusiasm for the game dies down, SEGA decide to make cutbacks, and the least popular - less money making - server is usually the one to have it's plug pulled... sad but true.

When PSO Episode 1+2 was the most recent PSO, the Gamecube version survived much longer than the XBox version which had it's plug pulled early for reasons I'm not entirely sure of, but I'm sure population and income for SEGA had a hand in it.

Therefore, by allowing the XBox360 gamers to play on the PC/PS2 servers are giving their version of the game the same chance of a long life as both of the other versions are practically assured.

I own both a PC and a PS2 - yet here I am defending the XBox360 lol http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Nov 20, 2006, 01:56 PM
It would suck for xbox people because of the over crowding that would come and pc hacking...
It would suck for the ps2/pc people because they'd have to deal with the xbox community....A fate worse then death.

Nov 20, 2006, 02:01 PM
What "over crowding" are you talking about? I play on 360, and from my understanding, we only have 1 universe that's full, and another that's half full. What about the other I dunno, 20 or so Universes?

Nov 20, 2006, 02:04 PM
I really hope they don't, I'm loving the current *seemingly* hack free 360 environment, and theres enough people online I think. Sure it could use a population boost, but right now I'm liking the way things are going.

Nov 20, 2006, 02:08 PM
Ronzeru if the ps/pc platform was merged with the 360 our population would probably increase by 500% or more. I wouldn't personally want that.

Nov 20, 2006, 02:16 PM
It's not going to happen, everyone can stop getting their hopes up, or getting their knickers in a wad.

I personally would'nt care either way, I only play with afew different people, so the inclusion of the other two platforms is irrelevant in that sense. All I'd benefit from are the increase of people to my store. But in the end, I'll take the 360 group over cross-platformed servers.

As well, Microsoft won't let the servers cross if voice chat or anything else would be 'cut' from the current release, not to mention if any kind of instability would result from the server linking.

Nov 20, 2006, 02:16 PM
On 2006-11-20 11:04, McFresh_Bot wrote:
I really hope they don't, I'm loving the current *seemingly* hack free 360 environment, and theres enough people online I think. Sure it could use a population boost, but right now I'm liking the way things are going.

Being on XBox360 doesn't prevent hacks, the Gamecube and Dreamcast games are the ones that to date have had the most hacking going on due to the ease of use of Gameshark devices etc... it'll happen eventually but it's a shame because we'd all like to play in a hackfree environment http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Unfortunately, allowing XBox360 players connectivity with the PC/PS2 players is an all or nothing affair, as has been said the servers are not exactly full, so if there was the OPTION for XBox360 players to play with everyone else, half the population would do just that decreasing the population of the XBox360 servers by half and increasing the chance of the server being taken down entirely (which would FORCE everyone else onto the PC/PS2 server against their wishes).

Nov 20, 2006, 02:40 PM
On 2006-11-20 10:56, Natrokos wrote:
It would suck for xbox people because of the over crowding that would come and pc hacking...
It would suck for the ps2/pc people because they'd have to deal with the xbox community....A fate worse then death.

I think folks need to remember that you can't really ever judge different communities playing the same game on different servers. They are both groups of different people of all sorts from around the world.

The only thing that really matters is who your friends are on either version - if you play in tightly knit groups then you'll have the best possible experience no matter which server you're on.

Exploits and hacks can and will be found - but hackers have a tendancy to mess about with the most popular servers and versions. Let's face facts, if the XBox360 server outnumbered the PC/PS2 then that's the server that folks like Broomop would end up focussing their attention on - so I can see how their unfortunate lower population could actually serve to keep hackers disinterested and trouble to a minimum.

Both servers have (or will have) their own fair share of decent people and 'noobs' - since nobody checks to see if a person is a 'noob' before they let you buy an XBox360, PC or PS2. If a 'noob' of the PC/PS2 version broke his PS2 and got an XBox360, he's be just the same 'noob' over on that server http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

I don't like it when people prefer owners of one particular console to another - to me it doesn't make sense!

It's just unfortunate that people who've probably been friends for a long time can't play together because they're each playing a different system http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Nov 20, 2006, 02:42 PM
I don't know why people seem to think xbox live has vice like security. I played PSO on xbox and it was hacked to shit.

Nov 20, 2006, 02:59 PM
I don't see why people are zomging over 'overpopulation'. On PC/PS2 there are 18 Universes. EIGTHTEEN. Count em, be my guess. Three of which fill up on a good day, rarely more than 2. Maybe my math is off but that's less than 20% of what the PC/PS2 servers could hold, which makes it safe to believe that if we added Xbox (which has even less players) and the JP servers (theoretically) it still wouldn't be full. And if they were there's still all those other servers with their free space.

But it won't happen either way. And the cheating isn't that bad (if existant) from what I've seen. If it were rampant, high level weapons would be dropping like mad in usershops.

Nov 20, 2006, 03:02 PM
Uhm being the most well known console for hackers and moders (halo 2 anyone?modded like a MFer),i am pretty sure there is already someone working on moding the 360.Now thing is tho same goes for pc/ps2 mainly on the pc side of that spectrum.Ther will always be hackers and people who simply dont want to actualy play but want to be "uber" right away and dicks and what not who want to brag about their power(in a virtual enviroment mind you http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif).So realy no one is safe entirely,lets just hope they stay on things like this like they did in BB and it will be ok.With server side saveing we do avoid alot of these problems as well so thats makes a good number of points moot.

Anyhow i personaly dont se the servers connecting.Also i realy dont want to deal with the xbox community i had to deal with them on tons of others games but usualy not nearly as long as i would in PSU.

Nov 20, 2006, 03:04 PM
You guys make it sounds like the PC is Apiitite with hacking, I have yet to see any hacking and I have over 200 hours in the game.

Nov 20, 2006, 03:05 PM
On 2006-11-20 11:42, Edg3 wrote:
I don't know why people seem to think xbox live has vice like security. I played PSO on xbox and it was hacked to shit.

Folks always seem to think that PC version of games are far easier to hack than console equivalents - but actually it's not strictly true. A determined hacker will use whatever is at his disposal to do his deed - be it Gameshark on consoles or dedicated hacking tools on PC.

The weak link is admittedly the PC, since it's far easier for the hackers to get hold of the tools to do the job or simply make their own - however it's not so easy that everyone can do this. Even when a hacker does breach security and cause problems, it usually involves some really elaborate program and multiple cracks and patches that's awkward and too complex for the average kiddy to install, set up and use.

Console games also have different hackers using different methods - remember at one time the original PSO was the most hacked online game around and that was only available on SEGA Dreamcast at the time!

Game server popularity breeds desire and worth for these hackers to do their thing - the PC and PS2 servers are currently the most popular so that's where the real hackers are concentrating so that the results of their hacking can be witnessed and their infamy spread to the largest group of users.

Unfortunately the problem with consoles is that once someone actually manages to come out with working Gameshark codes, it's easy for anyone over the age of 4 to input these codes and be a 'hacker' themselves - meaning a small problem becomes a big one as the codes get spread around the web.

Consider the isolation of the XBox360 servers and the existance of more populated (more desirable to hack) servers as the only reasonable protection against hackers the XBox360 version has http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Nov 20, 2006, 03:06 PM
Hard to hack character files when the files are on a seperate server.

Nov 20, 2006, 03:13 PM
I can tell you, the version getting the most hacking done right now is the PC version. That's the easiest to hack. Xbox360 PSU really isn't popular enough to get that much attention from the modding community, especially not with games like Gears of War out. Xbox360/PS2/PC FFXI works extremely well. So really, until you try it out for yourself, you probably shouldn't be so quick to decide against the idea. For the most part, you probably won't even notice a difference except that there will be more people, more shops, more parties, more friends. How can anyone consider this a bad thing?

Nov 20, 2006, 03:15 PM
From my understanding the only hacking that has been done is on Japanese servers on PC/PS2 they have even said that Japanese have even learned how to dupe. I hope they do not combine the servers as I play on PS2/PC and hacking/duping would just ruin this game.

Nov 20, 2006, 03:18 PM
On 2006-11-20 12:06, ABDUR101 wrote:
Hard to hack character files when the files are on a seperate server.

That affects all versions the same surely http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

The problem is that hackers who are determined enough will still probably find 'loopholes' in the server security or program itself.

Since all three versions are built around the same 'model' they all use similar code and methods with small changes to make everything compatible with the system it's to be played on. The same could also be said of the servers.

If (for example) someone found a glitch where in certain circumstances you could walk through locked doors (remembering the DC version http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif) once discovered on one system would have a high probability of working on the others until all the servers get patched - and then they'd all get the same patch in all probability...

The same could apply to folks finding clientside loopholes that allow them to inject their own data into the system such as hacked rares etc, the same loophole should also exist in the other versions, but Gameshark codes would need to be made to take advantage of the same loophole - which is much easier to do when a working code already exists for another system, it's just a case of discovering where that particular address in memory is on the other systems.

Which is why I said the PC is the weakest link in my post above.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Uncle_Pobatti on 2006-11-20 12:19 ]</font>

Nov 20, 2006, 03:25 PM
Wheres the option for "Please, never ever let this happen?"

Nov 20, 2006, 03:30 PM
Proof of hacking:

I believe this is being done on the PC/PS2 version, through the PC.

Nov 20, 2006, 03:48 PM
If all of the servers are merged,the PSU community will go down as a whole from hackers.Seperate servers provide more security.

Nov 20, 2006, 03:55 PM
On 2006-11-20 12:30, Proff wrote:
Proof of hacking:

I believe this is being done on the PC/PS2 version, through the PC.

Seen those links before but I think they're quite good proof of hacking in PSU.

It must be mentioned that all 3 are Broomop, but the second and third videos are of offline mode only.

Nov 20, 2006, 04:04 PM
I wish there was a couple of Universes that th 360ers and everone els can band together

Nov 20, 2006, 04:44 PM
Where's the "OMFG THEY BETTER NOT LINK IT!" option? I will personally throw a shitfit if they bring PC/PS2 onto MY servers, because that will bring Broomop and all the hackers with it. Besides, 360 servers are the most stable, since everyone has the exact same system unlike PC/PS2 servers, where high-end PC users have to worry about weak PS2s and low-end PCs lagging because they can't process the game fast enough.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: FenixStryk on 2006-11-20 14:03 ]</font>

Nov 20, 2006, 04:46 PM
On 2006-11-20 13:44, FenixStryk wrote:
Besides, 360 servers are the most stable, since everyone has the exact same system; no weak PS2s and PCs playing with supercomputers.

Jeeze, the amount of elitism in that post is enough to kill at least two babies.

Nov 20, 2006, 04:49 PM
360 Servers are most stable?

'Cept, you guys still pay for Xbox Live, whereas, we don't pay any extra fees to play PSU other than the fee itself. PS2's aren't weak. Sega just didn't pump all the power a PS2 could do. I also find it funny that someone would call a 360 a "SuperComputer" when a PC is capable of much more. Who're you trying to fool?

Nov 20, 2006, 04:49 PM
On 2006-11-20 13:46, Kanore wrote:

On 2006-11-20 13:44, FenixStryk wrote:
Besides, 360 servers are the most stable, since everyone has the exact same system unlike PC/PS2 servers, where high-end PC users have to worry about weak PS2s and low-end PCs lagging because they can't process the game fast enough.Jeeze, the amount of elitism in that post is enough to kill at least two babies.LOL, looks like I'm inadvertently living up to my Closet Elitist subtitle. Didn't even see that one comin'; let me clarify my intended meaning, since apparently you're reading supercomputer as 360, which is not what I intended for you to read it as.

I edited the original post and the quote, so read it again, please. =]

Oh, and to the guy who said we have to pay for XBL AND Sega, that's incorrect. You can play using XBL Silver (free version) and only pay Sega.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: FenixStryk on 2006-11-20 14:04 ]</font>

Nov 20, 2006, 07:07 PM
On 2006-11-20 11:04, McFresh_Bot wrote:
I really hope they don't, I'm loving the current *seemingly* hack free 360 environment, and theres enough people online I think. Sure it could use a population boost, but right now I'm liking the way things are going.

There are no hacks on the PC version, if you are talking about that movie, that was done on a private server but cannot be duplicated on the official sega servers

Nov 20, 2006, 07:10 PM
On 2006-11-20 13:49, RyukiZero wrote:
360 Servers are most stable?

'Cept, you guys still pay for Xbox Live, whereas, we don't pay any extra fees to play PSU other than the fee itself.

Xbox Live Silver is free, you can play PSU on a silver account. We pay the same amount of monthly fee that PC and PS2 players pay, no more no less. There are no extra fees.

Nov 20, 2006, 07:14 PM
On 2006-11-20 16:07, Cause_I_Own_U wrote:

On 2006-11-20 11:04, McFresh_Bot wrote:
I really hope they don't, I'm loving the current *seemingly* hack free 360 environment, and theres enough people online I think. Sure it could use a population boost, but right now I'm liking the way things are going.

There are no hacks on the PC version, if you are talking about that movie, that was done on a private server but cannot be duplicated on the official sega servers

It was on the official server, another user posted a video of broomop hacking online. And there was many people complaining about broomop hacking on the sega message boards. Sega keeps banning him but he keeps coming back on different accounts.

Nov 20, 2006, 07:14 PM
On 2006-11-20 05:40, Zabot wrote:
"...but because they want everyone to have EXACTLY that same thing or something like that."

... what?

I dont think they'll link them together, although I'd wouldn't mind it the least bit.

Nov 20, 2006, 07:32 PM
On 2006-11-20 13:44, FenixStryk wrote:
Where's the "OMFG THEY BETTER NOT LINK IT!" option? I will personally throw a shitfit if they bring PC/PS2 onto MY servers, because that will bring Broomop and all the hackers with it. Besides, 360 servers are the most stable, since everyone has the exact same system unlike PC/PS2 servers, where high-end PC users have to worry about weak PS2s and low-end PCs lagging because they can't process the game fast enough.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: FenixStryk on 2006-11-20 14:03 ]</font>

You need to read this..

What is Client/Server Computing? (http://www.phdsystems.com/tutorials/internet/cliensrv/sld01.html)

... because you don't seem to grasp exactly how a client/server setup works. The only way slow computers or PS2s of players would matter is if the players were acting as servers, and if that were the case we wouldn't be paying $10/month to pay for Sega to run servers, among many other caveats.

In conclusion: Client Hardware differing or being sub-par doesn't affect server stability.

Nov 20, 2006, 09:25 PM
all of those links were obsolete. one ws a bunch of people arugueing and lieing, and the others were on online mode which is run off of your computer so OBVIOUSLY its going to get hacked.

Nov 20, 2006, 09:27 PM
Oh god, I do not want 360 players anywhere near me. A NA-JPN linking would be cool, but not a PC/PS2-360 one.

Nov 20, 2006, 09:28 PM
ya it would suck just because they could not handle the xbox people.. we are way better then everybody else. it is like they are playing on a whole new level for them.. all the hacks would suck but it might make them update the game more.

Nov 20, 2006, 10:12 PM
This rumor is fake, it's not posible to do this, as they could have done it on the first place.

Nov 21, 2006, 04:54 PM
On 2006-11-20 19:12, HiKeRI wrote:
This rumor is fake, it's not posible to do this, as they could have done it on the first place.

It's more than possible. FFXI already does it. 360/PC/PS2 cross platforming. The newest Gauntlet on Xbox and PS2 is also cross-platform. There's no reason why it's not possible. Hell, even private PSO servers allowed cross-platforming between BB, GC1&2, and DCv1/DCv2. It's nothing more than Sega choosing not to link the servers for reasons that really make no sense.

Nov 21, 2006, 05:31 PM
XD aint happenin'

Nov 21, 2006, 08:46 PM
On 2006-11-20 12:18, Uncle_Pobatti wrote:

On 2006-11-20 12:06, ABDUR101 wrote:
Hard to hack character files when the files are on a seperate server.

That affects all versions the same surely http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

The problem is that hackers who are determined enough will still probably find 'loopholes' in the server security or program itself.

Casual script kiddees are almost uniformly incapable of such things. A totally blind remote hack like this is really hard to do. It's especially hard to do without tripping any Intrusion Detection systems, which any corporation of even modest size tends to run.

Also, keep in mind the massive illegality of such an action. It's one thing to be banned for having a hacked character save. It's another entirely to have the FBI confiscate your hardware for months and possibly spend time in some sort of federal detention.

Since all three versions are built around the same 'model' they all use similar code and methods with small changes to make everything compatible with the system it's to be played on. The same could also be said of the servers.

The same could apply to folks finding clientside loopholes that allow them to inject their own data into the system such as hacked rares etc, the same loophole should also exist in the other versions, but Gameshark codes would need to be made to take advantage of the same loophole - which is much easier to do when a working code already exists for another system, it's just a case of discovering where that particular address in memory is on the other systems.

It's fairly trivial to write a protocol where this wouldn't be allowed. Simply put, the server manages what drops and what the content of those drops are. The client never gets the opportunity to even say, "I picked up 1000 meseta." They say, "I picked up item X" and the server makes sure they were close enough in gamespace to let that happen.

Which is why I said the PC is the weakest link in my post above.

Really, it's a matter of toolkits. The tools for hacking a game on your PC are widespread and in a much more skript-kiddee accessible format. You could write custom tools to hack PSU at the network traffic level, but most people capable of that realize the self-defeating nature of such an endeavor.

Nov 21, 2006, 09:05 PM
Meh, it isn't going to happen and I hope it doesn't.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sexy_Raine on 2006-11-21 18:06 ]</font>

Nov 21, 2006, 09:27 PM
The GM's denied this when asked about it.
If you need proof, go look on the offical chat boards.
They're riddled with Q&A's answered by the GM's during thier stay in Parium.

Nov 21, 2006, 10:43 PM
On 2006-11-20 16:32, Ruby-chan wrote:

On 2006-11-20 13:44, FenixStryk wrote:
Where's the "OMFG THEY BETTER NOT LINK IT!" option? I will personally throw a shitfit if they bring PC/PS2 onto MY servers, because that will bring Broomop and all the hackers with it. Besides, 360 servers are the most stable, since everyone has the exact same system unlike PC/PS2 servers, where high-end PC users have to worry about weak PS2s and low-end PCs lagging because they can't process the game fast enough.

You need to read this... long misguided rebuttal... Client Hardware differing or being sub-par doesn't affect server stability. Half-right. The entire server's performance? No. Your party's performance? YES. Low-end PCs and PS2s process the actual game slowly (not the network connection). This leads to a noticable lag in most client-side actions, such as switching weapons and loading new areas. This delay does negatively impact performance, which could indirectly lead to "OMFG your system sucks compared to mine, GTFO lagger!".

Since all 360s process at the exact same speed, everyone is even in this aspect, so the aforementioned scenario is not likely to happen. That is what I'm trying to get at.

Nov 21, 2006, 10:45 PM
Its not going to happen what a waste of a thread.

Nov 21, 2006, 11:59 PM
On 2006-11-21 13:54, Proff wrote:

On 2006-11-20 19:12, HiKeRI wrote:
This rumor is fake, it's not posible to do this, as they could have done it on the first place.

It's more than possible. FFXI already does it. 360/PC/PS2 cross platforming. The newest Gauntlet on Xbox and PS2 is also cross-platform. There's no reason why it's not possible. Hell, even private PSO servers allowed cross-platforming between BB, GC1&2, and DCv1/DCv2. It's nothing more than Sega choosing not to link the servers for reasons that really make no sense.

As i told, its imposible, when they first said to leave it as it is, i am sure they don't want to go back to server issues on linking them, its more of a waste of time to them to just go back working on server stuffs. I on my opinion i would leave it as it is at the moment, the balance of players are about equal anyway...

Nov 22, 2006, 12:35 AM
-No plans to combine servers.

Taken from offical message boards where a player has a chat w/ GM Lopan and others.
Link to thread (http://boards2.sega.com/psu_board/viewtopic.php?t=9554)

Nov 22, 2006, 02:40 AM
On 2006-11-20 05:47, Saphion wrote:
I really don't see this happening, unless they removed the voice chat from the Xbox 360 version.

Which is pretty unlikely.

As useless as it is from all the whiners i've seen about it? Hah. Getting rid of that ridiculous feature would be a bonus to the 360 version.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Garnet_Moon on 2006-11-21 23:41 ]</font>

Nov 22, 2006, 02:57 AM
On 2006-11-21 19:43, FenixStryk wrote:

Since all 360s process at the exact same speed, everyone is even in this aspect, so the aforementioned scenario is not likely to happen. That is what I'm trying to get at.

You forget that not everyone has the same internet speed. Even though all the systems are equal internet is not. What happens when someone is using up lots of bandwidth d/ling something while playing. This will still cause them to lag. Seeing as there is frame skip on the PC nobody should be lagging due to a slow system since you can easily adjust your settings to make it run at an acceptable rate. So it doesn't really matter whether they are linked or not since people will lag on both ends anyways. Yes there maybe less on the 360 side since there won't be system slow down. Also alot of times it is server lag that prevents you from doing things such as switching weapons. Server lag can also happen on the 360.

Nov 22, 2006, 03:00 AM
Personally, I don't ever want to party with any of the children who run rampant on anything with "xbox" in the name. Once they get ahold of mommas credit card, they are like parasites. Seen the video with the kid playing counterstrike? LOL dayum. If I was that kids brother, or father, i'd most definately have showed him the water hose. The xbox breeds disrespectful, trash talking, foul mouthed hooligans, and I want nothing to do with them.

Oh, and the 360 can't handle simple lense flare effects... such a useless console. I want nothing to do with that gimp of a 'next gen' system. When/If PSU gets ported to the Wii, you better believe i'm jumping ship and joinin' that one. D:<

Nov 22, 2006, 09:49 AM
It's a rumor that's easily made up... so anyone could have started that...

...but I reckon it isn't possible at this moment in time, BUT, I reckon ST are looking into it...

Nov 22, 2006, 12:46 PM
Haha, this slowly turned into a "xbox sucks" thread. Some people are so pathetic. Is it that much of a stretch to enjoy all consoles and what they offer? Whether you own them or not. Then again I suppose its easier to sleep at night if you bash the consoles you dont own, that way you don't feel like your missing out on anything for not owning them.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: McFresh_Bot on 2006-11-22 09:46 ]</font>

Nov 22, 2006, 12:51 PM
On 2006-11-20 05:40, Zabot wrote:
I heard that sonic team is thinking of linking the servers on all of the systems. not just to gain more people, but because they want everyone to have EXACTLY that same thing or something like that. just heard it, might not be likely, but look how many things started as "rumors" and are now true. just bringing it out for everyone. i think it would be nice, then i could play with my GF without having to buy a PS2


I asked a GM this and he said there is no plan to do this. So rumor squashed.

Nov 22, 2006, 12:53 PM
...Because GMs always know everything about the games.

Of course, it's an impossibility to happen, anyway.

Nov 22, 2006, 12:55 PM
I seriously think they would be nuts to try it, linking all they've done up to no? Ages opf maintenance, no way ;(

Nov 22, 2006, 01:00 PM
I don't get why it's such a big deal. I meanm we played with PC, GC and DC people on Ep 1 and 2.