View Full Version : GH 430,440 ,450 quetion.

Nov 28, 2006, 10:45 PM
GH 430,440 are ranger, Do they have to get close to the enemy to attack?
Do they attack at owner front or back?
In term of damage, I test in offline mode which give result that GH 450 hit enemy with incredible damage with Lv30 tech. However, techniques in offline mode and much more stronger than online mode. So, in online mode GH 430,440,450 which one can make the most damage to enemy?

In addition, I'm FO, and I plans to play solo with Hunter NPC(I can get this from next patch) and 1 PM which couldn't decide. (GH 410,420 may good but I don't want to synthesis sword, 440 at least can synthesis armor, 450 can synthesis wand) I want 1 PM to help me kill enemy faster.

Nov 28, 2006, 11:37 PM
Online 450 is very different from offline. She's basically only useful for healing, and at the moment she doesn't heal at all. Apparently Sega may fix this in the future. But her damage isn't high at all.

I have a 420 on my force and her damage is decent. The problem is she's not aggressive enough. Often you need to stand close to the monsters to get her to attack them. I hear the 410's damage is better.

Those are the only 2 PM's I have a good amount of experience with.

Nov 29, 2006, 03:26 AM
because as a Force, I may need to step back to cast technigues from rank. Will PM 410,420,430 still attacking enemy? or she will run back to my side like maya.

Nov 29, 2006, 03:56 AM
For now, she'll run back to your side. I own a 410 and a 430, and they both stick tight to their respective characters (actually, the 430 stays close to the biggest mass of characters in her party). The 420 exhibits the same behavior, from what I've witnessed.

If you want to solo now, your best bet might be the 440 (from what I've seen). They're set default to Independant, so they wander around shooting stuff on their own, and they draw a LOT of monster aggro thanks to their shotguns. You'll have to work to keep them healed in the higher ranks, but that'll be for the best overall.

If I'd've more carefully considered my PMs, I would have given my Beast (prospective) fortefighter the 430 and my Human (going to be) wartecher the 440. Gah. I have to carry stars anyway, and I don't mind her drawing a lot of aggro to keep the heat off me, but it means that more often than not in solo I'M following HER around to keep her out of trouble and be in Star range should worst come to past.

Wouldn't be a big problem for a techer, though.

However, if you're willing to wait until the alternate PMs come out (412, that sort of thing) where you can set the PM's AI to what you want (or at least, so I hear), then a 410 would probably be your best bet - with the swords, she attacks a lot of monsters at a very good ATP rating. And at higher combat ratings, she's AGGRESSIVE and powerful.

You can always make a Cast character and give him or her the 450 for synthing wands, after all. That way the Cast will at least have something that'll heal for solo missions (once they fix her that is). And some of the cast girls look quite stylish.

Though I must say this: After seeing a 450 in combat, I wants one for no better reason than they're adorable. Evil lolitas are great. XD "Die!" "Suffer!"

Nov 29, 2006, 10:02 AM
the alternative PMs have set AI, but u can choose which one u want depend on weapon/AI
for example, the 41x series (taken from PSUpedia):
410- Close to owner/ Swords
411- Close to owner/ Swords
412- Independent/ Sabers
413- Sticks to Group/ Daggers
414- Agressive/ Double Sabers

Nov 29, 2006, 10:31 AM
If you really want to have an aggro PM then wait for the specifications, GH4xx as written by Freedom.

Nov 29, 2006, 12:12 PM
In PSUpedia, GH 440 - Calulating (what is calulating?)
GH 420 is independant, so what you said should be 420 isn't it?

Edit: it is really independant ? mean no need to stay close to her? eg. as Fo, a little far to cast Ra tech.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Arika on 2006-11-29 09:17 ]</font>