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View Full Version : Aborting mid-mission for friends - please reconsider

Nov 27, 2006, 07:54 PM
Over the holiday weekend I played a lot of PSU, and an annoying practice has started up. This is not another force-healbot thread, so don't worry.

I'd party with lots of hunters on Moatoob, being the only force in the group. Several times, I'd be kicked or the mission would be restarted before completion to accommodate someone else's friend.

This isn't just annoying for Forces and Rangers, it's expensive. Being an active force on a Rank A mission is not a cheap proposition, easily costing 400-700 meseta per charge for someone with decent gear. Sometimes if we're underleveled I may need to do this 2-4 times in a mission.

I'm okay with this, but when people kick me as a joke or to make room for a friend, or when people restart a mission so that their other hunter friends can get an S-rank as well, it's very costly. Please, please, please think twice about it before doing this.

Nov 27, 2006, 07:56 PM
Make your own parties?


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Garnet_Moon on 2006-11-27 16:56 ]</font>

Nov 27, 2006, 07:57 PM
Never ran into that before.

But yeah, making your own party is the only real solution I see.

Nov 27, 2006, 07:57 PM
make your own party?...

Nov 27, 2006, 07:58 PM
lol I do it all the time, I will even abandon a mission if we are like at the booss and my friend wants to go run a mission.

Nov 27, 2006, 07:59 PM
Your PP refills are way overinflated. At worst mine is like 500 or so if I have to refill ALL my staves.

Nov 27, 2006, 08:00 PM
i think its time you find some solid players to play with. That way you wont have that problem anymore.

Nov 27, 2006, 08:00 PM
Oh, Geno? I just boot everybody when I get to a boss fight. They are just leeching off my Hunters power anyway.

"Heal yourself. I'm a Force, not a WHM."

Heal myself indeed. *boots everybody, gets Me/Quick, and then NPC's it for the hell of it on a live webcam*

Nov 27, 2006, 08:01 PM
Meh. Blackmail those kickers. Wait till they come out then get em~

Never would like to deal with someone who does that.

Nov 27, 2006, 08:02 PM
On 2006-11-27 16:59, Xbob wrote:
Your PP refills are way overinflated. At worst mine is like 500 or so if I have to refill ALL my staves.

No hes not, on A rank Motoob i had to refill 5 hijirods and it cost me about 1050.

Nov 27, 2006, 08:02 PM
On 2006-11-27 17:00, Garnet_Moon wrote:
Oh, Geno? I just boot everybody when I get to a boss fight. They are just leeching off my Hunters power anyway.

"Heal yourself. I'm a Force, not a WHM."

Heal myself indeed. *boots everybody, gets Me/Quick, and then NPC's it for the hell of it on a live webcam*

your one to talk

Nov 27, 2006, 08:04 PM
On 2006-11-27 16:59, Xbob wrote:
Your PP refills are way overinflated. At worst mine is like 500 or so if I have to refill ALL my staves.

2 Hajirods with 5 grinds do not refill cheaply. Nor do my 2 4-grind Septaras. If we're using bows, that's more. Like I said, those numbers are when we are underleveled. And even if you're lucky and have a 500m bill, doing that 2.5 times in a mission without finishing it is a nice way to lose money rapidly.

But everyone saying "Make your own party" needs to keep in mind that doesn't solve the problem. Hunters can abandon a group prematurely for the lamest of reasons. Rangers and Forces almost never do.

Nov 27, 2006, 08:05 PM
Considering that is the only place you need to recharge heavily if the party sucks, Num, I don't think it's a valid range to list.

And the OP is lv31. Like hell he's going anywhere near Dimmagolus A runs. There ain't anything causing him to constantly recharge his rods unless he's blinder than a Beast and can't hit shit with his spells, or he's needlessly spamming.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Garnet_Moon on 2006-11-27 17:06 ]</font>

Nov 27, 2006, 08:06 PM
On 2006-11-27 16:58, Genobee wrote:
lol I do it all the time, I will even abandon a mission if we are like at the booss and my friend wants to go run a mission.

Yeah, but everyone who isn't a hunter knows you're a horrible person to party with already.

It's not like anyone reads your post and says, "Wait! A fine, upstanding player like Genobee does it? Then it must be okay!"

Nov 27, 2006, 08:08 PM
to tell you the truth, Who cares, it's happens, move on

Nov 27, 2006, 08:09 PM
On 2006-11-27 17:05, Garnet_Moon wrote:

And the OP is lv31. Like hell he's going anywhere near Dimmagolus A runs. There ain't anything causing him to constantly recharge his rods unless he's blinder than a Beast and can't hit shit with his spells, or he's needlessly spamming.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Garnet_Moon on 2006-11-27 17:06 ]</font>

Wasn't updated after thursday. I am level 40 now. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif See, I managed to find some people to group with that were not complete jerks.

Nov 27, 2006, 08:11 PM
On 2006-11-27 17:06, KirinDave wrote:

On 2006-11-27 16:58, Genobee wrote:
lol I do it all the time, I will even abandon a mission if we are like at the booss and my friend wants to go run a mission.

Yeah, but everyone who isn't a hunter knows you're a horrible person to party with already.

It's not like anyone reads your post and says, "Wait! A fine, upstanding player like Genobee does it? Then it must be okay!"

lawl~ You're the first guy I know who does that, Genobee. cannot wait at least after the run?

Nov 27, 2006, 08:13 PM
Refills... most i've had is 775+ which still isn't that bad considering the pay out you get from just picking up stuff in the run alone. Most i can tell ya is lvl with friends and put the basic rule 5 minute or less and restart after that finish the darn thing xD.

Nov 27, 2006, 08:15 PM
On 2006-11-27 17:08, Genobee wrote:
to tell you the truth, Who cares, it's happens, move on

I'm bringing it up because when I explained it to some hunters, they said, "Oh. Wow, I didn't know you were spending that much." Some people don't realize how much more the basic costs of grouping are for Ranger and Force.

Nov 27, 2006, 08:22 PM
XD ill drop a mission for friends if the other people in the party are okay with it, sure i used PP but i used it to kill monsters and get EXP, so its not like it was wasted XP

Nov 27, 2006, 08:31 PM
Usually I drop missions like 1 minute into the game if a friend or friend of friends wants to join ONLY with permission from the group since I like democracy and let the team vote on it. But when we are like almost halfway or more, they wait till we are done UNLESS we're in dying need of help.

I'm a force of course and it costs me about 600-900m per runs in Temple A with 4 canes , 2 rods.

My reasons for spending so much is that I nuke zonde and razonde alot as well as keeping eyes on everyone's status.

but yea kirin. You needa start making friends. The more friends and cards you have, the less chance someone would automatically kick you.

Nov 27, 2006, 08:38 PM
You guys use your rods way too much, quit trying to do all the damage, it just costs you money. In those sorts of missions focus on healing and getting your one-two hits in on each enemy. Focusing on trying to actually kill everything is going to run your bill up.

Nov 27, 2006, 08:40 PM
On 2006-11-27 17:38, Xbob wrote:
You guys use your rods way too much, quit trying to do all the damage, it just costs you money. In those sorts of missions focus on healing and getting your one-two hits in on each enemy. Focusing on trying to actually kill everything is going to run your bill up.

~Frontline Force here. Nothing more, nothing less ;p

Nov 27, 2006, 08:43 PM
On 2006-11-27 17:38, Xbob wrote:
You guys use your rods way too much, quit trying to do all the damage, it just costs you money. In those sorts of missions focus on healing and getting your one-two hits in on each enemy. Focusing on trying to actually kill everything is going to run your bill up.

Like Temple A? Or desert runs? If I am not spamming Razonde like a freakin' Tesla Coil, people yell that I'm not doing my job. And especially on temple, you'd have to be pretty crazy to disagree.

If it makes you feel any better about my attention to this kind of detail, against the newman foes in Temple I have C-rank spear I've ground. It's about as effective as a board with a rusty nail in it, but it's damage and interruption on the healers.

Nov 27, 2006, 08:43 PM
On 2006-11-27 17:38, Xbob wrote:
You guys use your rods way too much, quit trying to do all the damage, it just costs you money. In those sorts of missions focus on healing and getting your one-two hits in on each enemy. Focusing on trying to actually kill everything is going to run your bill up.

When your party is filled with lvl: 40+ and they know how to do the roles and rarly ever need heals (long as they stick with the team and don't go chuck norris soloing), then you rarly ever have to heal. Thus just pump out more damage. Not to mention if were not attacking were not lvling our techs so in theory we just can't tag we gotta help crush.

Nov 27, 2006, 10:15 PM
This happened to me too... I was partied with a Male Beast Hunter named Geogomaru, and he did this to me. At first I was party leader, but he had more luck than I at the time, so he asked me to give him the leadership. I did. We did the Relics on Parum, and when we got to the mini boss (big knight thing) he kicked me out of the mission. Mind you, I said abosolutely nothing offensive, nor did I scrounge up all the drops (I was using my a ranger... I normally stay back...). Hopefully this doesn't start to happen often....

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Flamingo99 on 2006-11-27 19:16 ]</font>

Nov 27, 2006, 10:18 PM
On 2006-11-27 16:54, KirinDave wrote:

This isn't just annoying for Forces and Rangers, it's expensive. Being an active force on a Rank A mission is not a cheap proposition,

Yes it is.

In other news, get some friends of your own to play with, Mr. Charisma.

Nov 27, 2006, 11:40 PM
Hmm people telling forces to do less dps and sitback and heal :/

Thats so lame, I do more dps than most hunters and rangers. Sure I have a high bill. Each recharge is abot 800 meseta but thats the cost of doing all the damage and healing you guys, its also how you lvl your skilsl.

force skills take forever to level.

Your asking the same thing as asking a ranger to take off his shots, or a hunter to not use PA's because it raises there bill. Infact hunters dont use PA nearly enough from what I can tell and thus one of the reasons I am stuck spamming spells to get us thru a mission in a decent time. I am also not a force that spams my low lvl spell that I need to lvl (like zonde) I will use my strongest spells for the situation even if they are max lvl already (diga, fli, radiga ect) because I am there for the group, not myself.

If everybody focused on team play more when in a team and not indidual needs you would be alot more efficant and things would work better.

Nov 27, 2006, 11:59 PM
And we fall back onto "Should force heal or deal damage" yet again...

Aside from the given, you could always try grinding 3* staves and wands all the way to hell, and have them in twice the number. If my rifles tell me anything, a recharge for 8 Cs is still less than 4 Bs.