View Full Version : Does this Happen to U @ Gamestop?

Nov 22, 2002, 06:16 AM
Is it the same at every Gamestop? Can it be even worse? What the hell am I talking about?

Gamestop Employees... I live in Los Angeles County in beautiful Southern California and I requent Gamestops all the time. With the exception of the La Mirada Gamestop (because they're down for their crown), all the other GSes are employeed with IDIOTS. I go in there around October 19th and ask about a Broadband Adapter for the Gamecube, the guy behind the counter says there's no such thing. I'm ok... I'll ignore this, so I leave. I visit another GS, and find and purchase the last BBA for Gamecube. Cool, score 1 for me, 0 for Gamestop.

Round 2... well, not really, just example Numero DOS!
We'll call this Quad Gamestop... I go strolling in like nobody's business. "Hey, when does the PSO Strategy Guide come out? And my friend needs a BBA, do you guys got any?" Here it comes folks...

"Phantasy Star Online for Gamecube has been discontinued along with the BBA. As for the Strategy Guide, since the game was discontinued, the guide will never be released." The whole time I'm shaking my head. Granted, these were the same people who were telling customers not to buy Resident Evil for Gamecube because all the screen shots in magazines were FMV pictures and none gameplay.

Me 2... LameStop 0

I just want to know... is this the case around the Country? And why in the hell can't I score at job at Gamestop. I've been playing games back when people were ashamed to admit they like games... granted I was like 5 the NES came out.

Nov 22, 2002, 01:12 PM
Yea, they're a little ill-informed. I've only been to a Gamestop store twice, so maybe it's only a coincidence. But...

When I bought GC PSO, the guy tried telling me that a new version was being released. He was getting the JP and US versions mixed up, so the manager came over and straightened that out. I figured the manager knew what he was talking about, so I asked him about BbA's. He said they were discontinured. Uh, wha? I know that didn't make sense and brushed it off.

I ran into one decent employee, though. While I was waiting in line, she was working behind the counter and dealing with customers. Off to the side of the counter there was this 40+ year old guy that kept whispering at her for her phone number. She got tired of it and gave her number to him. When I got to the counter, she told me he'll be surprised when he calls and gets the Pizza Hut next door.

Nov 22, 2002, 01:33 PM
Come to the local Wal-mart here sometime.
They have no idea what a modem is.
And they wonder why SOCOM sits on the shelves collecting dust.

But I used to love Gamestop. I for a long time, preferred it over EB. But many things have changed my perception of it.
I got the "Discontinued, but they're doing a last run of games and modems and we should get them in Febuary."
o_o; What?
The only place that got a load of modems and games around here seemed to be Richmond.
I also get this response at Gamestop:
[me] "How is this game?"
[clerk] "I dunno, I don't play games"
[me] "How is this anime?"
[clerk] "I dunno, I don't watch anime"

umm then why do you work there?
I know next to nothing about cars and you don't see me working at Pep Boys changing oil do you?
FU > Gamestop
Guess I'll just shop off evil ebay from now on. I got PSO for 37 Bucks on there.

Nov 22, 2002, 01:53 PM
Two of the GameStops around me have great employees, the other one I haven't been to so I don't know. The one that I frequent the most these days is run by a cute gamer chick and she knows her stuff. The one at the mall is where some of my friends work and you better beleive they got their info straight.

Nov 22, 2002, 03:19 PM
man i called EVERY place around here looking for a BBA and all but the quad Gamestop said that they were discontinued. and they wouldnt accept me telling them it wasnt...

Nov 22, 2002, 04:27 PM
That's what ours keep saying too. I'm beginning to think they're just holding them back waiting for sales of the modem to putter out then suddenly say 'it's here!' in hopes of people buying both.

Nov 22, 2002, 04:47 PM
Around here, there used to be some real stooges working for the local Babbage's(owned by Gamestop I beleive).

They'd all stand, three guys working at once, behind the counter laughing and joking, only to ask someone if they needed any help if they had been looking around for 5-10 minutes.

Common sense: If I've been here this long and did'nt talk to you, chances are I'm browsing and don't need your help.

If you go in during day hours around here, I'd say about 1pm, you get some nice guys. One guy and his buddy did'nt have the "I'm 28 and working in a Gamestop, I'm |337 and you're not, so I'm going to intimidate you" vibe, they were a great help.

I asked about Steel Battalion, since I wasn't sure what day it was, and asked if I could order it through them. The guy said yeah I could, but I had him check to make sure it wasn't already released on the 19th, to which he checked the comp and it was already released. Which is fine, atleast he did'nt say "No, we can't" so he would'nt have to do anything.

The problem used to be that they'd hire local idiots that knew nothing about gaming in the first place, and there'd only ever be one employee you could count on.

Recently there have been some good gamers getting jobs there, which is great. They need people who keep up with the industry and know what they're talking about. =)

Nov 22, 2002, 09:21 PM
fagstop sucks i only go there if i need to and thats rarely... since we have 2 gamestops in the mall one if btter than the other so when dreamcast came out i trades a whole bunch of thigns i didn't need and when i go back to get it they jipped me for 40$ stupid employee forgot to put it in the computer so i had to pay extra 40$ the other gamestop is so much better ... this shows u don't hire old ass people to work for games stop who worship the xbox.. or somethign like that

Ian D
Nov 23, 2002, 12:14 AM
I must be lucky, I don't have a Gamestop around where I live. I do have old ladies working in Wal-Mart though... it was kind of funny.

Me: "Do you have Phantasy Star Online?"
Clerk: "Who?"