View Full Version : Guide: Player Shop Etiquette

Dec 1, 2006, 07:40 PM
Alright, humor me in this as this is my first post. Having spent some time shopping for items to synth with, it occured to me that there are several faux pas that Players commit running their shops. I want to go over those, in an attempt to improve all of our PSU shopping experiences. If you are guilty of any of the following... for the love of god, change your ways.

1) Research your prices!

If you're item costs more than the NPC vendor, I won't buy it and precious few others will too. Really, if you're charging more than 1,200 meseta for say Marseline, I won't even look at it.

2) Monomate Boards

Come on people, really. We all get them, and nobody needs them. What I do need from time to time is cheap monomates for consumption. Nothing wastes time more than running through shop after shop only to find more boards. This really can apply to all common healing boards be it monomate, dimate, trimate, agtaride, zodiaride, antimate, moon atomiser etc... remember, the materials cost more than the items (ie. Hustle Berry) so there is no value in the boards... just wasted time

3) "Elite" items. GTFO.

I don't care. I don't care if you have a piece of Mot Ash, that isn't special or interesting. Do not price items for 99999999999 or 13371337, because obviously nobody wants it at that price, and nobody cares. Guess what? I don't even care if you have a Crea Saber... do not put it up for some ridiculous multi million meseta price. You're just wasting time, and I won't shop from you.

4) Common dropped weapons

Dual Pallasch, 23% Ice Daggers... don't even bother, again just wasting our time. Weapons that are common drops show up when we search for these things, and there is nothing more frustrating when your shopping for a pair of say Light Dual Pallash, only to find 100 regular varieties at full cost. If you are going to put these up, consider that tonnes of people are selling these junk items. Put them up for a dirt cheap price, and at least I can feed it to a striking PM, I dunno.

5) Lastly, be reasonable.

If and item costs 800 meseta at the NPC shop, and you sell it for 799 - guess what, you can go f%&k yourself cause the NPC vendor will get my business. Try to be at LEAST 10% of vendor costs. People that regularly get my hard earned meseta are generally in the 25 - 75% range depending on supply availability and demand. Anything more has to be justified by say a high element on weapons, or grinds etc... stuff that sets it aside from NPC vendor prices.

Anyway... rant off. You get the idea. Flame me all you want if you feel that I'm being unduly fair, but realize that we've all had these frustrations while using player shops. Let's try to be fair and equitable with one other, and not waste each others play time with the some of the nonesense above that occurs.

Take it easy.

Dec 1, 2006, 07:43 PM
::puts a notch on the wall, along with the other 30+ "shop rants calling themselves guides/suggestion" posts::

Dec 1, 2006, 07:54 PM
On 2006-12-01 16:40, Shoegaze wrote:
1) Research your prices!

If you're item costs more than the NPC vendor, I won't buy it and precious few others will too. Really, if you're charging more than 1,200 meseta for say Marseline, I won't even look at it.

2) Monomate Boards

Come on people, really. We all get them, and nobody needs them. What I do need from time to time is cheap monomates for consumption. Nothing wastes time more than running through shop after shop only to find more boards. This really can apply to all common healing boards be it monomate, dimate, trimate, agtaride, zodiaride, antimate, moon atomiser etc... remember, the materials cost more than the items (ie. Hustle Berry) so there is no value in the boards... just wasted time

3) "Elite" items. GTFO.

I don't care. I don't care if you have a piece of Mot Ash, that isn't special or interesting. Do not price items for 99999999999 or 13371337, because obviously nobody wants it at that price, and nobody cares. Guess what? I don't even care if you have a Crea Saber... do not put it up for some ridiculous multi million meseta price. You're just wasting time, and I won't shop from you.

I quoted the sections I wanted to touch on... ;3

1. Researching: It's true that some people do not research their prices but that's one reason why you can bargain with them in their store. It's best for you to research the ads and what they are stating first before you run into any random store with thats holding the item you want. That way, you can save time and effort before browsing through over-priced obsticles.

2.Boards: Sure some of these boards may seem very useless, but the boards such as the trides and buffs items are actually useful since you can make 10 of the single package of trides. These buffs are used commonly ingame when running in higher-ranked missions.

3.Elite items: Yes, these are very annoying when you are shopping around seeing continuous 99999999. But it's best to look into the ads before you shop there. Sometimes people would write in their ad. " Do not shop here, items here are only for storage." Other than that, it just means that they do not want to sell it at all and just want to show off.

Sometimes it can be very frustrating trying to look for cheap items, but you will get used to them.

When I shop for a certain item, I would enter a room, look into their PM, then quickly scroll down their list at the while trying to spot their price range. If after 3 seconds of scrolling i see too many things over 1k, I just exit and go to the next person. Simple as that~

gl~Happy shopping~ ;3

Dec 1, 2006, 07:58 PM
I agree with you on all of them, except 5 a little. As long as they don't go over the NPC price, I'm fine.

Also, I looked everywhere for Harnium, and everyone sells it for 150-250, while it sells at 100 from the Parum NPC...

Dec 1, 2006, 08:03 PM
Makes me wonder... When I sell things, how much should I sell them for? I figure something between NPC buying cost and NPC selling cost would be ideal, with the exception of items that are very rare. For sure, if I can buy the item I'm selling at an NPC, I'm going to sell it for for less than that NPC's cost. But items that can't be bought will be sold for any amount I can get away with.

Dec 1, 2006, 08:07 PM
On 2006-12-01 17:03, Zorafim wrote:
Makes me wonder... When I sell things, how much should I sell them for? I figure something between NPC buying cost and NPC selling cost would be ideal, with the exception of items that are very rare. For sure, if I can buy the item I'm selling at an NPC, I'm going to sell it for for less than that NPC's cost. But items that can't be bought will be sold for any amount I can get away with.

Use resources if you want the best price out of the item you are selling. That's the best tip I can give you.

Dec 1, 2006, 08:12 PM
See for this to be effective you have to post it here and at the official site and a psupedia and about 50 accounts that would find over priced shops and spamming various scripting like "Overpriced" , "No Taxation w/o Representation", random stuff like that. But then that would be violating some kind of TOS...maybe... be funny though.

Dec 1, 2006, 08:15 PM
On 2006-12-01 17:12, Pandatron wrote:
See for this to be effective you have to post it here and at the official site and a psupedia and about 50 accounts that would find over priced shops and spamming various scripting like "Overpriced" , "No Taxation w/o Representation", random stuff like that. But then that would be violating some kind of TOS...maybe... be funny though.

... Or maybe we could just sit in the person's room all day and night on his or her bed. ;3 Stalk~Stalk~stalk`...stalk..