View Full Version : Ranger Soloing - Early/Mid-levels

Nov 23, 2006, 02:52 AM
I took Hunter to 25, and got a bit bored with it.

So I farmed some money, bought some really new newbie gear for my Cast Ranger, and I leveled it to 7 so far.

Are there any places that would quickly take me to 10+ solo? I'm trying to avoid spamming unsafe passage runs like I did on Hunter.

Also, at what level do people stop being dicks about you being "low level" in C rank dragon runs? >.>

Because I basically gave up on parties when I'd take a character that was more than a few levels lower than they'd have prefered, and I get booted. -.-

Nov 23, 2006, 03:58 AM
Then you play with a lot of dicks (pun not intened).

Well, Moatoob is great for some 'easy' XP, but more or less cash. Also, if you keep getting booted, make a team and wait for people to join.