View Full Version : Kubara Wood

Nov 24, 2006, 02:51 AM
I heard you can sub in Kunara wood in synthing, is that true and how do I do it?

Nov 24, 2006, 04:14 AM
my feeble minded freind iv heard of no such thing n il bet my pack of smokes you cant just solo some ez missions they pop up like crack heads on hullet street (inside joke)

Nov 24, 2006, 04:50 AM
You can only "sub in" different ingredients if there's a ??? listed where the ingredient would go. If there's a particular ingredient listed, then you have to use that ingredient period.

Online, I've yet to see a board that had ??? for anything except photons.

Offline, I've seen boards with ??? in various places, including where the wood goes. However, I've never tried putting Kubara Wood in since, unlike online, Kubara Wood is actually kinda rare offline. I've also gotten the end result of a synth to change when I used Im-photons or El-photons rather than plain or elemental photons, which I've never seen happen for online synths. So, it's likely that subbing mats for anything other than photons may not be an online feature.

Nov 24, 2006, 10:09 AM
I think it is true, I dunno where these guys are getting their info. To the best of my knowledge "subbing in" Kubara wood gives you a chance to get a variety of weapons (possibly 1 or 2*'s higher then you're synth board) I think I got this info reading about some Ranger who synthesized the first gun of some ungodly strenght on these forums using the Kubara wood technique..

Nov 24, 2006, 10:49 AM
I will be fully confident in saying ONLINE you CANNOT sub-in Kubara wood for another kind of wood.

Nov 24, 2006, 10:50 AM
All the bullshit aside (why has'nt itsuki answered this thread?)

You can only replace the wood with kubara wood on certain weapons that are 6* or 8*. You'l get a "kubara" version of that weapons instead of the usuall one. The kubara versions looks pretty much the same, but has different stats depending on what type of weapon that it is.

Synth chances will also usually lower unless you have a unfed PM, due to the fact that kubara weapons have fixed synthesis precentages (only raised by using neutral photon instead of elemental)

People get their info from either JPSU, or from synthing the 6* neudaiz weapon boards dropped from the A-missions. I'm pretty sure some people already has synthed a few kubara weapons. (just because Ebons are hell to get anyways)

Nov 24, 2006, 08:47 PM
ok, thanks for the more useful replies... Its just that I have all this kubara wood lying around and I was kinda happy about that chance to maybe use some of it... Oh well.

Nov 24, 2006, 09:40 PM
Yeah its any 6* or 8* weapon boards that you can sub in Kubara wood. It will give you a weapon that tends to have rather vastly different stats from the regular version, and for the 6* versions they are black in color (as opposed to the normal purple for 6*). I have the kubara variants of the yohmei handgun and yohmei rifles (Pistatorec and Raihoc respectively) as well as the bow variant (Alteric). My normal success % on a 6* is 75%, which drops down to 58% for the kubara mod (85 ranged on my PM, GH 430).

In my experience kubara weapons seem to cover a weakness that the particular class who would be using the weapon might have. For instance on my kubara guns both have less ATA than even the 5* variety (though not by much) and less PP, however they have a fairly well enhanced ATP stat (which could be considered the rangers weakness). The bow on the other hand has a very nice ATA stat, with a lower ATP stat which actually becomes higher as well with grinding. Kubara weapons also grind very well, and get a very large bonus on the last grind.

To be honest I don't really think they're particularly better than the normal variety weapons, it honestly comes out about even IMO in most cases. For me its more of a style thing, the black rifles just look so awesome but they aren't really much better than my burzaihohs untill I'd get them grinded as well (and I don't really have the guts to do that yet, at least not untill I'd craft another rifle). I can't make much comparison for the handgun though since I didn't use handguns untill I got that one, however it does perform very well I think. I'd venture that I'd prefer the kubara even so due to the enhanced ATP which handguns could really use.

Nov 25, 2006, 04:04 AM
hwhere cn you find those things offline anyway? never found one :/

Nov 25, 2006, 06:21 AM
Dusk21 wrote[/b]:
Yeah its 6* and 8* ranged boards that you can sub in Kubara wood.