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View Full Version : De Ragen's Tail

Nov 26, 2006, 03:39 AM
Anyone know what u get this item off of and what mission and rank it is, me and my buddy have been trying to get it for a few days now.

Nov 26, 2006, 03:47 AM
Plains Overlord in Parum. I've seen it drop twice now in C rank out of maybe 100 runs, so your chances are fairly low in C rank, though I'm sure it gets better in B and A. It drops either from De Ragan or from one of the boxes.

Nov 26, 2006, 03:49 AM
Ive got 2 off B rank ... I dont think it drops off de ragan though wallin only in boxes Ive heard about. Other bosses Do seem to drop things though.

Nov 26, 2006, 04:05 AM
My fear is that us offline extra mode folks will be cut off from alot of the boss drops due to no boxes being dropped after bosses. Something i do miss from pso offline.

Nov 26, 2006, 06:16 AM
Eh, its used for making the room deco, which you get in extra for ranking in S to begin with. So it's not a real loss.

Nov 26, 2006, 08:09 AM
it drops from the boxes after you kill dderegan, since bosses don't drop items, and only boxes appear, the boxes are the "boss drop"

Nov 26, 2006, 11:11 AM
Well the guy above was talking about extra mode I believe. Those rare items are gained from getting a S rank on that mission.

Which to be honest is a hell of a lot easier then online mode. You get the room decor just getting S rank on De Ragon.. easy. For online you need like 2-3 tails which are rare, rare drops. Then hope your 65% chance of making the item works, or you're back to getting the items again.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Arieta on 2006-11-26 08:12 ]</font>

Nov 26, 2006, 11:37 AM
While playing extra mode last night,my beast female hunter got a weapon off one of those three big bat things you fight at the end of the 1st mission on neizbua.It was called a karuba bow(well the bow was made by karuba but was named after the bat thing itself) made from it's wing.It even looks like a bat wing bow.and it's powerful and will ko most enemies in a few hits,depending on where you fight them.What surprised me was finding a complete enemy weapon vs just a enemy body part to use to make the weapon,i never would have guessed you could get a completed weapon made from a enemy off a enemy.I did't use the word rare to discribe this weapon because i don't know if it would be considered a rare weapon drop or not but i can tell you i'm sure not complaning about it cause it fits my character perfectly.BTW is this considered a good find?

Nov 26, 2006, 05:32 PM
De Ragan tails are rare? Crazy, I must be lucky. I've found three so far but I accidentally sold one.

Nov 26, 2006, 07:46 PM
I've gotten two on C rank(nobody had any luck by the way) in the same day.I think all rare drops drop around the same time.Because when I seen rappys a few seconds later I seen a bunch of other people saying they saw them too(same with the tails).

O yeah, You can buy them at player shops if you really want one.They mostly go for 13, 15 or 20,000.I would hook you up with like 2 but I'm banned right now.

CAN ANYBODY GIVE ME A NUMBER TO CALL SO THAT I CAN TALK TO SOMEBODY WHO CAN HELP ME GET BACK ON? I was banned because they thought I was somebody else who hacked blue burst.The thing is I never played blue burst lmao at sega.

Nov 28, 2006, 01:11 PM



Nov 28, 2006, 04:57 PM
I just got my first one last night! It was a solo CRank run....

And it's used to synth a room decor, not a weapon as I thought...

Nov 28, 2006, 05:36 PM
Try seaching the shops for it. But be warned, its a hella lot of meseta to pay.

Nov 28, 2006, 06:14 PM
On 2006-11-26 16:46, DA_SHIZZLE_IG wrote:
CAN ANYBODY GIVE ME A NUMBER TO CALL SO THAT I CAN TALK TO SOMEBODY WHO CAN HELP ME GET BACK ON? I was banned because they thought I was somebody else who hacked blue burst.The thing is I never played blue burst lmao at sega.No, it's because you're a member of Nugz's forum, and I hope you stay banned, cheating scum.

Nov 28, 2006, 07:14 PM
Let's keep the discussion related to the De Ragan's tail.

Nov 28, 2006, 08:58 PM
I fount 3 of them in the past 2 days, 2 from solo C De Ragan runs 1 from a group B run (didn't get to keep it though). I didn't know the dragon itself dropped stuff, to think I might have missed a few http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Nov 28, 2006, 10:47 PM
Yes ma'am, sorry.

On topic, I find it outrageous the prices some people charge for this thing. It makes a freaking room decoration, people; it's not worth 15/20/50k.

Nov 28, 2006, 10:53 PM
On 2006-11-28 19:47, Remedy wrote:
Yes ma'am, sorry.

On topic, I find it outrageous the prices some people charge for this thing. It makes a freaking room decoration, people; it's not worth 15/20/50k.

There's a secret organization that tries to make a whip out of one hundred tails. Uh, maybe not.

Inflation? Lack of supply? Not enough demand? No one knows the reason, yet it exists to stay above the prices of Copernia, a so much more (in somewhat reality) worthful material to be bought.

Nov 28, 2006, 10:56 PM
I did a solo Mission of Rank C on the Param lvl with D. Ragon and got it in a box.

Nov 29, 2006, 01:54 AM
i got 3 all on c rank 1 with one char and 2 with my other one. I got the last 2 in 5 runs lmao. all with no luck btw