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View Full Version : game move really slow

Dec 3, 2006, 05:59 AM
have any of u ever had the game move realy slow for u.
its like in pso. u have get 50 or 60 Htz

the one im playin for psu is feel like its moving at about 20-30.

is there some kinda seting i have wrong thats making it slow.

its coz iv decided that im unable to play it like thta. i just went though the part in story mode when u get the goggles. it just took me about 15 mins to get through the talking part of it
Mod edit: fix title.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Dhylec on 2006-12-03 11:41 ]</font>

Dec 3, 2006, 06:09 AM
Please aviod double posting / threading.

never the less, your question, i've heard that ps2 version gose slowly, (alough i own it, the only set back for me is when everyone dose a photon art).

it maybie your t.v. or the setting (50,60 htz) otherwsie i can't help you out, sorry.

Dec 3, 2006, 06:17 AM
its the pc version im playing. have checked that my monitor is at the highest refreash rate so it has nothin to do with monitor.

u dont know what i mean though by when i said slow. i ment this is reeeealy slow. unplayable slow

and i know not to double post. its just the computer kinda froze for a second causing it to b posted twice. btw u just posted twice lol

Dec 3, 2006, 06:20 AM
On 2006-12-03 03:09, curlack45 wrote:
Please aviod double posting / threading.

never the less, your question, i've heard that ps2 version gose slowly, (alough i own it, the only set back for me is when everyone dose a photon art).

it maybie your t.v. or the setting (50,60 htz) otherwsie i can't help you out, sorry.

On 2006-12-03 03:10, curlack45 wrote:
Please aviod double posting / threading.

never the less, your question, i've heard that ps2 version gose slowly, (alough i own it, the only set back for me is when everyone dose a photon art).

it maybie your t.v. or the setting (50,60 htz) otherwsie i can't help you out, sorry.

Ooooooh the irony, lol.

High slowdown usually means your computer is having a lot of difficulty running the game at your current settings. I'm not so sure of your specs, so I will suggest a few things to lower your slowdown.

In your Options menu:

Lower your screen resolution.
Disable Vsync.
Turn Post Effects off.
Switch from Normal to Compressed textures.
Change Frame Skip to 1 instead of 0.
Lower detail level, and distance needed to load objects.

Play around with these settings to suit your preference. Usually people cannot avoid slowdown while playing, but these options often times reduce the severity of slowdown.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Bleemo on 2006-12-03 03:20 ]</font>

Dec 3, 2006, 06:28 AM
i know =( i swear this thread is cursed, my computer froze and it posed 2 times http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif now i cant delete them.

Dec 3, 2006, 10:30 AM
frameskip 2 = godsent

Dec 3, 2006, 10:39 AM
^ "What Cry0 said. Go into Options once you start up the game from the small splash screen. From there, click the 'Custom' button under Graphics. Set Frameskip anywhere from 1 to 3. (Anything higher and the compensation is about comparable to the slowdown, imo.)

Dec 5, 2006, 10:44 AM
Ok well on the last update the patch messed up some computers graphics up for the game. On the 8th the new patch will fix it. Until then I turned off my post effects and everything runs "ok" had to turn down a few other things though. But post effects makes it run alot smoother. That is of course if ur using a computer.

Dec 5, 2006, 10:48 AM
totally off topic but my Laptop is a cheap POS, and i experianec heavy slow down on tree filled stages like parum. I already put the settings on the lowest detail is there anything else i can play around with? I dont mind playing without a background as long as i can play without the horrible slow mo.

Dec 5, 2006, 04:18 PM
Provided that you meet the recommended hardware reqs, you may be experiencing the problem with the last patch that people have been talking about.

My PC uses a 512mb X1800XT, 2gb corsair RAM and an AMD 4400+. After the update, Mad Creatures plays in slow motion in two spots: a) after breaking a set of haystacks, close to the end of block 2 and b) when leaving the refill cube on block 3. ;_;

I had heard that the last update broke Vsync ...which explains why I'm getting constant tearing in Parum. The same problem had supposedly also ocurred with jp players with this update. Luckily, the next patch is supposed to fix it. Can anyone verify?

PS: ...not sure if this is old news, but when I get hit by slowdown, going into the menu greatly reduces the effect. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Pure-chan on 2006-12-05 13:30 ]</font>

Dec 5, 2006, 04:36 PM
On 2006-12-03 07:30, Cry0 wrote:
frameskip 2 = godsent

Agreed. I was having trouble with PSU being slow on my PC, and I changed the frameskip to 2. Solved a majority of my problems right there.