View Full Version : Damn Hildetorr...

Nov 21, 2002, 10:31 AM
I've seen two of these so far. (never saw one on DC) My first encounter was easy on me, since I had vulcans and manage get the jump on it as soon as it jumped into the screen. My second encounter was more painful...

I was doing solo HS (Ever since I obtained a RED PARTISAN & God/Battle, I've been cocky), and I got to the part when 3 Hildelt normally jump out. I got 2 Hildelts and one Hildetorr. It wasn't a good situation. The Hildelts shocked me and the Hildetorr Megided me to death... Lost 2 scape dolls and got sent to the Hospital.

Hildetorr: 3; HUnewearl: 0

Round 4 - Since it was online, the enemies don't reset. So, the 3 Hildes are waiting for me... Then, I remember I'm a HUnewearl. I put away my RED PARTISAN and start casting gizonde like mad. It did about 74 damage per hit to the Hildelts, but, seeing as how it kept them from attacking me, I just kept at it. Eventually, the 2 Hildelts were dead; now for the Hildetorr.

I switch to Zonde, and it did about 24 damage per hit. I really didn't feel like testing out my EDK against its Megid again, so I kept at it... until I was low on fluids. So, it's one-on-one. Hildetorr with his super stats and super Megid vs. a HUnewearl and her RED PARTISAN. I cast Jellen/Zalure on it, it knocks me down with one hit. I heal, and hit him once, and it knocks me down with one hit again. Cycle repeats until one round I had to use my final Difluid and it kills me, again...

Hildetorr: 4; HUnewearl: 0

Round 5 - I dare not go off at a distance since it'll then use Megid, so I countinue exchaging hits with it, until, eventually, it falls.

Hildetorr: 4; Hunewearl: 1

It didn't drop a magic rock, and for all I care, it can keep the damn thing. I'll be happy if I never see another one of those damn things again.

BTW, what does the magic rock it drops do, anyway?