View Full Version : Be a pal, and help me with my shop

Dec 5, 2006, 01:39 AM
I'm having trouble with my new shop. I think that the prices are pretty low (I compared) and I have some (at least a few) decent things, but I haven't really sold anything... What am I not getting? Please help... My psu (US 360 server) name is Patch. I appreciate your help.......

Dec 5, 2006, 02:01 AM
there is nothing to help you with really, make sure you have an ad, possibly go join the shop keeping guild for the 360, and if you want to invite people to buy stuff at your shop the trade section is where you need to post.

look in the pc/ps2 shopkeeper guild sticky for price list of the items so you can have the right prices. thats also where the 360 shop keeper guild is located as well.

Dec 5, 2006, 03:16 AM

The key is 'bait', I've found.

Items like Nanocarbons, Marseline, Upteline, Neu or Mot Ash (I've sold plenty of Par Ash as well), any of the harder-to-get (but only if you have them to spare) 7* and 8* synthing items like Kerseline and the Ebons. The nice thing about the Ashes is that if you have a ton of Wood, you can synth the Ash quite easily...

Other things are not so obvious bait, and some of them might be too expensive (like synthing Vullseyes or any 5* ranger or force weapons to get people in your shop), but some of the cheaper bait I've found are the 3* pistols and spears - particularly if the spears have good %s on them, or the guns are ground well (melee rangers use the spears, and both forces and hunters like the 3* guns). I've never failed to move a Twin Lockgun either, and the nice thing about those is that the board drops on Fight for Food A, and not infrequently either.

Moon Atomizers also sell, but they aren't really bait either; people looking for mag food will note that you sell Moons, remember your name, and head back there when they need 'em.

Inverter Circuits, and (moving up in rarity) Rappy Feathers work as bait too; I've considered placing my Meow Mustache, Rappy Landscape, or Relic Edge as bait too but held off because I think I might need those. Never put anything out you're not willing to sell.

Grinder bases can work as bait too, but it's hit and miss; B's move well, A's only move if you underprice them, and C's don't move at all. Better to use C's to grind your 3* bait.

Couple of things to remember:

1) NEVER EVER EVER EVER price a bait item over the NPC price. At all. People will come to your store, look at the item, and then leave if it's unreasonable. You want them to say, "Wow, this guy has nice deals. I wonder what else he has..." and shop more. Also, you want 'em to remember your name on future searches and WANT to come back when you restock, not ignore your name forever.

2) Try not to price something WILDLY under the accepted value unless it's an infrequently-wanted item. I was pricing Ashes at 750-800 and moving them fairly well; the Marseline I put out at 900 and 1000 sold out almost immediately; and Carbons at 2000 is about the accepted price. Keeps you from being scalped.

And now, and this is key for baiting:
3) Only put out a few of the bait items at a time. Just one or two nanocarbons. Just 2-3 Marselines. Just one Ebon or Kerseline or Rappy Feather or Inverter Circuit. You want to lure people in, not just give away all your inventory in one bite. ^_^

It's a bit cynical, but better than "Well, I'll just price these Nanocarbons at 3000 because people will buy them, yessiree!" Faugh. I'd rather take my hard-earned meseta OUT of the economy by going to the NPC than pay those clip artists. Even worse are the ones that charge 99999 or more. <_<

Dec 5, 2006, 09:03 AM
Sell things you'd want to buy! It does wonders for me.

Dec 5, 2006, 01:06 PM
PSOW has added a NPC-prices list, so base your prices off of that. If you want to, you could be cold and absolutely undercut other player shops by rediculous numbers...

But that's just bad business.